sunflower field

Sun, Flowers, Jesus

I don’t imagine many of you know me from when I was really little. A little backstory, I loved sunflowers. That was my favorite part about summer every year, was the sunflowers would grow and become absolutely beautiful! We have not had sunflowers on our land in years. At first it was sad but after time I had slowly forgotten about them.

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I am a Pinterest person. I am constantly on Pinterest finding various things for various reasons. Pinterest for me is my time passer, my stress relieving, and my boredom fixing go to. Any who, besides the point, I had found pictures of sunflowers. My love for sunflowers has returned. They are (to me) the most peaceful, beautiful, loving, comforting flowers.They way they follow the sun shows they know who to look to, like we look to Jesus for light. They shine so bright with their vibrant yellow like we are to shine for Jesus. These flowers are my forgotten joy. Sun flowers are like chocolate, they bring joy and sadness when you see them. Joy because it shows you happiness and love, and sadness because, the chocolate you are going to regret
eating later, the flower, you know
you don’t always shine for
Jesus they way the sunflowers do.

Goodnight, and let Jesus light shine from you as the suns light shines through sunflowers. Let you follow Jesus like sunflowers follow the sun.

Be Jesusflowers.