America Proud

Fourth of July

It is July 4, 2017. What a day to notice. July 4th is a holiday in America where we celebrate the freedom of our country gained from the Kingdom of Great Britain. When the declaration of Independence was written making our country firstborn and ready to go out into the world to fend for itself in 1776. The country sees the flag as a resemblance of freedom. It is also seen as a resemblance of home, as loyalty, and as hope.

To me it is a mixture of these and so much more.

God has blessed me that I grow up in a country where I am free to talk about my God and I am so thankful for that.

God has blessed me that I grow up in a country where I can be whoever and whatever I want and I am so thankful for that.

God has blessed me that I grow up in a country where I am able to go where I want when I want (with permission from my parents) and I am so thankful for that.

God has blessed me that I grow up in a country where I am able to have friends living all over the country, and be proud to the moon and back a gazillion times, of what they do and have done. He has blessed me with friends who are great  artists. He has blessed me with friends who are strong in their faith. He has blessed me with friends who are very adventurous and outgoing. He has blessed me with friends who are strong and loving and caring. He has blessed me with the challenges of picking persons up who have fallen and needed lifting. He has blessed me in more ways than I could ever list in one sitting.

I thank you Lord for the blessings you have given me. I thank you for the freedom you have blessed this country. I thank you for the people who are strong and willing to protect this country. Lord I ask that you keep this country together, that it may not fall apart that it stay strong in you, by you. Lord it is your will that be done. We will be your flowers and follow you. Amen.

The fourth of July is a day to remember the beginning of this country and to thank the fathers of this land for risking everything for us, the future. The fourth of July is a day to look forward and think about those of this country in the future who will look back and think either, wow they were stupid, or wow, they pulled through in a way so that we could be here in this country with this freedom. We all hope it is the second. 🙂

Most importantly, the fourth of July is a day to thank God for everything he has given and done for the country.

Thank you, to all who serve. To all who have served. To those who will serve. You are loved and we are grateful.

Happy fourth everyone! Be safe, have fun, thank God.