summer trees

First Guests and God’s Not Dead 3

GUYS! I just finished my weekend with my first official guests!
It went pretty good 🙂 They loved the food, they loved the treats and they were super nice.

It was a really good weekend with some very nice people. They loved the bed and breakfast and they were the first to sign the guestbook 🙂

It is all very exciting 🙂

On not so exciting news someone got a hold of my credit card number. So sad. All is well though and is taken care of 🙂

My mom loaned me the movie God’s Not Dead 3. I watched it the other night and do suggest it. It had the message of forgiveness is key especially when all seems to be falling apart. Forgiveness to all no matter what. We all sin, we all make mistakes but to forgive is what Jesus would do and what he wants us to do. I enjoyed the movie, not as much as the first two but I did really love it. I don’t know if I could say that. Each movie is very similar but yet so different. This movie just didn’t make me as excited. It was a tear jerker just like the other two so they did something right 🙂
The character “Josh” was back and that made me very happy to see where he went after the first movie.
If you have not seen any of these movies or you have not seen the last installment in the series I do highly suggest you do. Whether you are Christian or not. They speak a powerful message to all. It shows how one sided people can be and how people turn to God for guidance and help. How they show the love of Jesus to all when things are bad in life.
They do hurt the heart a little when you think how often these types of situations happen but it opens your eyes to the other side and what is in their minds.

Time to sign off and clean and maybe take a nap later today 🙂

Happy Sunday and God Bless you all!