Lake Pepin

Let’s talk

Some of your hearts are starting to thump a little faster. You don’t like to talk. Whether it is in front of people, or talking about your feelings, or small talk. It isn’t easy to do and there are so many rules to small talk, it is more stressful when you are taught rather than when you just do!

I want to talk about talking because it hits home to me.

I stress , I think, I wonder, I formulate scenarios in my head. Let’s just say, I talk a lot in my head. Sometimes Kris (that’s what the voice in my head is called) isn’t always enough to talk to. So I have my go-to’s to talk to. I have two friends that I go to and talk to. We call, facetime, text. We are always there for each other when the other needs to rant or spill or just talk.

I know talking isn’t easy for some. I know people on both ends of the spectrum. I know some who don’t like to talk. They are quiet, to themselves, and often huge thinkers. I also know people who don’t stop talking. Most people find this annoying. I find it a unique wonderful piece of these people.

I know talking isn’t always the easiest thing because you are embarrassed, hurt, sad, confused, overwhelmed, overjoyed and you don’t know where to start. Don’t know where to start? What happened that you need to talk? That is where you need to start. Why do you need to talk? Don’t beat around the bush just say it. Find the person you trust most with this particular situation and talk. Make it casual, make it pointed. It doesn’t matter! Just talk, just say what you want to say. That person you trust most, most likely knows you. They know your background, they know your style, they know your thought process, they know YOU. They are there to help you, they are there to be there for you. They won’t turn their back they won’t laugh in your face. They will be there to listen and talk through whatever you need to talk through.

I have personal experience on both sides of this situation. I have been the one who needs to talk and one that is needed to be a listener. I can say on both sides, it is helpful and needed.

Have a great all! See ya when I see ya. 🙂