Hello old Friends

This winter, I sat down to write many times. I am still not 100% sure what I am going to say. But, I have a few minutes this morning so I thought I would write something.

This winter was not good. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good. The storm, damage and dealing with everyone involved really messed me up. I don’t know how people who lose everything work with the people involved and keep their heads on. Maybe because they are older and wiser? Maybe because they already learned the gumption part needed? I don’t know but, what I do know is I have learned a LOT!

I have learned how to have gumption when I am talking to people about getting things done. I have learned that not everyone can be at your begging 24/7 thought they say call anytime. I have learned that some people just aren’t good at their job. I have learned that some people really don’t care about you if you can’t give them exactly what they are looking for. I learned people are afraid to tell you straight up if something is or isn’t going to work. I got left in the dust without knowing it so many times these past few months. I was ignored, forgotten about, lost in the pile, pushed to the side. Which ever way you want to title it, that happened a lot. It wasn’t just the big name companies it was also the local, small, family owned businesses.

I never want to do that to someone. I never want to hide my thoughts. If I don’t think something is going to work I am going to flat out say it. I have a few stories already where I had to turn down business because the offer was sketchy, the business was NOT what my place is for or about.

I have also learned that I do not do well when I am depending on other people before I can do my thing. I REALLY need to work on that. I have worked on my patience for years. I think I wrote a post about it actually… I can be very patient. Until this year. We are a little over 8 months now and my anxiety is now uncontrolled. I have had panic attacks at least once a week since April. Sometimes it is the same topic or similar but other times it is just my brain WAY over doing it and panicking. I have found something to help calm me if I let it. I have found something that I am trying to use to real my anxiety back in. This last week I had a panic attack Sunday night and Monday night. Both had me crying. Both had me terrified.

If you don’t know me, I am not a cryer. I don’t cry until I am about to blow. Until I have hit my breaking point. Until my hormones go SUPER wacky. This first time I cried this year was back in April. I had hit my breaking point. I was leaving my parents and hugging my mom goodbye. The next 3 weekends when I would hug my mom goodbye I would start crying. I don’t cry. I get emotional yes but I don’t cry. If I do cry it is a tear or two and that’s it. Those weekends, I cried. This past week, I cried.

My struggle with anxiety and moments of depression are nowhere near over. They are nowhere near being “fixed.” I have found someone to talk to about it. I have found someone who understands.

At the end of 2019, I had fevers daily for months not really thinking about it until someone pointed it out. I had an infection. The begging of the year started off with my being so sore and stiff somedays I could barely move. I worked overwinter on calming myself and trying to find other ways to relieve stress. My soreness and stiffness are now back down to normal. Spring came around and I started having panic attacks. It wasn’t horrible at first but then I had an attack at work. I was sitting at my computer and I still remember that moment perfectly.

I was sitting at my computer trying to get a program to work. It wasn’t working. Not a shocker, that particular program doesn’t always work and takes a LOT of concentration and thinking to get it to do what you want. Anywho, as I was doing that there were people outside in the hall talking. Everything got super loud, my vision started to go, my heart was racing I felt like I could barely breathe. I knew I needed to get out of the office and away from everyone. I didn’t want them to see me falling apart. I wanted to keep that part of my life away from the office so very badly.

I grabbed my phone, grabbed the flash drive, and my keys, and ran upstairs. I had to put Sundays things on the computer anywho. Working and in a quiet place. Good. I started texting my person and they calmed me down reminded me what to do. Talked to me. Asked if I wanted to call and talk. I couldn’t do it. I could barely breathe let alone talk and I was at work. I didn’t want anyone there to hear me. No, I sat upstairs for a little while taking my time uploading the Sunday things at breathing. Calming down.

After that instance I knew it was bad and out of control and I needed to work on calming down. I have not gotten a hang on it at all but I am aware and know. That’s the first step right? Admitting you have a problem? Then the second finding someone you trust to help you. Then third fixing.I don’t know if this is something that I can “fix” but I am going to try. I can’ live my life in fear of the next attack. I can’t live my life knowing that something, anything can trigger something like that at any point while doing anything. It isn’t safe, it isn’t smart, it needs to end.

I am asking for your prayers.

I guess I found my words and what to say 🙂

Until next time. Stay safe my friends.

Smoke Detector Story

Here it is. The story you have been waiting for.

February 9th-10th I was sleeping nicely. I had planned for this night to be a catch up from the previous weeks. The weeks were very rough with little sleep. That did not happen, nope, not a tall. So it is 1:30 in the morning and in my dream, there is a weird beeping. It was getting louder and consistent. I wake up, it was not a dream…the beeping is real, it is in the house. It takes me a second then I realize, the smoke detector is beeping. Oh but wait, there’s more. Two of them are beeping. I am very glad all of them were not, it was a lot easier to handle than constant beeping. At least this way I had 25 seconds of peace in-between the double beeps.

As everyone says “they always die in the middle of the night.” This is a true fact. I do not remember ever having a smoke detector die in the middle of the day growing up. Just at night.

So I am now pretty awake for being awakened by the beeping. I have a step ladder out and am upstairs messing with the alarm. The battery is dead. Logical explanation right? Wrong.

Kwik Trip run

after 1:30 in the morning and I throw on sweats, Ugg boots and my Carhart coat with an old highschool hat, grab my keys and purse and out the door I go. I hoped in the car and drive off to the Kwik trip. Oh, I should mention, I googled the closest Kwik Trip open 24hrs near me. I live in a small town and yes there are two Kwik trips but, a small town, I wasn’t sure if the general store would be open. Thankfully my favorite Kwik Trip in LC is open 24 hrs!

The distance from Kwik Trip to my house is less than a mile. Easily could be walked BUT it was very early in the morning when I should be in bed so I drive because I wanted to get back to sleep quickly 🙂

When I arrived at Kwik Trip, I walk into 3 people working and one person shopping. I ask one of them if they have D batteries they point me to where I need to go.

There are 6 detectors in my house. They are hardwired together and though only 2 are beeping I didn’t know if more would start beeping later that night so I grabbed enough batteries to replace all of them.

These people working at the Kwik Trip were VERY nice. They were smiley, sweet and nice. I was very much not expecting that for 1:45 in the morning.

Back to the beeping…

I get back to the house and with my pockets filled with batteries, I grab my big ladder out of my garage and carry it into the house. You see I have one detector on the main floor which has a higher ceiling. The ceiling is too high for me to reach with the step ladder.

After I drag that guy in I go back upstairs and change the battery in the beeping detector. It doesn’t stop beeping. So I go downstairs and replace that battery. It doesn’t stop beeping.

Throughout this fun night, I am texting my mom hoping I don’t wake her up but at the same time hoping she is awake to help guide me in what to do. I have never worked with hardwire detectors before! I didn’t want to electrocute myself or make a bigger problem with more beeping.

As I was sitting at my island in the kitchen googling what could all be going on I kept finding you need new detectors so call an electrition. Ok, I can do that. So I then google electricians near Lake City. I left a few messages at some and one person picked up. They’re open at 2 in the morning??? Nope…I woke the poor guy and his wife up. I felt SO bad!!

He tells me I need to go to Menards and get new ones. No problem, I can do that. I went downstairs and tried to turn the electricity off to the detectors so I could disconnect them. Nothing on the panel is labeled as smoke detectors.

Solving the problem

Ok now what? From what I was reading I can’t turn them off or disconnect them without turning the power off to them. So I sent my dad a text asking what to do…at 2:30ish in the morning.

I knew I would not get a reply for a few hours so I tried to go back to bed. This girl was so tired she actually fell asleep for a little bit with the beeping….I did say a LITTLE bit 🙂

5:30 rolls around and my phone goes off. My dad answered! He told me I just have to unplug the things…there is a plug…Yes, Google, that would have been wonderful to know 3 hours ago! How could I have missed that you may ask? Because it was 2 in the morning and I was half asleep. That is how 🙂

I get the two that were beeping unplugged have a few last texts back and forth with my dad then sign off and go back to bed.

Yup, you guessed it, there’s more.

Does it end there? Nope. My body will not let me sleep in. I don’t know what is wrong with it but It did not like me sleeping in. 7:50 AM and I can’t sleep anymore. I am exhausted I am done. Thankfully Mondays are my days of rest…kind of. This day I had an appointment that afternoon, a friend coming for dinner and staying the night as well as bible study that evening. I made it through the day but barely 🙂

Monday night I slept GREAT! I woke up Tuesday morning ready to go! That morning I went to work, came back home, jumped in the car and off to Menards I went.

I decided to replace all of the alarms at once. This way there would be no more bad nights for a while…Lord, I pray, please no. When I got back from Menards I ate lunch did a few other things then started putting up all 6 new smoke detectors.

Your ears ring after putting up that many CONNECTED smoke detectors. When they are all the same brand and model they link GREAT. When I attached another one the others all chimed in. I have four down and two to go…”Low battery.”

Yes…it still continues

Ok at first, no problem. I am planning to replace all of them and the low battery will be gone. WRONG! I replace all of them start cleaning up and “Low battery.” The talking detectors’ voice was very sweet but that didn’t make me any less annoyed. They are all brand new! Just unwrapped! I was now quite angered. At this point, I said nope, unplugged it (because I now knew how) and left that room without one for the night. I was just in Red Wing it was getting close to dinner time I was not going to drive back for ONE replacement. Nope, that would be tomorrow’s job.

The next day looks very much like the first. Go to work, come back, hop in the car and go to Menards. I replaced the bad one came back home, set it up walked out of the room and waited, waited, nothing! All is quiet all is well, everything works and is happy!

NOW is the end. I am very thankful I did not have anybody else staying the night they were beeping.

My hope for all of you is that you enjoyed this story of my life while owning a house. To all of you living alone, first-time homeowners or long time homeowners who are sitting at your computer or in your favorite chair reading this and reminiscing, I do not want another night like that one.

Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you all a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening. I am signing off for now. Until next time,

See the Bessings in every day.

Is Proud the Right Word?

summer sunsets

There is this friend I have known since early elementary school. This friend has been through ups and downs. They have had it rough they have tried their best. They have wanted to quit but never gave up.

This friend of mine is a very awesome person and they want to grow in their faith but they struggle. This friend and I have had many talks about religion and faith. I have sent him bible verses or thoughts and each time I hesitate but I do it none the less.

Bible Time

This past week at Women’s Evening Bible Study (or WEBS as us ladies call it) we were talking about time and wisdom with God.

Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” 

While we were going through the Bible study and we were reading this verse and talking about it I could not stop thinking about my friend.

A few weeks earlier this friend and I had a discussion about them not liking that God knows all. They say they don’t like feeling equivalent to a “Sim” or doll. They say they don’t like someone else knowing everything they are going to do. This friend and I have talked a lot about this because this particular thought has been in their head for years.

They don’t go to church weekly, they go on holiday’s with their family. Since our last conversation, I had been trying to think of a way to get them to go to church, to find a church family. One sad and challenge about all of this is they say I am the only person they talk to about this sort of thing, religion and their thoughts of God.

So after Monday’s Bible study, I sent them a video message reading through this passage and talking about what we had discussed in Bible Study. Then at the end of the chat, I invited them to church with me. They choose the weekend, either they come here or I go to them. I said each of us will do a sermon study and discuss them after the service.

Sermon Studies

You may be asking, “what do you mean by sermon study?” Great question! This year I have decided that I am tired of zoning out and having my mind wander during sermons. I bought a notebook specifically to be my sermon study notebook. My sermon studies involve writing down repeating words. Writing down phrases or words that are emphasized. I write down things that catch my eye or things I relate to and the comments on them. If there is a diagram or picture that comes to mind, I write that down. I write down the book, chapter and verse(s) the sermon is based on as well as the sermon title if there is one. If I have questions I also write those down.

I have found that after almost two months of doing this I have had one Sunday that my mind wandered. I found it was a sermon that had dragged on a bit and lost me in the middle. In the end, I found it much greater. I can’t tell you what lost me because I wasn’t paying attention. The end of the sermon was about grace. About the unconditional love we don’t deserve. It has stuck in my mind since that day.

My friend responded to my notes of the passage and the Bible study thoughts and going to church together, sermon studies and discussing great! Their response was very enthusiastic and seemingly wanting to do these things. I am going to keep on their behind about finding a day that works best for them. I do trust them but I also know many people who have trouble committing or making a decision. I love this friend very much and I would very much appreciate it if you would add them to your prayers. 

Thank you, May God bless you all greatly.

Episode 4

Well, last weekend blog did not publish! It is up now so sorry for the delay. I have really been bad with this blog dealy…two weeks in a row!

This week gets a little sappy on the blog. The podcast does not get as emotional so go check it out on most streaming applications!

We have a new love seat in the Library that all should come to check out and enjoy. It is very comfortable for sitting, cozying up and seeing in the room 🙂


On the podcast this week I covered the new siding of the house, listening and enjoying your time with your elders, that perfect timing, and a special treat 🙂

Let’s cover the house first. From Jan 2 to Jan 27 the house has been torn apart to its naked skin and clothed with beautiful vinyl siding. In the following pictures, you can see the house as it is dressed again as well as the amount of snow we gained from the beginning of January to the end. Man, it was hard to clear the driveway with a giant dumpster and pallet full of siding. Thank you, Lindsay, for your help!

Now, we go to listening to those who have more experience than us.

Those more experienced

I have had a hard time with this part of the blog. It is very important to know when you need to ask for advice. When you need guidance. Who to go to.

I lost both of my grandfathers when I was very young. One I have memories of. The other no. There are stories and knowledge of who he was but he was really sick for most of my life before he went home.

I had a really hard time with not having my grandfathers in highschool. I would cry at least once a week if not more. My friend would get many texts and phone calls because I needed someone to lean on but I didn’t want to upset my parents.

This past year I took time for granted. I know they were pets but I grew up with them. One was my best friend since I was 2 years old. The other was my birthday buddy. I still think of them and miss them.


My grandmothers are getting up there in age. They are having more health problems and having a harder time getting around.

For my best friend (my cat Little Boo) I had been preparing myself for the phone call, I would get that she didn’t wake up. That she was gone. Did it help? No.

I was not prepared for Dingo (our dog, my birthday buddy.) I went home one weekend and by the time I made it back to Lake City, I got a call that my mom had to take him to the vet. 45 minutes later he was gone.

I know it is not the same. I know some of you will think it is weird that I am comparing preparing to say goodbye to my grandmothers as I did to family pets. Attachment.

I have one grandmother who has been sticky noting things all over her house for years. So when she dies we know what goes to who.

I know my grandmas will not be on the earth forever. I know they will be going home where there is no more pain and sorrow.


Time is short. I know this…now I get this. Your time “runs out,” if you will, here on earth.

I have a lot going on lately. I have really been struggling with many things.

The stories they tell and the wisdom they share is so valuable. On Tuesday mornings I have a gentleman, the grandpa of the school, who comes in after men’s bible study and we talk, he shares stories or gives me advice. I LOVE Tuesday mornings. I look forward to them.

He made a comment the other day about listening to those older and taking in what they have to say. I told him I love Tuesday mornings because of his stories and wisdom. He asked “Really?” of course, I told him yes.

I have decided to make use of those smarter than me and those more experienced. I don’t have to struggle through making anything if someone knows how to make it work. What if they made instructions?

I did learn that at a certain point in life, people just like to reminisce. They don’t like to plan or dream they just like to backtrack. I learned that you need to talk to your elders but choose someone who is going to listen back to you and give you feedback.


Ok, so that took a turn, yes. I waited to say anything because I didn’t know what to say. I said more than I wanted to on somethings but my heart spoke and my fingers typed.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Till next time, see the blessings in every day.

Episode 5

First of all, I know Episode 4 is late with the blog. The pictures were not working and I did not want to upload and not keep my promise. I was also struggling with words.

I am still working on it and will get it up as soon as I can!

Now to episode 5!


Starts out shaky, stats out not knowing. We started talking about my last few weeks and what has been going on. We talk about a caramel fundraiser at church, musicals, and my loft 🙂

I love musicals. I love the random singing, the choreographed dancing. It always gets me excited. If I am in a good mood and ready, I am singing along making up my own moves (of course, I don’t have the time, patience or want to learn the choreographed 🙂

I would LOVE to make the loft into an office. In fact, I have already started! I am using a white folding table, a storage shelf and plywood I found with an olf bedsheet to keep from getting splinters 🙂 This would be much more exciting…if it wasn’t so COLD!!!! Oh my goodness. Yes, I do have heat in the garage but I don’t have it on all season because my bills would be gigantic. A plan needs to be figured out so I can have heat without spiking my bill. I was getting work done the other day but my toes were frozen!! It took forever to thaw them out.

a little treat for my blog readers

This summer is going to be great! I have painting projects, gardening, and building all lined up! Sure, I am not ready and I am going to need help and maybe hire some church teens…I have to figure that out. BUT, it is going to be a great summer! I can feel it in my bones 🙂

Both porches need to be sanded and painted. I am thinking of going with a grey as the base color against the new siding. I don’t know exactly what shade yet but I have a month or two to decide that yet. My back porch needs a new railing, my garden box needs some stabling and the yard…oh the yard. For some of it, there are professionals coming in to fix it…hopefully, they didn’t close out my claim because it is winter and they can’t do anything. Y’all I am very tired of that happening. I have big plans for my gardens, will any of it get done? Yes. Will all of it? Have we met?

Hi! I’m Krissa. I am one of the biggest dreamers you will ever meet. I plan, dream and imagine. It only gets done when it is thought of at the time it can get done. Very rarely does anything get done and put into motion days or months after it is thought of.

That’s all for now folks! Till next time, see the blessings in every day.

Gratefulness: Episode 3

I know. There was no post last week. No blog, no podcast, nothing.

I do not have a good excuse. Last week went by so fast and busy. It was a really great week so that’s awesome 🙂


Gratitude. Thankfulness. Praises.

We have talked a lot lately about bummer things and stress and problems as such. Those things have been on my mind so far. Yes, I am a very happy person but everyone has moments and days when things go downhill. When days are just bad for whatever reason.

You may remember back from the beginning of season 1 of Simply Living Podcast Lindsay from Truly Living Photography came and talked about business and becoming a business owner.

She and I are still friends, we still talk often and I hope you have all taken a look at her website which I believe she updated a few months back.

Writing Gratitude

We were talking last week and we got on the topic of gratitude. Her mom gave her a book for Christmas.

Good Days Start With Gratitude: A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude: Gratitude Journal

This book can be found on Amazon. Anywho, she was telling me about how her mindset is already changing and how much she loves working in the book. Each day you write down 3 things that you are grateful for. It can be that you have a roof over your head or that the child next to you in church coughed away from you.

Part of the write up in the description on Amazon goes as follows: Each well designed weekly spread contains an inspirational quote, space to write 3 things you are thankful for each day of the week, and a weekly checkpoint.

Why I started talking about this book so much is she has been doing this since the start of the year. She has absolutely loved it! She says one day she wrote down a little thing that she was grateful for at work and it was something she never would have thought of being grateful for if it wasn’t for this book starting her on the track to see the blessings in life.

While we were talking I realized I had not been talking gratefulness a whole lot this year. I had been talking and thinking about the things I was struggling with the things I was having a hard time with.

S2 Episode 2

To listen to the podcast click the link below.


I LOVE my second job! Working at the church is wonderful. Yes, I truly do have days where things are just not good but those days are few. The rest of the time is just wonderful and fun!

Each morning I say “good morning” to people who come in. However, I say it in a different way than most 🙂 I “happy sing” it. I give an example in the podcast 🙂

A few days ago I did so to the principal and he said (not quoting) you need to find a man to come to you. You can not leave us.

I felt oh so loved! I have been there for over a year now and I have not stopped loving this job! The members, the staff, everyone is so kind and nice and wonderful!

Again, not every day is peachy and wonderful. Not every day is all smiles and happiness. Just a few months ago I had a spread where nothing went right and everything was off. That lasted for a few weeks. After those weeks had gone by the repercussions happened over the following 2 weeks.

Not every day is a good day but overall, this job is wonderful 🙂

I have loved growing in this town and with these people. I have been here for a year and a half. I get asked a lot if I have made any friends if I feel like I am home.

I have made friends. These people look out for me and I know I can go to them if I need help. They have all supported me and given me so much confidence.

I don’t feel at “home” yet. I am comfortable here yes. But home, no.


Check out simply living podcast to hear about my week, my 2nd job a little more and my secret love 🙂

Until next time, see the blessings in every day.

Holiday Tour and Season 2!

Saturday, Dec 7

Tonight is the night! Lake City Holiday House Tour. This year I am blessed with being a part of it! That’s right, I am one of five houses on the tour.

I am very excited and waiting for the hour friends arrive to help with the tour. Then the tour begins! I am praying and hoping it all goes ok.

Sunday, Dec 8

The day after the Holiday House Tour.

Last night was great. It was so wonderful to have two friends helping out. One of us was upstairs and two were downstairs all night. We answered questions learned about the house history and spent a nice evening together.

I think there were around 100 people that came through the house last night according to one of my friends. I am really bad at knowing how many people came through or are in a place. I never correctly counted the number of gumballs in the jar 🙂

I saw a few people I hadn’t seen in a while and I met a few new people. It was greatly rewarding to hear everyone liked the decor, the setup, and the original wood. I was told a few times “I am glad you didn’t ruin the original woodwork.”

Tuesday, Jan 7

So about the above…I didn’t realize I never posted that blog. Oops!

For the past few years (I do not know the exact amount) Lake City has hosted a Holiday House tour. It consisted of multiple houses in the area for people to walk about and admire both the architecture and design as well as the wonderful holiday decorations. This year I was blessed to be a part of it. I learned so much and had just a blast of a time. I am looking forward to next year, perhaps I will be the one touring 🙂

Episode 1

It’s Season 2!!!!

As of January 2nd, we have been in Season 2 of Simply Living Podcast. We posted our first episode and it was so much fun! Amanda came back to talk about the highlights of 2019 and what we are looking forward to in 2020. We have an absolutely lovely chat about her admirations for the coming year as well as a little chit-chat pointing towards future episodes 🙂

If you listen to the episode on a listening platform you will get an extra little treat at the end. If you have already listened to the episode you know what I am talking about 🙂

Amanda talked about how this year, she wants to work on her mental health. She wants to train her body to digest stress better.

I talked about wanting to focus on the outside of the house and yard this year. I have a few projects up my sleeves that I am looking forward to sharing with all of you.

We also talked a little about how we don’t like making “New Years Resolutions” because most people don’t stick to them. If you remember from last year I did an “NYR” and we discuss my progress a little bit. We both agreed that I did stick to the resolution and followed through on it to the end. This resolution was becoming a better friend. Reaching out to more people not waiting for them to reach out to me first. I am not saying that because I did a year of this that I am done now but I am saying, last year was a great start. I was able to get myself into the mindset of being a friend and looking out for people, reaching out to them when I thought of them and so on. It isn’t my “NYR” but it is now a part of my daily life.

Do you make “NYR’s” or do you make a “Year Checklist?” What are your big plans for the new year?! I would LOVE to hear from you all!

Till next time, see the blessings in every day.

P.S. Can we look at my Christmas Village from the beginning of last year to near the end of this year? Wow, thank you salvation army and my family! You guys have no idea how excited I am about this!!

No Regrets

Today as I was walking down the hall today at work a thought came to mind. I don’t regret not becoming a teacher.

I will admit when I first left MLC I was a little afraid I would regret the decision someday. Today is not someday 🙂 Though the thought was barely there it was there. I mean, I had been talking about being a teacher since the fourth grade! I had been playing teacher since the seventh grade. Teaching is in my blood. Yet, it was not for me. I loved the years I taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible school but I do remember it was not easy. Vacation Bible School was one of the most tiring weeks. Planning took a long while but I had a partner to help with it all 🙂

I went to the Chiropractor today and her sister used to be a teacher. She did it for a year, found out it was not the job for her and went back to school for nursing. I found that story such an incredible inspiration! Going for one-degree finishing school doing the job for a year and not being afraid to go back for a new degree. How amazing!!

Ok, now my exciting news!!

I fixed the toilet! The story behind that weird comment. There is a toilet in my house that has randomly run throughout the day since I bought the house over a year ago. My mom made a comment about how that was weird and it shouldn’t do that. So, that had to be fixed.

I went to Ace today and picked up the new parts. This afternoon I took up the project of fixing the toilet. Ok, so I thought this project would be challenging but easy enough to do. So I went to work. I turned that water off I disconnected the piping and I started removing pieces. The piece that was supposed to be easy to remove was not moving! It would not budge! It took me about 45 minutes to realize that there was a nut still holding it on from underneath.

After I removed that nut all was well and the rest of the process went pretty good! The instructions left out one detail about a washer. As in they didn’t say what to do with it. Now the washer was hard to put on the unit. After I made the mistake of not putting it on, connecting and turning the water on and making a bit of a mess…yes there was a slight lake for a second. I took apart the toilet again and put the washer on reassembled everything and then all was great!!!

Episode 22

Water Beauty

Are you all ready for some great pictures? These girls are amazing, kind and absolutely beautiful!!


You should all go check out their website and give them a shout out if you are looking for photographers.



Krissa is in a MUCH better mood this week 🙂

Take a listen for fall chores, the importance of taking time to be with friends and a few rants. Yes, I am back to my rants!

We will see you over there!
