Beach Drive


I was at my parents this weekend and drove back early this morning. While in the car I take the time to walk through scenarios or situations I have encountered and plan to encounter. I think through conversations I want to have and bullet points I want to make sure to hit. I sing at the top of my lungs to calm down. I talk with God about everything or I just drive focusing on the road (this happens most when it is dark.)

This morning was an early and dark drive and I was having a quiet ride thinking some things through now and then but mostly letting the back of my head run while I focused on my surroundings. I was almost to Wabasha when the sun started to rise behind the clouds. The sky was a grey-blue. As I glanced up I was in awe. The sky looked massive!

Then I started to think about a trip I had taken to Texas a few years back and thought about how the part of the sky I was seeing this morning was just a slicer of the whole sky we can see on earth. Wow. How amazing is our God! He created this art piece this morning that lead me to praise and glorify Him for all He has blessed us with. How incredible is this masterpiece, the sky! 


Now think of life. How incredible we each are. We are each masterpiece of His. Sunday my parent’s pastor said a prayer in Church that touched us. Our pastor said a prayer regarding “National Sanctity of Human Life Day” ( which president Trump issued Jan 22 to be. The prayer was asking God to guide the hearts of mothers, our governmental leaders, and all to see that murder of babies is NOT ok. That they may be forgiven for their sins. 

I was not expecting the prayer that Sunday. I did not know President Trump had issued such a day until we as a family talked about it on the way home after church. 

Babies are such blessings from God, they are each masterpiece of His. Who are we to say no to Him who gives us life? Who gave us our parents? Who blessed us with both the troubles, struggles, gifts, and greatness? Who are we to say no? Who are we to say not now? Who are we to turn our backs on Him? 

I am God made me. I am glad God is standing beside me. I am glad God gives me troubles and struggles. I am glad God doesn’t turn His back on me. 

Thank you, God, for all of your grace, mercy, and love. Thank you, God, for calling me to repentance. For reconciling me to you. Thank you for being here for me. Amen.