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    What a Week It Has Been

    What a week it has been. This is a bit dramatic but I am a different person today than I was on Sunday. Sunday I woke up at my parent’s house, spent a little while watching the dogs play, and tried to avoid getting in the way. I left their house a little before they did. I went to LC, they went to church. I did go to church but later that morning for late service. After church, a friend and I went to Red Wing and ran some errands. It was so fun. I love shopping with other people even if it is to find bolts at Menards and…

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    First Day!

    The first day back to school was a success as far as I can tell! I am the one at the beginning of the day who takes the kiddos temps. It went well! Some of them were a tad overwhelmed and concerned but we worked together as a staff to help them out and give them a place to feel welcomed and happy. Of course, it took time but we all got there 🙂 I am working full days this week with my office coworker on vacation. This first day has gone rather well! I ordered a transparent face shield I hope to come this week. I am not 100% sure…

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    I am finding it very hard to do my job well with a full heart. We are all split into groups and it seems if you are talking with someone who does not agree with you everything is wrong, anger inside boils, and people get hurt.  I believe that this virus exists. I am not saying it is a hoax. What I am saying is the fear that is going along with it is tearing everyone apart and it needs to stop. The numbers have been lies from the beginning. The “scientific facts” about it have changed as the months have gone by. What every site agrees with is it a…

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    This week in August

    It is really hot this week in August. I am not kidding. It is currently 6:30 am 72 but feels like 80. I have said it before and will continue to say it; I did not realize I moved so far south. Yesterday it was a solid 10 degrees difference from my parent’s place 1.5 hours north-east. I was going to be productive yesterday and do some yard work. That thought died quickly! I went to the garage and worked on a project…I was my own shower, the fans were going full blast, didn’t help. And now here we are again. Yesterday it got up to feeling like 100 when…

  • Vacation and Surprise!

    Vacation and Surprise!

    I went on a 9-day vacation and it was amazing!!! Ok so I was actually on vacation for 7 days but I stayed at my parents for two others soooo yea 9-day vacation sounds good 🙂 This year my mama rented a cabin on Indian Lake in Sugar Camp, WI. This was so absolutely amazing! We did lots of kayaking, games on the porch eating almost every meal on the porch, exploring islands in the lake, and just having an absolute ball! We went up to the UP for a day and visited lake Superior and the Porcupine Mountains (wow lots of hiking.) There are some gorgeous views but it…

  • summer sunsets

    I Pray

    God our Father, I come to you with a heavy heart, crying eyes and a confused mind. There has been so much this year. I have seen multiple things saying “if I go to sleep 2020 will have been a nightmare right?” “2020…but wait there’s more!” and others that are hard to place without context. I don’t know what to do anymore. You and I just spent some time together and you led me to writing this down. You know Lord that I just read something that shook me and rattled me harder than others have. I need to go to bed. God, I don’t know if I will wake…

  • Independence Day

    Independence Day

    This was supposed to go up a month ago…technology does not always work the way we would like it to. So here it is a tad bit late 🙂 Today is one of my favorite holidays. Sure it was always nice when it landed on a weekday but Saturday works too 🙂 Independence Day is a day filled with history, USA pride, family, cookouts, celebrations. Everyone celebrates differently. Some are snobs and don’t think today is a big deal (yes I know that was a smidge harsh but we are going with it). Then there are those who are on the lake…all day. Some sit by their grill surrounded by…

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    We are doing Great!

    I am doing great. Man the last time I said that was so long ago! But I am doing so much better! First My health has improved! I am not having panic attacks once a week. I am not having unbearable aches and pains with my stress AND I am actually happy most of the time! My smiles are real, my eyes are open and happy and I am humming 🙂 Second My insurance claim (which was opened in September 2019) is closed!! The past 10 months, have shown me to be patient and kind and to breathe. Third Business has picked up! I am getting calls and emails every…

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    Hello old Friends

    This winter, I sat down to write many times. I am still not 100% sure what I am going to say. But, I have a few minutes this morning so I thought I would write something. This winter was not good. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good. The storm, damage and dealing with everyone involved really messed me up. I don’t know how people who lose everything work with the people involved and keep their heads on. Maybe because they are older and wiser? Maybe because they already learned the gumption part needed? I don’t know but, what I do know is I have learned a LOT! I have…

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    Smoke Detector Story

    Here it is. The story you have been waiting for. February 9th-10th I was sleeping nicely. I had planned for this night to be a catch up from the previous weeks. The weeks were very rough with little sleep. That did not happen, nope, not a tall. So it is 1:30 in the morning and in my dream, there is a weird beeping. It was getting louder and consistent. I wake up, it was not a dream…the beeping is real, it is in the house. It takes me a second then I realize, the smoke detector is beeping. Oh but wait, there’s more. Two of them are beeping. I am…