
Jingles Adventure: Days 2-17

Jingles has been all over the house looking for his Jingle Bells. When he first got here he spent a few days checking the kitchen counter. He didn’t find anything.

Then he spent a little while in the office. He checked dads’ desk and found nothing. Then he moved over to my moms’ shelves, found nothing there either.

After the office he moved over to the east room. He spent a few days sitting up by the tv looking around and watching if anyone gave any clues as to where he was.


He then moved onto my desk in my room. He wasn’t there long before he searched it all and discovered there was nothing. However, he did meet Goofy 🙂 He moved from being with his new great friend to searching the living room and stairway. He watched everyone as they walked by and watched things in the living room. he did however have a great position 🙂 Here he met another friend, an angel. He was here for a few days before he moved on. 

So far, that is Jingles Adventure! He has moved on sense but I don’t know where he went…I guess I should go look for him. Updates will come soon!