sleeping kitty

Catch Up

It is been quite a while since I have made an update. I have though about doing one for weeks, I just haven’t gotten around to doing it. I have plenty of excuses but they are just excuses.

Last week was VBS week, that is, Vacation Bible School. A friend and I do the crafts for the children together. 80 kids, 5 days, 400 crafts. We were very tired by the end of the week for sure! The week was good and fun, like other years.

The last day however I woke up with a very soar throat. After VBS that day I went home and crashed. I have been home sick for 4 days now. I still have a low grade temp off and on and can not stand long or I get dizzy, even sitting at my desk right now is harder than it should. I figure it is because I have not eaten more than a few saltine crackers since Friday (it’s Monday). My parents also say it is because I have been sick, I haven’t left bed much and when I have I have to sit after a while or I am laying down. I feel ridiculous laying around all the time but I know it will get me better quicker so I can get back to work sooner. I am told it is quite chilly outside this week anyways so I am not missing much. Which is good, but when you are laying around watching tv, movies, or sleeping because you really can’t do anything else and you see everyone else is outside or running around the house getting stuff done, you feel bad. I know I know, “don’t feel bad, your sick! You need the rest!” Yea yea yea, I have heard it all, and I am listening…sort of…maybe not…. I am better than the weekend, instead of a constant slight nausea it’s now more of a constant slight dizziness. It is quite weird when things don’t always focus but I just close my eyes for a while and it is better for a while.

Oh! I almost forgot, last week…Wednesday? I believe it was, Wednesday. I drove down to Black River Falls Wisconsin to meet for dinner/talk/walk. I was tired after the day of VBS but I didn’t care that much because I was going to see her. 🙂 She never fails to brighten my day with that amazing attitude. It was a beautiful day for a walk and I didn’t mind the drive either.

I signed up for college. I entered the Entrepreneurship degree. I really should learn how to spell that without using auto-correct. Some days I got it, others…well let’s just say it isn’t good. I just have to remember to go into town and pay for the classes and get a parking permit…I forgot every time I was in town last week, just slightly distracted I guess.

Alright, I will let you go for now…wow…this all happened within the last week. Well Goodbye! Oh, a quote from my white board I wrote a few months ago, “Love starts with Jesus in you heart.” Have a great 4th of July, and happy summer!