Snow pics

Weeks Have Gone By

You know what, I think too much. I have been trying to put a post up for the last 2 weeks. I have been going back and forth about what to write about. I could write about anything! So much has happened yet, I didn’t know what to write about. So, now I write telling the events of the past few weeks.

To start out the week one of our dogs needed the cone of shame. He got himself into a little bit of trouble and needed stitches. He still has this cone on…for 9 more days. Our poor legs and furniture!

The next thing was I hit a bird with the car on the way home. By the time I had parked the car in the garage I had forgotten about the bird. When my youngest brother arrived home he came in and yelled at my mom for hitting a bird. She threw the blame quickly at me saying “I didn’t go anywhere today but, Krissa did.” So it was established, I had hit the bird.
I am not a huge fan of birds, so the thought of having to go get the bird out of the grill was not appealing to me. Then my brother says, it’s alive! It’s what? Apparently, I was going at a slow enough speed (I saw the birds on the side of the road in the distance so I slowed down, trying to avoid distress) that the bird just got stuck in the front of the car. Well, as you can imagine, this did not go over well with me. No way was I going to go get the bird out now! So I asked my brother to do it for me. He was angry that he had to do it but I knew his heart would make him. Evil sister, I know I know, making my brother clean up my messes for me.
Anyways, he went out and got the bird unstuck, mom and I were sitting in the movie room and all of a sudden we heard this screeching. What on earth is that?! Sam was taking the bird to the front yard past the window in front of us. What has he going to do with that bird in the front yard…? So I got up and walked over to the other window where I could see the yard. Sam took the bird (yes he was wearing gloves) and set it down gently on the ground. The bird did a few hops then it flew away.  It flew away…it was stuck in the car, carried to the front yard, and it flew away. My brother is Snow White. That is the only explanation! He is great with animals…it all makes sense now! He is not Samuella He is Sam White. Wow.

The next thing in the week was the Juke. My parents own a Nissan Juke. It is a car that looks like a little frog. It’s actually really cute, and it’s a sports car so there is another plus 🙂 Anyways, us kids are usually the ones who drive it lately…well ok, me. I am the one who has been driving it lately. Well, it wouldn’t start. There was no turn over or anything. It was a really weird thing. We took it in to the dealer and the guy there fixed it for us. Maybe. There is a glitch with one of the brake sensors. Apparently if it doesn’t start up just finagle it a little bit and hope it works. Not sure how comfortable I feel about this but I guess it means adventure time!!!! It’s all good guys, I am a strong independent woman. I can handle a little finagling and a phone call to dad saying, “Dad, the car won’t start…. Yes I finagled the sensor…. Ok, I will wait for you and the trailer.” 🙂

Now I am up at MLC. It is 8:40 on a Saturday and one person is up, the other person in the room is not. So I figured it was a good time to write this entry. I am an early riser, I was out of bed and taking a shower a little after 7. I was raised to get work done iYou know what, I think too much. I have been trying to put a post up for the last 2 weeks. I have been going back and forth about guess. Oh well, I don’t mind much. Some times that means you can see the sunrise, other times it means you get the work done early. Unless the work is shopping…stores are not morning places. Most stores don’t open till after 9 or 10. It is quite annoying really.

As I was writing this I got a message from my mama that my cousin had a little boy! Congratulations cousin dears! Welcome to the world little baby boy. 🙂 Both the mom and baby are doing well.

Well folks, that’s all for now. See ya when I see ya!