Wisconsin Falls


Advice is one of those things that can go two ways. It can be one of the best things anyone has every said to you or one of those moments where you turn your head and give that “are you kidding me” looks. I am going to give you both sides of advice that people have given me. No this isn’t all the advice I have ever been given but it is a start.

Let’s start with the worst so we can end on a high note. (There is no certain order it is all just placed in the way and time I thought of it or decided “yea, I want to write it down.”)

1) Follow your dreams.
I probably have around 10 “dreams” so…yea following them all is not going to happen. I agree you should do what you want to do and have a passion for, but oh goodness this is just so wide it needs to be narrowed down. I can remember growing up that this was THE phrase of the years. Now you rarely hear it. I think I know why though.
When I was trying to decide what path I wanted to take last winter I made a list of everything that I still had an interest in (I have made lists over the years of what I wanted to be).

Music producer
Interior designer
Small inn owner

So yea…how on earth was I going to follow my dreams. I would be in school maybe 10 years? I mean if I want to go to school for every one of my dreams I would be in school forever. I had to narrow it all down. Music producer, sure I love music, but do I really have the ear to produce it? Probably not. Inter designer…I don’t have the eye to see what other’s like. Forensics…Medical is not my cup of tea. Broadcasting, there is very little pay in it. Sure I might love going to work but could I live off of it? Maybe? Farmer, small inn owner, this is the direction I am going. I joined the two together as one dream with branches. I am going to school for one year. Then what you may ask. I have no idea. I am not going to plan out my life. I am going to see where God sends me.

2) Fake it.
Yea, ok, no. Fake it is awful. If you want people to love you, be you. If you are someone other than yourself people will hate or love the wrong person. I am going to quote Sadie Robertson, “Be Original.” Be you, be who you want to be known as. For instance, I love to laugh, and I laugh loud. I am rarely quiet if you know me. I love to work and be outside. I need time to reflect and be alone. I love to plan and make lists. This is who I am. Why would I fake who God made me as? Why would you?

OK, the best advice I have ever received. (There is no certain order it is all just placed in the way and time I thought of it or decided “yea, I want to write it down.”)

1) Talk it out.
Yes. I strongly and full hardily believe in this. I have a whole blog post about this. I think I am for it 🙂

2) Show support and love.
I feel like this is a given from the Bible but I am putting it in here anyways. I would not be where I am today if I did not have support. Showing support is such an important thing to everyone. By people knowing that there is someone there for them standing by waiting to see them do their best or help them when they are at their worst is the best feeling ever.
Showing love has the same effect. When you know you are loved you feel you can do anything.

3) Listen.
Oh my goodness YES! Listening is one of the best things you can do for a person. Knowing that someone is truly listening and hearing what you are saying is fantastic. It doesn’t matter how important or unimportant you think it is. If someone is listening to what you are saying not only do you have more confidence but, you have more trust in that person.

This is the advice that I have been given or have given out. These are my opinions. You don’t have to agree with them. You are entitled to your own thoughts like I am to mine.

God’s blessings to you all, Smile as much as you can, love always. Goodnight. 🙂