The other night I was helping out at kindergarten round up at my old school. This is where preschoolers come in and spend time with the kindergarten teacher and the teacher can tell the parents what to expect for the year their children will be in the class. It is a really neat way for the teacher to get to meet the parents and students before they go to school.
After the round up was over the teacher (who I grew up with and have known for many years) asked me if I think I did the right thing by not becoming a teacher. Honestly guys, every time I teach I am glad that God put in my heart an uneasy feeling about where I was at and what I was going to school for and planning to do for my life. There is just so many things about teaching that freak me out and make me stress. I told the teacher yes, I am glad I got out and didn’t continue on that education.
On the other side, when I was teaching Sunday School one week it was a bad class. The kids wouldn’t listen and I felt like I had very little control and I was getting very frustrated. A few days later it was valentines day and in the church mailbox was a valentine from one of the kiddos. He is a stinker but he knows how to pull the strings of the heart to make you smile. There are actually a few kids like that in this specific class now that I think about it. Anyways when I found the valentine I couldn’t help but smile and think back to how frustrated I was on Sunday. I have multiple friends going for teaching and I sent them a message stating,
“When teaching there are bad days but, when a student does something so out of mind that tugs at your heart, it makes those bad days worth it.”
I truly agree to this thought. It doesn’t matter if I want to be a teach or not, this statement is true. I teach for vacation bible school in the summer as well. I can remember frustration all week. It is summer and the kids are in a school setting, it doesn’t always go well. I also remember those moments when the kids are so excited about the story, or they are so excited about how their craft turned out. The smiles and laughs make the frustration worth it.
After stating all of that no, I am not going back into schooling for teaching full time. Sunday school and VBS are enough for me thank you. The stress of having to be in charge of the kids souls, minds and well being freaks me out. I am told constantly that I could be a teacher because I am “so good at teaching and explaining things.” Maybe, but teaching kids in a school setting as such doesn’t sound appealing anymore.
I have plan to follow at some point in my life. I don’t know when I will put it into play, I don’t know when I will follow through on it, but I know I will. Sure it may be 10 years down the road, but I am going to open a bed and breakfast and/or fruit farm at some point in my life.
If your dreams are easily reached you aren’t dreaming big enough.
Life has been a lot of stress lately. I am taking three classes right now and all three quarter long classes which means everything is fast paced and a lot every week. I am taking finance, law and marketing. Finance is the worst right now because there is so much to do with no in class (it is an online course) that it has become very stressful and frustrating. My mom especially knows when I am working on finance because my mood drops about 20 levels down from normal….ok that might be a slight exaggeration but still. It is bad.
To end this on a more positive note, happy national cook a sweet potato day (February 22)!