Wisconsin Falls

WOAH! update time…

I am so behind on this blog, my goodness. Fast update time!

Christmas: Merry belated Christmas!
We got together with our families and my favorite Christmas gift was my Teddy Bear. I named him Teddy 😉 I have always loved stuffed animals and this Teddy Bear was just a past memory coming to the future. He is also great at cuddling, those long nights and stressful homework days he is the absolute first guy I go to…what am I kidding, he is one of the only guys I go to……Jesus and Teddy, I love you full heartedly.
Sub Note: Jingles never did find his bells. He went to visit some friends of his up north (it got a little warm here for him:)). My aunt, however, came over the other day and she said that she found one of his bells! I found the other two the other day! Next year Jingles is going to be so excited to see that we found his bells!!!!

Break: It was very long but it was good. I got to spend some quality time with my aunt and cousins. It was great to meat my new baby cousin and see his parents 🙂 So very cute!

School: So, school started recently. I am taking three classes this quarter. I am taking Entrepreneurial Marketing, Business Finance, and Business Law. Entrepreneurial Marketing is filling in different aspects of how and who you marketing your business to.
Business Finance is learning how to finance your business and how to keep your business from getting into deep doo-doo…
Business Law teaches the legal side of owning a business. Of course it doesn’t say every regulation to every business (it is only a quarter class).

Now I am just sitting here not doing a worksheet that I need to do…I said something the other day like “procrastination? Yea I could do that.” Haha, I will get to that sheet soon, don’t worry my dears, I just need to nag myself a little longer 🙂

Happy 2018 all of you! God’s blessings to you all!