Life, Paths, Thank You


Last year I remember seeing pictures of student teachers with all of their assignments needing to be graded in stacks, the lessons for the next day and possibly further in the week and their reflections arranged all around them on a table or the floor.

Today while I was doing homework I had my accounting program class out, I had my communication class out and I was working on reality. I had everything spread out and in places that I could quick switch and work on something else when I needed a break from one subject.

It made me think of the switch I made. I switched my organized mess from teaching materials to business decisions. I don’t have any regrets with my decision on any level. I am facing new challenges and learning things that will help me not only in owning a business but also through-out my life. When talking to people, when figuring out financials and so much more.

It is funny, I am not one who likes to be center of attention all the time (no matter what my brothers say, I am loud by birth) however; both career choices requires speaking in front of people and being the center of attention. Granted the path I am on now does not have as many center speakings, but the crowd is more critical. I will be dealing with suit wearing business people, not kids. I have a good instructor for my communications class, which is good, mostly because there are a lot of steps and little finicky things you need to do to portray yourself and your business in the way that investors will invest in your venture.

I am going to own a farm. This farm is called Simple Blessings Farm. We will be located in Wisconsin and it will be the place to be every holiday and every summer to get your fruit fix.

I am so excited to welcome you all! I will keep you all updated on the process and when we will open.

God’s blessings to you all. Have a great Thanksgiving! 


I am thankful for the opportunities God has given me in my life. For instance, the chance to be an owner of a business that I love so dear. I am so thankful for the opportunity he gave me to go to the school that I did last year. It wasn’t a waste, it was a blessing. Sure, maybe a blessing in disguise sometimes, but a blessing none the less. I am also so thankful for the fantastic family God has given me. They have been supportive in all of my everywhere thinking about what I want to do and where I want to go. Not to mention those friends. From the friends I have grown up with to the friend I met in high school and has become my best friend, to the friends I met last year to the friend I made this year. I am so thankful for all God has done and given to me.

Thank you, God.


Wisconsin Falls

Advice is one of those things that can go two ways. It can be one of the best things anyone has every said to you or one of those moments where you turn your head and give that “are you kidding me” looks. I am going to give you both sides of advice that people have given me. No this isn’t all the advice I have ever been given but it is a start.

Let’s start with the worst so we can end on a high note. (There is no certain order it is all just placed in the way and time I thought of it or decided “yea, I want to write it down.”)

1) Follow your dreams.
I probably have around 10 “dreams” so…yea following them all is not going to happen. I agree you should do what you want to do and have a passion for, but oh goodness this is just so wide it needs to be narrowed down. I can remember growing up that this was THE phrase of the years. Now you rarely hear it. I think I know why though.
When I was trying to decide what path I wanted to take last winter I made a list of everything that I still had an interest in (I have made lists over the years of what I wanted to be).

Music producer
Interior designer
Small inn owner

So yea…how on earth was I going to follow my dreams. I would be in school maybe 10 years? I mean if I want to go to school for every one of my dreams I would be in school forever. I had to narrow it all down. Music producer, sure I love music, but do I really have the ear to produce it? Probably not. Inter designer…I don’t have the eye to see what other’s like. Forensics…Medical is not my cup of tea. Broadcasting, there is very little pay in it. Sure I might love going to work but could I live off of it? Maybe? Farmer, small inn owner, this is the direction I am going. I joined the two together as one dream with branches. I am going to school for one year. Then what you may ask. I have no idea. I am not going to plan out my life. I am going to see where God sends me.

2) Fake it.
Yea, ok, no. Fake it is awful. If you want people to love you, be you. If you are someone other than yourself people will hate or love the wrong person. I am going to quote Sadie Robertson, “Be Original.” Be you, be who you want to be known as. For instance, I love to laugh, and I laugh loud. I am rarely quiet if you know me. I love to work and be outside. I need time to reflect and be alone. I love to plan and make lists. This is who I am. Why would I fake who God made me as? Why would you?

OK, the best advice I have ever received. (There is no certain order it is all just placed in the way and time I thought of it or decided “yea, I want to write it down.”)

1) Talk it out.
Yes. I strongly and full hardily believe in this. I have a whole blog post about this. I think I am for it 🙂

2) Show support and love.
I feel like this is a given from the Bible but I am putting it in here anyways. I would not be where I am today if I did not have support. Showing support is such an important thing to everyone. By people knowing that there is someone there for them standing by waiting to see them do their best or help them when they are at their worst is the best feeling ever.
Showing love has the same effect. When you know you are loved you feel you can do anything.

3) Listen.
Oh my goodness YES! Listening is one of the best things you can do for a person. Knowing that someone is truly listening and hearing what you are saying is fantastic. It doesn’t matter how important or unimportant you think it is. If someone is listening to what you are saying not only do you have more confidence but, you have more trust in that person.

This is the advice that I have been given or have given out. These are my opinions. You don’t have to agree with them. You are entitled to your own thoughts like I am to mine.

God’s blessings to you all, Smile as much as you can, love always. Goodnight. 🙂

Let’s talk

Lake Pepin

Some of your hearts are starting to thump a little faster. You don’t like to talk. Whether it is in front of people, or talking about your feelings, or small talk. It isn’t easy to do and there are so many rules to small talk, it is more stressful when you are taught rather than when you just do!

I want to talk about talking because it hits home to me.

I stress , I think, I wonder, I formulate scenarios in my head. Let’s just say, I talk a lot in my head. Sometimes Kris (that’s what the voice in my head is called) isn’t always enough to talk to. So I have my go-to’s to talk to. I have two friends that I go to and talk to. We call, facetime, text. We are always there for each other when the other needs to rant or spill or just talk.

I know talking isn’t easy for some. I know people on both ends of the spectrum. I know some who don’t like to talk. They are quiet, to themselves, and often huge thinkers. I also know people who don’t stop talking. Most people find this annoying. I find it a unique wonderful piece of these people.

I know talking isn’t always the easiest thing because you are embarrassed, hurt, sad, confused, overwhelmed, overjoyed and you don’t know where to start. Don’t know where to start? What happened that you need to talk? That is where you need to start. Why do you need to talk? Don’t beat around the bush just say it. Find the person you trust most with this particular situation and talk. Make it casual, make it pointed. It doesn’t matter! Just talk, just say what you want to say. That person you trust most, most likely knows you. They know your background, they know your style, they know your thought process, they know YOU. They are there to help you, they are there to be there for you. They won’t turn their back they won’t laugh in your face. They will be there to listen and talk through whatever you need to talk through.

I have personal experience on both sides of this situation. I have been the one who needs to talk and one that is needed to be a listener. I can say on both sides, it is helpful and needed.

Have a great all! See ya when I see ya. 🙂

Weeks Have Gone By

Snow pics

You know what, I think too much. I have been trying to put a post up for the last 2 weeks. I have been going back and forth about what to write about. I could write about anything! So much has happened yet, I didn’t know what to write about. So, now I write telling the events of the past few weeks.

To start out the week one of our dogs needed the cone of shame. He got himself into a little bit of trouble and needed stitches. He still has this cone on…for 9 more days. Our poor legs and furniture!

The next thing was I hit a bird with the car on the way home. By the time I had parked the car in the garage I had forgotten about the bird. When my youngest brother arrived home he came in and yelled at my mom for hitting a bird. She threw the blame quickly at me saying “I didn’t go anywhere today but, Krissa did.” So it was established, I had hit the bird.
I am not a huge fan of birds, so the thought of having to go get the bird out of the grill was not appealing to me. Then my brother says, it’s alive! It’s what? Apparently, I was going at a slow enough speed (I saw the birds on the side of the road in the distance so I slowed down, trying to avoid distress) that the bird just got stuck in the front of the car. Well, as you can imagine, this did not go over well with me. No way was I going to go get the bird out now! So I asked my brother to do it for me. He was angry that he had to do it but I knew his heart would make him. Evil sister, I know I know, making my brother clean up my messes for me.
Anyways, he went out and got the bird unstuck, mom and I were sitting in the movie room and all of a sudden we heard this screeching. What on earth is that?! Sam was taking the bird to the front yard past the window in front of us. What has he going to do with that bird in the front yard…? So I got up and walked over to the other window where I could see the yard. Sam took the bird (yes he was wearing gloves) and set it down gently on the ground. The bird did a few hops then it flew away.  It flew away…it was stuck in the car, carried to the front yard, and it flew away. My brother is Snow White. That is the only explanation! He is great with animals…it all makes sense now! He is not Samuella He is Sam White. Wow.

The next thing in the week was the Juke. My parents own a Nissan Juke. It is a car that looks like a little frog. It’s actually really cute, and it’s a sports car so there is another plus 🙂 Anyways, us kids are usually the ones who drive it lately…well ok, me. I am the one who has been driving it lately. Well, it wouldn’t start. There was no turn over or anything. It was a really weird thing. We took it in to the dealer and the guy there fixed it for us. Maybe. There is a glitch with one of the brake sensors. Apparently if it doesn’t start up just finagle it a little bit and hope it works. Not sure how comfortable I feel about this but I guess it means adventure time!!!! It’s all good guys, I am a strong independent woman. I can handle a little finagling and a phone call to dad saying, “Dad, the car won’t start…. Yes I finagled the sensor…. Ok, I will wait for you and the trailer.” 🙂

Now I am up at MLC. It is 8:40 on a Saturday and one person is up, the other person in the room is not. So I figured it was a good time to write this entry. I am an early riser, I was out of bed and taking a shower a little after 7. I was raised to get work done iYou know what, I think too much. I have been trying to put a post up for the last 2 weeks. I have been going back and forth about guess. Oh well, I don’t mind much. Some times that means you can see the sunrise, other times it means you get the work done early. Unless the work is shopping…stores are not morning places. Most stores don’t open till after 9 or 10. It is quite annoying really.

As I was writing this I got a message from my mama that my cousin had a little boy! Congratulations cousin dears! Welcome to the world little baby boy. 🙂 Both the mom and baby are doing well.

Well folks, that’s all for now. See ya when I see ya!

Negativity and Positivity

Painted Sky

Be the blue sky in the storm.

This is my third attempt writing a blog post in the last week. The first one was complaint after complaint after complaint. The second was thankfulness and complaint…mostly complaint.

Why am I not content lately? Is it the stress? Is it the news? Is it the attitude picked up from the world? I have come to the answer. Yes. It is all of the above. I read a blog post the other day by Korie Robertson on negativity. It was a very inspiring message that has been meandering around in my head. The main thought that really stuck to me was she was told that her negativity was affecting, not only her, but everyone around her. She decided to be an all around happier person. She would start out by mentioning all the good things that happened that day instead of all the bad. Korie said that this made a huge change in her life, and everyone around her.

I use to be a really happy person. My motto was and is “smile all the time no matter what comes your way.” Lately however, I have seemed to slip away from that. I am happy some of the time. Or I am happy toward some people and not towards others. I have tried to work on this but then something is said and I go back into the slump.


God I ask that you help all who are struggling with negativity.
Please guide them with the knowledge you give us in your book.
Lord I ask that you help me in this weakness.
Help me overcome my troubles, fears, worries, and heartaches.

It doesn’t take much to smile. I read an article or watched a video or something, that when you smile, even if it is fake to start out you will feel better. Your mood will rise.

I apologize to those who have been a victim to my crabby and moody self. A note to keep in mind, I am stubborn. That is one thing that I am sure will never change. If I don’t want to do something at all, you can not get me to do it. If I do kind of want to do it, you can usually talk me into it. However, if I say yes one day, the next day is another day. The answer could be very different.

On a happier less solemn note, I bought a pillow today! Yes, another. I have an even number of pillow how ever, so I am quite happy about that 🙂

I also decided a few days ago that I fully enjoy candles. They must have a good strong scent however. Otherwise I find them pointless. Oh, and the need to be seasonal. You don’t often burn candles in summer and spring so fruity cool candles are pointless in my book. Warm fall and winter smelling candles are amazing 🙂 I think I have lit a candle at least once everyday sense Friday. I might have missed one day but otherwise I have lit a candle each day 🙂 It just makes the house smell so good.

Time for bed. Goodnight everyone…or good morning…good afternoon…good evening? Talk later! 🙂

Be a Jesusflower.

Blog Post link
Live Original Blog
Korie Robertson–Overcoming Negativity

The Start Of Old And New

summer fog

Warning: This blog post is all over the place…and long.

I am starting my second year at college. I am starting at a new college, with a new degree but I am still going to school. Just like I have been for the last maybe 15ish years of my life? For some reason even with all these years when I first did that math I got 21 years of school…I quickly figured out that was not right. Going to school more years than you have even been alive sounded just slightly off.

I am starting at a new school like some other friends of mine are. Some are starting new as a freshman going into high school. Another is starting as a freshman going into college. Others are just doing what they were doing last year.

I have found that one of the hardest questions to answer is “how are you doing?” People, I am going to flat out say, I do not know. I have found that I don’t know what to think or how to think what I am thinking, let alone put it all in words. I am excited to start this school year but I don’t know exactly what to think about everything. Some friends are three hours away, some are 30 min. But the one I have become most close with is one of the 3 hour away friends. We were texting Sunday night talking about the start of classes and what we are doing and feeling. She said when she saw it was me who texted she lost it. She is more homesick than she thought she was. I know it is weird but I feel homesick sometimes too…and I am home. I don’t know why. Some days it just feels off and not like it use to. I am starting to treasure all the moments I have because it has started to hit me, everything I know and love can be gone in an instant. I don’t want to think about losing the people, or the animals, or the memories that I have grown up with. I use to try to distract myself when I got like this. I use to ignore it and just “suck it u buttercup”. Now? I can’t. I can’t seem to face it the same way. I have become so emotional and attached and clingy to things that lately anything that happens I get mixed feelings about…I get really emotional and touchy.
It hit me a few days ago the hardest. We were cleaning up from a thrift sale we had. The talk was, what do we want to keep and what do we want to give away? Really the entire thrift sale was hard for me because all I saw were memories walking down the driveway and leaving. “I know it is earthly possessions and we won’t need them in heaven. We are down here till God takes us home. Shouldn’t we be comfortable and happy while here? Well, as much as we can anyways with living in a sin filled world.” This is what I was thinking those days. Then it hit me. It doesn’t matter if we have everything in our hands. We have the memories and the love in our hearts. We don’t need the possessions. With Hurricane Harvey going on in Texas right now I have been thinking about all those affected. They are losing everything. Everything of theres is lost. The things that we gave away are going to be given to someone who is going to use it all. The people in Texas didn’t have a choice, I did.

That was all quite selfish but it was true. I am ashamed that I am a sinner. Life would be so miserable without Jesus. Those who don’t have Jesus in their lives I don’t know how they can say they are happy. Jesus makes everyday so much better.

Going back to the school thing.
I am scared. I mean, I am excited for this program and it is a dream of mine to open a bed and breakfast but, I am scared I am on the wrong path again. That next year or part way into this year is going to be like last year and I am not going to have this dream any more or this dream will change slightly or something. I am scared that I am making a mistake. I know it isn’t a mistake to take this course necessarily no matter what I end up doing in the future but, I still have a feeling of uneasiness. I don’t know what the feeling is exactly.

(New day, new thought.)

Never in my life did I think I would have a Facebook. Honestly, I could have lived without it. I most likely won’t post anything. I only have one because of school. One of my classes requires Facebook. Now I can also be updated on family and friends lives. 🙂 I am a snoop.

I have also decided that I need library time. Not only to get homework done, but to also have time out of the house. I love my home! I really truly do! I just need to not be locked up in one place for long periods of time…I start to go crazy…more than usual.

I am stressed. I will not lie, I will not sugar coat it. I am stressed. Mostly about school but various other things that I seem to not be able to let go of. Some of my favorite coping mechanisms are as follows; 1. shuffling cards. I honestly just shuffled cards for a few hours in a row. 2. Baking. You may have noticed a post or two back that I had recipes I did. Those were mostly stress baked. 3. Driving and singing along to the music playing. Yes grandma, I do this safely. 🙂 I have to admit, country roads are some of my favorite. 4. Clean and organize. This is something I should do also when I am not stressed. I must admit, this one goes both ways. I clean and I clutter when I am stressed. it’s more of, what do I want to do. 5. Watch movies. This is one I did way to much last year. This year it is my goal to not watch as many…it isn’t going so well. BUT! I am learning and trying. I have notes and reminders not to do so…much of these are in my head. Believe it or not, my conscious actually does work and I fight hard, but the good does win. 6. Call or talk to my friends. This usually ends up becoming a mentor session or a complaining session but we do it to each other giving each other advice and strength. My favorite ones are when the word is given as a strengthener. God is more powerful than any humans words ever could be. 🙂

Ok, time for bed. I am tired, stressed and need to chill. Goodnight moon! Oh, and I suppose all of you too 🙂

Summer, I Have Known

Chalkboard Sign

My Summer for the past 6 years has included working at berry farms. I worked at a Strawberry farm for around 3 years, mostly less, and I have worked at a Blueberry farm for three years. Both places were great but the Blueberry farm gave me more joy and work ethic and love for the berries than the strawberry farm did.

I have been so happy with my job I never wanted it to end. I always wanted that summer job to be there when school was over and summer was upon us. I know all things come to an end, but this one thing is hard to let go of.

I have had the most amazing boss, super sweet, fantastic, understanding and she cared about us. She always made sure we were drinking enough and different things like that. I am proud to say I worked for her. Thank you my dearest employer who helped me grow, learn and work at the best job. 🙂

My life is changing, but it isn’t for the bad 🙂


summer fog

This post is a post that I have been thinking and debating about if I should post it or not. This is a blog however about me. About my feelings, thoughts, and experiences. What was holding me back from doing these things? Embarrassment.

When I was a senior in high school it hit me. Throughout my entire 3 years of high school up to that point I rarely prayed. Honestly, this scared me. For three years I couldn’t remember praying to God for help, for thanks, for anything except at church. From that moment on I decided that needed to change. This hit me when I was home in my room thinking and looking back on my high school years. When I was thinking how fast it had all gone by. I prayed to God like I was talking to my dad. I asked for forgiveness for not talking to him. I asked him for strength. I asked him for guidance. I thanked him for what he had done for me through out those years even though I turned my head.

It scares me now to think that I could be living with out talking to God. Without that someone to go to when I can’t talk to anyone on earth. When I feel like I need someone who understands me better than absolutely anyone.

When I was in middle school I made “prayer books” all the time. These prayer books were 2-5 prayers on paper stapled together and placed in various places around my room or in books.

I started on my computer a few months ago. It was just whatever came to mind. I made prayers for children, for parents, for teachers and pastors, for those who put themselves on the line all the time. I prayed for those out on the lake or on any water. I prayed for those who was sad, who was happy, who was mad, and who was sick. I prayed for those who work all the time and don’t see there families often. I prayed to God for everything.

If you know me you know I LOVE movies. Movies seem to be my go to when I need a break for everything and anything. A few movies that I absolutely adore are God’s not Dead 1 and 2, Do you Believe?, and War Room. These four movies open my eyes and lift my spirit. I cry every time I watch God’s Not Dead 2 because of how realistic it is. When the end credits are playing a list of about 25 different real life cases involving the United States Government and God are listed. It is sad to think that people fight somethings so hard that is so wonderful and amazing. I pray that the Holy Spirit is able to work in the hearts of many through the troubles of these cases.

I pray that I never turn my head from God again. I pray that no one does this to God.

Maybe this is why I love Montana so much. The power and strength of God shown in the mountains, rivers, valleys, and sky are tremendous. Of course you can see his strength and love every where you look but Montana it really highlights it for me. I see hills and flowers and clouds all the time. I don’t see crystal clear water, mountains touching the sky and creeks flowing through a valley off a mountain all the time. There is something powerful about a mountain that speaks God was the artist. The one artist I know by his work. The one artist that created such amazing pieces they are priceless to all on earth. Human beings.

I often think “if only I had been closer to God and studied his word more, maybe this or this or this would have turned out differently. I truly believe that God has a plan for everything and that everything that happens happens for a reason. My faith is stronger, and I am closer to my savior because I went through that troubling time in high school when I crawled back to God asking his forgiveness and love. God is my rock, I stand on him to be stable and strong.

Thank you God.

Lord, I pray that all come to faith. It would be amazing to have all friends and fellow humans in heaven with us. If it is your will Lord help me share your word with all. Help me be a disciple of yours. I pray to you Lord, my father. Amen.

Who I Am.


I am the type of girl who likes to talk some days. Other days, I would rather listen. Most of the time I am a loud person. Have you ever tried yelling? It makes me feel better. At work we yell at the birds to get out of the berries…it raises my mood and makes me feel better for some reason. Or if I have to call up to someone upstairs or outside, yelling is comforting.

I know, it isn’t proper for young ladies to be loud and yelling but I don’t really care. God made me with big vocal chords, I am going to use them.

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like to dress nice all the time. I will occasionally dress with a nice top and nice pants or a skirt but the skirt and dress are usually ONLY on Sundays..well, Church. I would much rather be in either jean shorts or jeans that you step on when you walk and a comfy sweatshirt or T-shirt.

I am the type of girl that has to be in the mood for a certain genre of movie to watch said movie. If I am in the mood for action I can not watch a chick flick, and vice versa.

I am the kind of girl who gets annoyed with certain things (precarious things) and other things don’t bother me at all.

I am the type of girl who loves both sports cars and trucks.

I am the type of girl who loves music, as long as I can sing along to it I am a happy girl 🙂

I am the type of girl who is best friends with her cat. When you have had her in your life for over 17 years it isn’t hard.

I am the type of girl who is often more cautious than outgoing. But that all depends on what it is. If it is something like amusement park rides, count me out. If it is something like starting a business, count me in.

I am the type of girl who loves being outside but also loves watching movies while curled up on the couch.

I am the type of girl who loves to clean and organize, but my way. You do not cross me when I am cleaning and organizing something. You will not be happy with my response.

I am the type of girl who loves to create. Things like food, drinks, helpful tools around the house and yard, and crafts to decorate.

I am the type of girl who gets confused easily and understands easily. Yes, that makes no sense to most of you but, it is my brain.

I am the type of girl who is embarrassed by some things but not by others. I am not embarrassed by my dad, I am embarrassed about my schooling. I am not embarrassed about the way I look, I am embarrassed about how much I worried about what people thought about me. I use to always wonder if I was good enough for people to tolerate me, or if I was annoying because I am not a quiet person or if I was too quiet (never thought that was possible till I was told people thought I was a snob because I didn’t talk much in high school…that was because I didn’t have anything to say to them. Why talk if I had nothing to say. Plus if I didn’t know you I didn’t talk to you).

I am the type of girl who would rather wear no shoes than any type of shoe. I prefer boots fall and winter…I tried wearing no shoes in winter once…take it from me, don’t do that.

I am the type of girl who has so many big dreams that she has lists about the dreams she wants to accomplish, and details pertaining to those dreams. I have had 19 years to plan these dreams all out people, I have dreams. What is funny is that many of them overlap and almost work together…Lord help the man, if it is your will, you put with me. For he will definitely have his hands full….

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like big crowds or big groups of people. If I don’t know a lot of them, that is just anxiety filled stress in me (no, I do not like crowded stores. Yes, I don’t go black Friday shopping much).

I am the type of girl who loves being with people she cares about, as well as being on her own, doing her own thing on her own time.

I am the type of girl who can adjust to things ok. Sometimes it happens better than others but for the most part, I adjust pretty well.

I am the type of girl who gets frustrated with people who can’t make decisions…ever. I know so many people who are like this it is crazy. Seriously, crazy. When these things happen I end up just picking something so we can move on with our lives.

I am the type of girl who doesn’t like to move slow. If I am going to do something I am going to do it quickly and efficiently.

I am the type of girl who when she has the chance, eats whatever she wants, despite what people think about it. Sometimes a girl just needs something unhealthy. It’s ok to have a fun food every once in a while! 🙂

This is who I am. Goodnight or good morning…good afternoon? Well when ever you are reading this, have a good one. I pray you all learn something new today and the next. I pray that God bless you and I pray that we all stay unique. Each of us is different. Each of us is our own type. This is who I am. Who are you?

My Summer

Summer Banner
2016-07-22 12.01.13

It is funny how summer goes by faster and faster every year. It is also annoying. For the past 3 summers I have been working 7 days a week with only a few days off. I love my job, I don’t mind the consistency. Yet sometimes I just need a day I can call summer. I see pictures of my friends hanging out with their friends, going to the lake, on vacation in their favorite summer vacay spot and I honestly get a little jealous.


Then I think of what my summer is. I get to work with my best friend, my dear cousin, and the best employer ever. I get to go into work and be outside in the sun all day. I get to relax and breath fresh country air everyday. I can walk the rows of blueberry bushes (taking a few berries off the bushes as I go :)). I get to drive the John Deer Gator around shaking old soda cans with pennies in them to scare birds away :). I get to laugh and talk with my best friend everyday. I get to talk to people (on picking days) and here some fun crazy stories of their lives and where they are from. I get to listen to cute little kids saying things like “Mom! I just saw a flying Dinosaur!” Hahaha that one made us laugh :). I get to have a little helper help hand out buckets, wash buckets, chase birds, and yes even wash my car :). Sure somedays I wish I had more of a “summer” but, I am so blessed with the summer I do have, I don’t have to go to the lake to have a summer, I can wash buckets and still get as wet and have just as much fun :).

I have off today. I don’t know what I will do with my entire day, but I know I will enjoy my “summer day” and be thankful for the summer I have had with the amazing people I have worked with and come to know. Happy Summer everyone, enjoy your last few weeks of summer fun. I know I will 🙂


Summer for me has been hot long days, but when you carpool with your best friend you can make a detour home and stop at Culvers to get the flavor of the day (flavor of the day shown above: Chocolate Dream) or the traditional chocolate custard with cookie dough :). My summer memories may not be “summer” that every other teen remembers, but I think it is right up there if not topping the traditional “summer” memories.

Have fun, be safe, love life.