Sky before the Storm


Ok so I woke up and took a shower. I had put my laundry in the washer and then I was going to just sit and chill for a while. One of my roommates comes in and says she made pancakes and smoothie for us! Seriously it was all so good! After we cleaned up we went to the football game. Not the best start of the year. this game was 0-32. It was so fun to go to a football game but wish we did better!

My grandma and aunt got to town for dinner so we went to a Mexican restaurant. After that my grandma suggested ice cream. It was good ice cream. We got back to the dorm shows them around a little bit when they left. A girl from next door said they were watching monsters inc so we went over there and watched a movie. You will notice, no homework was done today. Tomorrow is going to be a Packer watching homework doing kind of a day. 🙂 Goodnight all!