
Who I Am.

I am the type of girl who likes to talk some days. Other days, I would rather listen. Most of the time I am a loud person. Have you ever tried yelling? It makes me feel better. At work we yell at the birds to get out of the berries…it raises my mood and makes me feel better for some reason. Or if I have to call up to someone upstairs or outside, yelling is comforting.

I know, it isn’t proper for young ladies to be loud and yelling but I don’t really care. God made me with big vocal chords, I am going to use them.

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like to dress nice all the time. I will occasionally dress with a nice top and nice pants or a skirt but the skirt and dress are usually ONLY on Sundays..well, Church. I would much rather be in either jean shorts or jeans that you step on when you walk and a comfy sweatshirt or T-shirt.

I am the type of girl that has to be in the mood for a certain genre of movie to watch said movie. If I am in the mood for action I can not watch a chick flick, and vice versa.

I am the kind of girl who gets annoyed with certain things (precarious things) and other things don’t bother me at all.

I am the type of girl who loves both sports cars and trucks.

I am the type of girl who loves music, as long as I can sing along to it I am a happy girl 🙂

I am the type of girl who is best friends with her cat. When you have had her in your life for over 17 years it isn’t hard.

I am the type of girl who is often more cautious than outgoing. But that all depends on what it is. If it is something like amusement park rides, count me out. If it is something like starting a business, count me in.

I am the type of girl who loves being outside but also loves watching movies while curled up on the couch.

I am the type of girl who loves to clean and organize, but my way. You do not cross me when I am cleaning and organizing something. You will not be happy with my response.

I am the type of girl who loves to create. Things like food, drinks, helpful tools around the house and yard, and crafts to decorate.

I am the type of girl who gets confused easily and understands easily. Yes, that makes no sense to most of you but, it is my brain.

I am the type of girl who is embarrassed by some things but not by others. I am not embarrassed by my dad, I am embarrassed about my schooling. I am not embarrassed about the way I look, I am embarrassed about how much I worried about what people thought about me. I use to always wonder if I was good enough for people to tolerate me, or if I was annoying because I am not a quiet person or if I was too quiet (never thought that was possible till I was told people thought I was a snob because I didn’t talk much in high school…that was because I didn’t have anything to say to them. Why talk if I had nothing to say. Plus if I didn’t know you I didn’t talk to you).

I am the type of girl who would rather wear no shoes than any type of shoe. I prefer boots fall and winter…I tried wearing no shoes in winter once…take it from me, don’t do that.

I am the type of girl who has so many big dreams that she has lists about the dreams she wants to accomplish, and details pertaining to those dreams. I have had 19 years to plan these dreams all out people, I have dreams. What is funny is that many of them overlap and almost work together…Lord help the man, if it is your will, you put with me. For he will definitely have his hands full….

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like big crowds or big groups of people. If I don’t know a lot of them, that is just anxiety filled stress in me (no, I do not like crowded stores. Yes, I don’t go black Friday shopping much).

I am the type of girl who loves being with people she cares about, as well as being on her own, doing her own thing on her own time.

I am the type of girl who can adjust to things ok. Sometimes it happens better than others but for the most part, I adjust pretty well.

I am the type of girl who gets frustrated with people who can’t make decisions…ever. I know so many people who are like this it is crazy. Seriously, crazy. When these things happen I end up just picking something so we can move on with our lives.

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like to move slow. If I am going to do something I am going to do it quickly and efficiently.

I am the type of girl who when she has the chance, eats whatever she wants, despite what people think about it. Sometimes a girl just needs something unhealthy. It’s ok to have a fun food every once in a while! 🙂

This is who I am. Goodnight or good morning…good afternoon? Well when ever you are reading this, have a good one. I pray you all learn something new today and the next. I pray that God bless you and I pray that we all stay unique. Each of us is different. Each of us is our own type. This is who I am. Who are you?