puppies on a couch

1 Month down!

Oh my goodness! I have been in college for a month….WHAT!????!!!!! I seriously don’t believe it. I have some bad news guys. The Packers lost against their arch enemies, the vikings. It was a cool experience because we have both viking and packer fans in our hall and when we cheered we would hear each other. 🙂 I have gone to multiple sporting events now and people have gotten to know the other side of me that many don’t get the privilege of knowing. 🙂 I get quite excited with certain things. One girl that didn’t have anything to do decided she was going to come and catch a few of my moments on video during the game. It was quite funny and entertaining for her, and the rest of the people in the room I suppose. 🙂 Late night tonight was chicken strips. Some people went to late night but I wanted to watch the game and I knew the screens in the caf would be so terribly crowded. The people going to late night offered to bring back some chicken strips for those of us who weren’t going. If you ever want me to be quite during something give me food. It works like a charm! I also discovered that one girl that I converse with every so often was a Packer fan! I knew I liked her. 🙂 Sunday and Friday night I think were my favorite nights here so far. Friday night was just a crazy fun night with my roommates.

This weekend (I forgot I hadn’t posted an update on it) was so fun with my aunt and grandma! My grandma was so sweet she took us out to eat. 🙂 It was all really yummy food. OH! She also got one of my roommates and I ice cream! Yummy thank you, grandma, love you! Thanks for chilling and hanging out with my roommates and my aunty and grammy!