Sunset and Football


To start off with, one of my super smart brothers is a distinguished scholar! We went up to the school he decided on for a distinguished scholars weekend. We got a tour of the campus, we got great food and we met some amazing people! WHAT A WEEKEND!

On our way back we hit bad weather. We thought it wouldn’t be bad and we would be alright and ahead of the worst of it…well the boys being the way they are decided to take back roads…which weren’t plowed well or at all for that matter. We quickly decided that we were going to stop for the night before things got worse. So we spent the night in a hotel. WHAT A WEEKEND!

When we got home Sunday late morning we got the mail. After we unpacked and settled in we started opening the mail. I was invited to join PTK honor society. This is an honors community that focuses on people in 2 year degree schools with a GPA of at least 3.5 and at least 12 completed associate degree credits. THAT’S ME! I was so excited and over joyed to be offered this. I accepted the honor and am officially a PTK member 🙂 This is very special to me because I haven’t had a lot of ‘rewards’ like this when it came to school. I wasn’t the best student and never got the best grades ever. Having the honor of being considered and invited to be a member of PTK is fantastic and wonderful and makes me happy and smiley 🙂 WHAT A WEEKEND!

The Lord is mighty in many ways.
The Lord is in control.
The Lord surprises you when you least expect it.

So yes, WHAT A WEEKEND it was indeed!

I was working on homework for my law class while my brother was in his interview and his admissions counselor was talking with my mom and myself. She mentioned to me that I must have found my niche. I was working on homework and talking to people at the same time (yes, I know it was rude but, I really wanted to work on my homework! People just kept talking to me). Last year was a big struggle for me. My grades were slacking I wasn’t interested with what I was doing. It all showed in my grades and conversations and experiences. If there is one thing that I learned it is that you need to keep going.

Life throws curve balls all the time. You think you have life under control and you
think you know what to do and where to go. That is when life and God hit you in the face. Life says “Hold up, wait a minute, gotta put some truth in it” and God says “Are you in control? I think not.”

From a very young age (fourth grade to be exact) I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be like my favorite teacher, I wanted to be like my aunt, I wanted to be like my grandma, I wanted to be like my cousin, I wanted to be like all the other relatives that I have who are in the ministry line of work. All of those that went to Martin Luther College. I wasn’t even there for two months and realized that wasn’t the place for me.

My advice to everyone, find your niche. It may take years, it may take days. When you do find it, you will know it, and everyone around you will see it too. They will see you more happy with the situation. They will see you more willing and eager to work on things related to the said niche.

God is great. God is powerful. God is here. God is in control.

I once had a friend who said they didn’t like the idea that God was in control and had a plan for them. They felt that it wasn’t their life. For those of you who feel this way, God is in control, and that is a good thing. Think about it. If God was NOT in control there would be total chaos. The devil would be in charge and there would be no way to Heaven. We would all go to Hell, no questions no and’s, buts or whats. Hell would be our destination. God sent His Son. His one and only Son to die on the cross for us. His Son, Jesus, took our sins away. He made it so we looked pure and holy in the eyes of the Father Almighty. Jesus is the reason we will go to Heaven.


Thank God that he is in control and looking out for us.
We would be completely lost without him.
Thank you God.
Thank you Jesus.
Praise the Lord Almighty!

Good night everyone. Sleep well. Enjoy your day. Praise Jesus he took our sins away.
