Summer Banner

We are on vacation! We went from Wisconsin to Oklahoma in one day. We traveled 6 states in that first day and then 6 hours to the resort in Texas. Oh how fun it was! However, the night of our first day we drove from Oklahoma city to Paul’s Valley to find an hotel that was not booked or wasn’t super sketchy 🙂 It was a very nice hotel with wonderful, comfortable beds.

Today was our first full day in Texas. We went to the Alamo then the river walk, took a tour on the river, then went to El Mercado market. By the end of all of this the heat was starting to get to me and all of us. We piled in the car and drove around trying to find an ice cream stop. We were almost to the road to get to the resort when I spotted Sonic, it had been so long sense I had been to a Sonic. We turned around and went to Sonic to get some ice cream treats (I had a strawberry cheesecake shake, mighty delicious)!

I should mention something, yesterday the cars AC started struggling today it really struggled…

We got our ice cream treats and the car started to smoke and smell funny. I kid you not, we pulled away from the drive through window and the car started to smoke. It was right after it. What timing, thank you Lord almighty for letting us get ice cream before the sadness! So yes, we went to the dealer and dropped off our car. But not before dad turned the heater all the way up to try to cool down the engine. Lets just say we had all of the windows open and wanted to go fast to keep the air moving 🙂 When we got to the dealer we gathered our belongings from the car and were shuttled from the dealer back to the condo at the resort. What sweet people!

Our adventurous day ended with an adventure in and on its own.

Now we are sitting in the condo relaxing, calming down and loving the AC 🙂 About to watch a movie called Miss Congeniality, apparently some of it was filmed here in San Antonio, right on the river off the river walk! It was really cool to see it in person, now we are watching the movie to put it together…we don’t remember seeing it in the movie 🙂

Well, for now I bid thee all good day. I am tired and ready to take a nap. I will post more of our vacation as the excitement piles in 🙂

2018 is the year for new chapters…

Sunset at Summer

I am feeling so much better! I had bronchitis and have felt bad and icky for weeks, I am now feeling much better! I still have a cough, but I can do things now and work outside!!! Seriously, pretty sure that is the best part 🙂 Working outside 🙂

So my brother graduated from high school this last weekend. It hit him pretty hard today when he went to track practiced and realized that there was none…poor guy.

I also graduated this last week! Although I graduated from college not high school 🙂 I did the whole high school graduation already 🙂 It hasn’t hit me yet that I graduated…I mean I repeat it a lot but I can’t seem to believe it I guess. One day it will hit me I am sure.

Really the year 2018 seems to be the year for graduation in our family. Three of my cousins also graduated, one from high school, one from college and one from grad school. Not to forget one cousin got married the other weekend! This year does seem to be the year for change, excitement and new chapters in life!

Tuesday was the first day that I was able to work outside without coughing terribly very quickly. I worked on our blueberries and I was in heaven on earth. My goodness, people I kid you not, I was so happy!!!! I am not working at the blueberry farm this year and working on our plants was fantastic. I was so very happy! Wednesday I mowed the lawn, only ran into one 4 inch snake, which I thought was pretty good based off of how tall the grass was (still freaked me out though).

A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. Because of the type of issue it is we are trying a gluten free diet. I am honestly not sure if it is making a difference or not. I think it might be because I had gluten contaminated food the other day and I didn’t feel good after that. But i did eat quite a bit with that meal so i don’t know if it was the gluten or the amount of food. It is really sad actually, I haven’t been able to eat as much as I use to. So many changes in such a short time.

Well, I better be off. God’s blessings to all of you and remember the simple things.

Love, Love and More Love

Summer Yard

Oh my goodness what a wonderful day!

First of all, I got to spend the entire day with two of my favorite shopping buddies (my mom and aunt). That was so fun and exciting on its own! I always love shopping with them. They can make anything fun and entertaining and a memory that lasts a life time 🙂

Second of all, we went to Culvers. Now, we chose this restaurant for lunch because it is standard and traditional to go to Culvers…kind of habit as well 🙂  This stop was special however. It was special because of my aunt and the best manager. The story is as follows:

“Hello ladies! How is everything?” The manager inquired. The ladies with smiling faces look up, “Wonderful thank you!” The manager answers with a smile “Oh good! Is there anything else I can get for you?” “Tomorrows flavor of the day would be great!” My aunt says with a smile. “It’s her birthday.” My aunt was smiling so big then the manager says “Oh! Let me guess…your 22.” I started laughing, my mom and aunt looked really confused. You see, the manager thought my aunt was pointing at my mom. So the manager was trying to be super duper sweet…that totally backfired on him poor guy. Then my aunt corrected, “Oh, haha, no it is her birthday.” Pointing at me. “OH!” The manager laughs. “You would like that flavor?” I look up with a smile, “Yes, that flavor sounds very good.” The manager then says, “Well, I will see what I can do.” With a smile he walks away.
Me not liking attention being pointed on me so much turned red. My aunt was giddy and apologetic saying she didn’t mean for that to happen, it just slipped out. I was laughing so hard. 🙂 Then there is my mom trying so hard not to laugh too loud. My we must have been quite the sight 🙂
A little while later the manager brought back a pint of the next days flavor of the day as a birthday treat. My goodness. My mom aunt and I went on and gave a great review and survey for that branch and manager. We were so over joyed with the kindness he showed! We three shared a Brownie Fudge Custard flavor of the day and enjoyed it greatly! It was so delicious, it made us so happy 🙂


What a day the Lord has made, his love shines through all of his creation. Thank you to all for making this birthday weekend so enjoyable and memorable!

Now tomorrow I get to spend the day with my familyand grandma on my dads side.  So much love and excitement!

I truly hope all of your Easter’s were beautiful and wonderful! I Sure know mine was magnificent! I got to spend Easter Sunday with my family, grandma, aunt, uncle and some of my cousins. It was so fun to play so many games and have so many laughs!

Love you all!!!! God’s blessings to you all 🙂


Sunset and Football

To start off with, one of my super smart brothers is a distinguished scholar! We went up to the school he decided on for a distinguished scholars weekend. We got a tour of the campus, we got great food and we met some amazing people! WHAT A WEEKEND!

On our way back we hit bad weather. We thought it wouldn’t be bad and we would be alright and ahead of the worst of it…well the boys being the way they are decided to take back roads…which weren’t plowed well or at all for that matter. We quickly decided that we were going to stop for the night before things got worse. So we spent the night in a hotel. WHAT A WEEKEND!

When we got home Sunday late morning we got the mail. After we unpacked and settled in we started opening the mail. I was invited to join PTK honor society. This is an honors community that focuses on people in 2 year degree schools with a GPA of at least 3.5 and at least 12 completed associate degree credits. THAT’S ME! I was so excited and over joyed to be offered this. I accepted the honor and am officially a PTK member 🙂 This is very special to me because I haven’t had a lot of ‘rewards’ like this when it came to school. I wasn’t the best student and never got the best grades ever. Having the honor of being considered and invited to be a member of PTK is fantastic and wonderful and makes me happy and smiley 🙂 WHAT A WEEKEND!

The Lord is mighty in many ways.
The Lord is in control.
The Lord surprises you when you least expect it.

So yes, WHAT A WEEKEND it was indeed!

I was working on homework for my law class while my brother was in his interview and his admissions counselor was talking with my mom and myself. She mentioned to me that I must have found my niche. I was working on homework and talking to people at the same time (yes, I know it was rude but, I really wanted to work on my homework! People just kept talking to me). Last year was a big struggle for me. My grades were slacking I wasn’t interested with what I was doing. It all showed in my grades and conversations and experiences. If there is one thing that I learned it is that you need to keep going.

Life throws curve balls all the time. You think you have life under control and you
think you know what to do and where to go. That is when life and God hit you in the face. Life says “Hold up, wait a minute, gotta put some truth in it” and God says “Are you in control? I think not.”

From a very young age (fourth grade to be exact) I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to be like my favorite teacher, I wanted to be like my aunt, I wanted to be like my grandma, I wanted to be like my cousin, I wanted to be like all the other relatives that I have who are in the ministry line of work. All of those that went to Martin Luther College. I wasn’t even there for two months and realized that wasn’t the place for me.

My advice to everyone, find your niche. It may take years, it may take days. When you do find it, you will know it, and everyone around you will see it too. They will see you more happy with the situation. They will see you more willing and eager to work on things related to the said niche.

God is great. God is powerful. God is here. God is in control.

I once had a friend who said they didn’t like the idea that God was in control and had a plan for them. They felt that it wasn’t their life. For those of you who feel this way, God is in control, and that is a good thing. Think about it. If God was NOT in control there would be total chaos. The devil would be in charge and there would be no way to Heaven. We would all go to Hell, no questions no and’s, buts or whats. Hell would be our destination. God sent His Son. His one and only Son to die on the cross for us. His Son, Jesus, took our sins away. He made it so we looked pure and holy in the eyes of the Father Almighty. Jesus is the reason we will go to Heaven.


Thank God that he is in control and looking out for us.
We would be completely lost without him.
Thank you God.
Thank you Jesus.
Praise the Lord Almighty!

Good night everyone. Sleep well. Enjoy your day. Praise Jesus he took our sins away.


Plans and Dreams


The other night I was helping out at kindergarten round up at my old school. This is where preschoolers come in and spend time with the kindergarten teacher and the teacher can tell the parents what to expect for the year their children will be in the class. It is a really neat way for the teacher to get to meet the parents and students before they go to school.

After the round up was over the teacher (who I grew up with and have known for many years) asked me if I think I did the right thing by not becoming a teacher. Honestly guys, every time I teach I am glad that God put in my heart an uneasy feeling about where I was at and what I was going to school for and planning to do for my life. There is just so many things about teaching that freak me out and make me stress. I told the teacher yes, I am glad I got out and didn’t continue on that education.

On the other side, when I was teaching Sunday School one week it was a bad class. The kids wouldn’t listen and I felt like I had very little control and I was getting very frustrated. A few days later it was valentines day and in the church mailbox was a valentine from one of the kiddos. He is a stinker but he knows how to pull the strings of the heart to make you smile. There are actually a few kids like that in this specific class now that I think about it. Anyways when I found the valentine I couldn’t help but smile and think back to how frustrated I was on Sunday. I have multiple friends going for teaching and I sent them a message stating,

“When teaching there are bad days but, when a student does something so out of mind that tugs at your heart, it makes those bad days worth it.”

I truly agree to this thought. It doesn’t matter if I want to be a teach or not, this statement is true. I teach for vacation bible school in the summer as well. I can remember frustration all week. It is summer and the kids are in a school setting, it doesn’t always go well. I also remember those moments when the kids are so excited about the story, or they are so excited about how their craft turned out. The smiles and laughs make the frustration worth it.

After stating all of that no, I am not going back into schooling for teaching full time. Sunday school and VBS are enough for me thank you. The stress of having to be in charge of the kids souls, minds and well being freaks me out. I am told constantly that I could be a teacher because I am “so good at teaching and explaining things.” Maybe, but teaching kids in a school setting as such doesn’t sound appealing anymore.

I have plan to follow at some point in my life. I don’t know when I will put it into play, I don’t know when I will follow through on it, but I know I will. Sure it may be 10 years down the road, but I am going to open a bed and breakfast and/or fruit farm at some point in my life.

If your dreams are easily reached you aren’t dreaming big enough.

Life has been a lot of stress lately. I am taking three classes right now and all three quarter long classes which means everything is fast paced and a lot every week. I am taking finance, law and marketing. Finance is the worst right now because there is so much to do with no in class (it is an online course) that it has become very stressful and frustrating. My mom especially knows when I am working on finance because my mood drops about 20 levels down from normal….ok that might be a slight exaggeration but still. It is bad.

To end this on a more positive note, happy national cook a sweet potato day (February 22)!

WOAH! update time…

Wisconsin Falls

I am so behind on this blog, my goodness. Fast update time!

Christmas: Merry belated Christmas!
We got together with our families and my favorite Christmas gift was my Teddy Bear. I named him Teddy 😉 I have always loved stuffed animals and this Teddy Bear was just a past memory coming to the future. He is also great at cuddling, those long nights and stressful homework days he is the absolute first guy I go to…what am I kidding, he is one of the only guys I go to……Jesus and Teddy, I love you full heartedly.
Sub Note: Jingles never did find his bells. He went to visit some friends of his up north (it got a little warm here for him:)). My aunt, however, came over the other day and she said that she found one of his bells! I found the other two the other day! Next year Jingles is going to be so excited to see that we found his bells!!!!

Break: It was very long but it was good. I got to spend some quality time with my aunt and cousins. It was great to meat my new baby cousin and see his parents 🙂 So very cute!

School: So, school started recently. I am taking three classes this quarter. I am taking Entrepreneurial Marketing, Business Finance, and Business Law. Entrepreneurial Marketing is filling in different aspects of how and who you marketing your business to.
Business Finance is learning how to finance your business and how to keep your business from getting into deep doo-doo…
Business Law teaches the legal side of owning a business. Of course it doesn’t say every regulation to every business (it is only a quarter class).

Now I am just sitting here not doing a worksheet that I need to do…I said something the other day like “procrastination? Yea I could do that.” Haha, I will get to that sheet soon, don’t worry my dears, I just need to nag myself a little longer 🙂

Happy 2018 all of you! God’s blessings to you all! 

Jingles Adventure: Days 2-17


Jingles has been all over the house looking for his Jingle Bells. When he first got here he spent a few days checking the kitchen counter. He didn’t find anything.

Then he spent a little while in the office. He checked dads’ desk and found nothing. Then he moved over to my moms’ shelves, found nothing there either.

After the office he moved over to the east room. He spent a few days sitting up by the tv looking around and watching if anyone gave any clues as to where he was.


He then moved onto my desk in my room. He wasn’t there long before he searched it all and discovered there was nothing. However, he did meet Goofy 🙂 He moved from being with his new great friend to searching the living room and stairway. He watched everyone as they walked by and watched things in the living room. he did however have a great position 🙂 Here he met another friend, an angel. He was here for a few days before he moved on. 

So far, that is Jingles Adventure! He has moved on sense but I don’t know where he went…I guess I should go look for him. Updates will come soon!

Catch up

Water Beauty

Oh my goodness it has been so long! I am so sorry! Between the end of the semester and forgetting to update I am very far behind!

Ok, so I have finished my first semester! I have one more to go and I will be done!

I love my family, I really do. But when they come home sick and decide to share it, I have mixed feelings. If you don’t understand, my oldest little brother came home about a week or two ago with a cold. Then my other brother got it, then my dad, then my mom and I got it about the same time.

Besides all that, I am teaching Sunday school now. The third and fourth graders only had one teacher but they are a big group so said if no one else wanted to help I would help.

Ok, I am watching Tom and Jerry right now as I write this. It is just as funny and ridiculous as it was when I was a little girl. I don’t care if I am ‘too old’ for cartoons, this is fun 🙂

Christmas is one week away! Honest, one week from today! 

Merry early Christmas all!

Jingles Adventure: Introduction


Hello! I would like you all to meet Jingles. Jingles’ is my new friend found Thursday morning.

Jingles became my friend when we ran into each other. He was looking for his jingle bells. Have you seen his jingle bells? He says he doesn’t feel like Jingles, he just feels like regular old bells. There is no jingle to his step.

Jingles’ is going to go on an adventure to find his Jingles. Hopefully he will find them by Christmas!

Stay tuned to follow along with Jingles and his adventure to find his Jingle Bells!