summer fog

Dreams and Reality

I always thought when I grew up and moved out of my parent’s house I would have more of social life. I would go more places and be with more people…it has actually turned into the opposite some days. I go a while without talking or seeing anyone. It is really weird and not what I thought it would be. I am positive this will change after time and before I know it I will be having more conversations and time spent with people.

Today I had a one dollar ribbon cutting. Basically, the board of the chamber of commerce comes to the house for a tour and I offered snacks (thanks for the idea mama) and we cut a ribbon in front of the house. It was very neat and fun to meet them.

Today is so beautiful outside that I am sitting on the porch writing this. The sun is warm the leaves are falling! It is just so gorgeous!

I have spent the last few hours trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the blueberry bushes. You may remember last fall my family bought some from my previous employer. The idea was to transport them to the bed and breakfast once it was up and going. The delay with the was there was no room or a sunny enough place for them. However, I had to get a tree taken down because of storm damage. This opened up my front yard and we gained a lot of sunshine as well.

Have you ever seen the movie “Uncle Nino.” If you have not it is a movie (that always makes me cry) about a man from Italy that comes to the US to spend time with his family. He has never been before and has not talked to his nephew or the family in years. Anyways, he gains the trust and love from his nephew’s children and while his nephew is out of town on business he and the kids turn the front yard into a garden. The entire front yard is torn up with vegetables planted and mulch paths throughout. That was my favorite part of the movie and something I have wanted to do for years. Living in the country with a vegetable garden didn’t give me a chance to change the whole front yard into a garden. Plus the fact that my parents front yard was huge it was not a smart idea. I said to myself years ago, if I have a front yard that I can turn into a vegetable garden I will. The previous owner of this house did amazing landscaping work. I have always had trouble doing something different after someone has done something. I don’t like messing with others work. One reason I am fond of the idea to change the yard is, I have no idea what most of the plants in my front yard are. I don’t know how to care for them or if they need any special treatment. I don’t know flowers as well as I know fruits and veggies. I can eat fruits and veggies, they have my love. I greatly enjoy seeing flowers but I have no idea how to care for them.

I am not saying this is something I am going to do. Please do not bombard me with “No! Don’t dig up your flowers” “I will teach you about the flowers” “Don’t touch the yard it looks great” or my favorite “Why to change something that is not broken?”

I am not going to do anything right now, I am not going to change things immediately. It is all part of my thought process. I am thinking about fulfilling another dream. The reality is that I probably will not do this. The dream is I want to make my front yard a giant vegetable and fruit garden with mulch paths weaving through it.