Eventful Day!

Painted Brick

Oh my goodness where do I start? Well, today is Thursday so I got to sleep in this morning! After that, I took a shower and got dressed even though it was the first day of fall (Happy first day of fall!) I wore a summery shirt. 🙂 I went to class blah blah blah. Well, There was this leak in the basement that was quite extensive and it covered a large part of the hallway. The maintenance man came and put a fan out. One of the RA’s on our floor said she thought we were all going to die by either slipping and falling or we were going to drown. Haha, it was a big puddle on the ground. She is super fun and over exaggerates a tiny bit. Haha Well, another thing that happened today was a washer in the laundry room down here blew open! It sent suds all over the floor! Oh my goodness so the maintenance man came and cleaned that up and fixed it! The RA that exaggerates much sent around a thank you card after story time tonight to thank him for all the work he did in the dorm today. 🙂 Yes, you read that right ‘story time’. Our RA’s tell us a bedtime story on Thursday nights each week. Sometimes there are even snacks! Ok, so early tonight around 9ish or so I needed a break from reading so I went back to the room and decided I was going to vacuum the floor (we were going to do it this weekend anyways). I vacuumed the floor and when I was done the vacuum smelt funny and it sounded weird. So what does a girl who is very good at procrastinating do? She takes apart the vacuum. Yes, so I got my little tool bag and a garbage can and the vacuum sat down on the floor and proceeded to take apart the vacuum. I discovered there was hair in multiple places that hair should not be in a vacuum. I then cleaned the vacuum out and put it back together. Guess what dad? NO EXTRA PIECES! Oh my goodness I was so happy! I was talking to some friends of mine and they were very encouraging. Well I mean the said I could do it and then they said that I did a very good job. Haha BUT I think that counts! Ok, my eyes are super sore right now so I am going to bed. I have classes tomorrow so I should probably get some sleep. 🙂 Goodnight all!

P.S. -The picture is a painting on a brick my roommates and I painted, well they painted this side. I have such talented roommates!

1 Month down!

puppies on a couch

Oh my goodness! I have been in college for a month….WHAT!????!!!!! I seriously don’t believe it. I have some bad news guys. The Packers lost against their arch enemies, the vikings. It was a cool experience because we have both viking and packer fans in our hall and when we cheered we would hear each other. 🙂 I have gone to multiple sporting events now and people have gotten to know the other side of me that many don’t get the privilege of knowing. 🙂 I get quite excited with certain things. One girl that didn’t have anything to do decided she was going to come and catch a few of my moments on video during the game. It was quite funny and entertaining for her, and the rest of the people in the room I suppose. 🙂 Late night tonight was chicken strips. Some people went to late night but I wanted to watch the game and I knew the screens in the caf would be so terribly crowded. The people going to late night offered to bring back some chicken strips for those of us who weren’t going. If you ever want me to be quite during something give me food. It works like a charm! I also discovered that one girl that I converse with every so often was a Packer fan! I knew I liked her. 🙂 Sunday and Friday night I think were my favorite nights here so far. Friday night was just a crazy fun night with my roommates.

This weekend (I forgot I hadn’t posted an update on it) was so fun with my aunt and grandma! My grandma was so sweet she took us out to eat. 🙂 It was all really yummy food. OH! She also got one of my roommates and I ice cream! Yummy thank you, grandma, love you! Thanks for chilling and hanging out with my roommates and my aunty and grammy!


Sky before the Storm

Ok so I woke up and took a shower. I had put my laundry in the washer and then I was going to just sit and chill for a while. One of my roommates comes in and says she made pancakes and smoothie for us! Seriously it was all so good! After we cleaned up we went to the football game. Not the best start of the year. this game was 0-32. It was so fun to go to a football game but wish we did better!

My grandma and aunt got to town for dinner so we went to a Mexican restaurant. After that my grandma suggested ice cream. It was good ice cream. We got back to the dorm shows them around a little bit when they left. A girl from next door said they were watching monsters inc so we went over there and watched a movie. You will notice, no homework was done today. Tomorrow is going to be a Packer watching homework doing kind of a day. 🙂 Goodnight all!

Rainy Day


Today was a rainy and chilly day. It is Thursday so I was able to sleep in this morning! I had one class today. In that one class, I had a quiz. I think I did pretty good on it! In math this past Wednesday we had a test. I was so happy when I got the score back, I got 89/100. I was so worried I didn’t do it right because it seemed so easy.

The weather really plays affects on your moods. Did you know that? When it is bright and sunny out you are usually the happiest! When it is dark and stormy out people aren’t usually chipper. That is me today, down, slow, and out of it. It probably didn’t help that I was reading.

This weekend I get to spend time with my grandma and aunt! How exciting is that?! They are going on a trip to SD and on their way back they are stopping here!

What a Morning


Good gracious today has had so many little things happen. Ok so I woke up and took a shower. Apparently I took a long shower. I wasn’t late for church but I took more than 30. Which is super weird lately. Then in church the bulletin stated certain versus that certain group would sing. They didn’t say we were singing the whole song. As you can imagine that put a lot of stress on my little head. Then there was this other song that they said we were singing only the 5th and 6th verse. I got that! I was like “Yea! I can do this!” Then one of my roommates next to me started singing the wrong verse. She messed me up man! Oh well. Then we got back to the dorm after church and I was like “Ok, what am I going to wear today?” I put on a t-shirt and comfy pants. As us girls went to lunch I saw a ton of packer jerseys. Then everything clicked. IT WAS SUNDAY! SUNDAY IS PACKER DAY! I WASN’T WEARING MY JERSEY! I was so mad with myself. We went to the dorm after lunch and I changed into my packer jersey. 🙂 Then we went shopping for food. My roommates were laughing at me for how upset I was that I forgot it was packer Sunday. I sent a text over to my brother asking him if there was a way for me to watch the game here. Only way was streaming, from ‘game pass’ that is a streaming site that you can watch football games from. The thing is you have to pay to use it. I didn’t get to watch the game today sadly. ;( I am hoping to figure out a way to watch it.

Happy Sunday all and God’s blessings on your week to come!

It Has Been Too Long


So, sorry about taking so long to put up another update! This week wasn’t too bad! Especially at the end of the week! I got two test scores back. Well, they were quiz’s…but I don’t care! I got 48 out of 50 on an nglish quiz and a 10 out of 10 on a math quiz! Do you guys know how excited and happy I was?! I was so happy!

Today my roommates and I went downtown for lunch. We stopped at this cute little german cafe. It was very good! I believe we will be going back. 🙂 We came back to the dorm after lunch and painted bricks. The dorm supervisors set up brick painting every year. It was a lot of fun! One of my roommates had fun painting her legs. 🙂 She was making my other roommate and I laugh so hard! I painted a wacky face with a watermelon hat on my foot. 🙂 It took us a little more than 2 hours to do all this. That isn’t an exaggeration either people. I also discovered (I guess I already knew it but didn’t understand as to what extent it went) just how amazingly talented my roommates are! They created the most amazing art work on our brick!

Today I decided that I should probably think a little more seriously, about getting a during school job. I like to eat a lot of veggies and fruits for snacks. Those items aren’t cheap. Hmm

I…well all of us girls have been noticing just how bad the mosquitos are here. Oh my goodness with all the rain that has been happening the mosquitos are absolutely horrible! We all have so many bug bites! We cracked open the cortizone to try to calm the itchy sensation. 🙂

Yup. It’s me again!

Peach from Michigan

Yesterday I had one class. I suppose the title of this is a lie. Oh well. Anyways, I had one class yesterday and it was cloudy, rainy, and humid outside. I tried taking a nap after my class. That didn’t work. Anytime I went outside there would be puddles. What does a college girl do when there are puddles in her path you may ask. Well, I let me tell you. She jumps in them! A little excitement in a really dull dreary day. My roommate both had early classes today. I got up and got dressed and looked in the mirror debating what to do with my hair. I wanted to french braid it. I tried. I stopped quickly after beginning. I could not get it to work. I sent a note to a friend who did my hair last year during high school saying I missed her being a class away from doing my hair. ;( Even though I have roommates who can do hair if they aren’t there it really isn’t that helpful I have to be honest. Oh well, I figured out what to do and just threw it up into a half up half down look and straightened the out of control curls.

On our way back to school Monday my mama stopped at the largest candy store in Minnesota. It was very overwhelming I must say. There was so much candy, soda, chips, and so many other things. Anyways, I had been trying to find this one root beer that I found in our fridge back home that was so flavorful! I found it in one place but no way I was going to pay that! At this candy store, my mama found it for a decent price! I was so excited! Then the next day rolls around. One of my roommates and I wanted some. We grabbed a bottle each and…hmmm we needed a bottle opener. Neither of us had one. So I went to the basement kitchen and couldn’t find one. Then we went and asked for the RA’s assistance. They had one! Yes, they let us use it. 🙂 I was so happy to have that root beer again. 🙂 It was so flavorful and yummy!

Labor Day Weekend

Kitty Cuddles

This weekend has been so fantastically amazing! Friday we had a little adventure in the car on our way from college. The traffic was a little slow going but we were never at a stop for long. 🙂 Saturday we went to the farmers market and played some games. Sunday we played a ton of games and drove the go cart around! Seriously y’all, I have missed that so much! I am kind of sad I have to go back to school tomorrow. I love having animals and a big yard and go cart around. I am also looking forward to getting back to the dorm to sleep great. It is super weird but, I think I might sleep better with the bed and college than I do with my bed at home…Maybe that is a sign that I should actually get a new mattress instead of the one from my brother which was originally my moms. Hmmm.

I am really looking forward to getting back to college because I am going to look for the radio station in the town! I applied via email to ask for work or volunteer hours and they said that it may be possible! They mentioned that I should come and visit, I have been meaning to find it and say hi. I keep forgetting to go down and/or having the motivation to walk there and back 🙂

I am so going grocery shopping sometime tomorrow however. We need more food in the dorm. It is very bare.

Home for the Weekend!

puppy and a horse toy

It is a weird feeling being home but knowing that you are only here for 2 maybe 3 nights. Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad to be home! It just gives you a really weird feeling. I went to Aj’s football game last night! It was so good to go to one of those again. We lost, but it was good to be home talking with my friend and my new friends. 🙂 I will have more updates on  the weekend as it goes. For now I am just going to find something to eat then go to the chiropractor!!!!! :)~

It isn’t that bad!

nightime drive

Hello all! I am coming to a close of my 2nd week of college. At this moment I can say I like it better than high school. My classes aren’t going to horribly. I am still adjusting from high school to college. One thing that pointed this out to me like a red thumb was I failed a pop quiz because I did my homework high school style. I mean high school style because in high school when we got a sheet with questions from reading you just skimmed the reading to find the answers. In college, you have to actually read everything. That lesson was given and learned.

On another note tonight after evening chapel I got back to the room and one roommate was in the room already (she live streamed chapel). We started talking, we ended up talking about various things for an hour until our other roommate came in. Our other roommate came in at a bad time. Haha, it’s ok though we all started talking about things till about 9. Making our procrastinating time at about 2 hours. One roommate had homework she needed to do. Oops! It was good to talk though, slowly but surely we are getting to know each other more and more. I am enjoying getting to know these two girls. It is a little overwhelming to have so many people that you meet all at ounce within two weeks. Those new faces are becoming less and less though which I am thankful for. Even if I don’t know them I still recognize their faces which is comforting, everything new is becoming less overwhelming.

I am going home this weekend and my two roommates are going with me! I am so excited I get to see one of my brothers football games! I am so excited to see all of my family and animals again! It’s funny, I come home from college and all my friends are going to college. Haha, that makes me laugh. Goodnight all and have a wonderful night/day!