
  • Lake Pepin

    Here’s to 24!

    It is crazy to think back to a year ago. So much has changed. So much has happened. So much is going on. Last year on this day my parents surprised me with cupcakes and hugs. I was excited to have a birthday alone with no one around. I was going to watch movies and eat yummies maybe get some chores done. Then my parents surprised me. They sang happy birthday to me, gave me a yummy treat (I do love dessert and treats), and gave me some hugs. They didn’t stay long as they had a busy day but, they made sure to make the trip to see me…

  • Breakfast time

    Where have I been?

    Oh boy has a lot happened. I last update January 24 it is April in four days. So, What has happened? I traveled to Lake City a few times to finish transporting and packing things. Most of that was done by February. There were a few times at the end of February and beginning of March that I had to go back to shovel. March 9 was kind of a hard day. I went to town to sign papers for the closing which would be happening the next week. First of all, I was an hour early because I had the time wrong. It worked out fine but still, that’s…

  • Uncategorized

    Starting off 2022

    January 3 Happy New Year! I pray God has blessed the start of your new year 🙂He is blessing me in the way of reminding me I am not in control. On New Year’s day, I woke up sick. Again. I have been sick off and on for a month. As most of you know I am trying to sell my house in Lake City and move back home to Wisconsin. Well on Saturday I took a nap and forgot to turn my phone back on from the night before. I missed multiple texts and phone calls from my realtor. Someone wanted to look at my house. It turned out…

  • Uncategorized

    B&B Closed

    Thank you everyone for all of your support and encouragement. I am so thankful for all of the memories and the experiences. I have loved meeting all of you and hearing your stories. This weekend has been very quiet. I have been able to reflect on the past 3 years. When I made the decision to close I was sad at first. I was saying goodbye to a dream, a beautiful house, a lovely little town, friends, and meeting more of you. I was saying goodbye because of terms not of my own. The truth is, yes, I would have thought seriously of closing my bed and breakfast this year…

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    Beginning of the End

    I was really hoping this post would be at least 2 years away if not 8. I was really hoping it would be on my terms, not forced. On August 25, 2021, I worked on the financial books for Simple Blessings Bed and Breakfast for the month of July. The bank account was low but manageable. It then occurred to me that the biz needed to pay the property tax for the second half of the year. My standard for affording something or not involves math. If I can pay for the situation 2 times with extra for living I can afford it. Now the amounts always change of course…

  • Beach Drive


    I was at my parents this weekend and drove back early this morning. While in the car I take the time to walk through scenarios or situations I have encountered and plan to encounter. I think through conversations I want to have and bullet points I want to make sure to hit. I sing at the top of my lungs to calm down. I talk with God about everything or I just drive focusing on the road (this happens most when it is dark.) This morning was an early and dark drive and I was having a quiet ride thinking some things through now and then but mostly letting the…

  • Uncategorized

    Where were you?

    Where were you on Christmas Eve? Were you with your family celebrating the holiday? Were you out on the town partying? Were you alone in your house sad and depressed? Were you celebrating the holiday alone? Were you finishing your decorating?  Where were you on Christmas Eve night? Did anything change from your day? Did you travel to a different location? Did you huddle down for a movie? Did you get all dressed up for a fancy party? Did you go to church?  Where were you on Christmas morning? Did you run downstairs to see what Santa brought? Did you huddle in your Christmas pajamas for a family photo? Did…

  • Uncategorized


    I’m not angry any more. I am very sad. This is a song I wrote today called Broken. There are two things I do when everything is very overwhelming and I have lots of thoughts and words and emotions swirling around in my body. One thing I do sometimes is to write a short song/poem. The other mechanism I use is writing. I have a document on my computer called “Lord I give it all to you.” This document has paragraphs and hours spent on it just me physically giving all my anxiety, pain and thoughts, and excitement to God. It is where I feel most able to talk to…

  • Uncategorized

    One Goal

    I have one goal for next week…well, I have a few but this one is the topic of today. Next week I will not hurt myself. Yea, so I did it again this week. I did something normal and ended up getting hurt. I don’t like that I thought about having my own personal medical shed. It is a big exaggeration, yes, but still, a thought that came to mind. The story goes like this: I was getting ready for bed. I was walking around my room and making my way towards my bed. Now when I get to my bed I usually hop-up. It is a taller bed and…