summer fog


This post is a post that I have been thinking and debating about if I should post it or not. This is a blog however about me. About my feelings, thoughts, and experiences. What was holding me back from doing these things? Embarrassment.

When I was a senior in high school it hit me. Throughout my entire 3 years of high school up to that point I rarely prayed. Honestly, this scared me. For three years I couldn’t remember praying to God for help, for thanks, for anything except at church. From that moment on I decided that needed to change. This hit me when I was home in my room thinking and looking back on my high school years. When I was thinking how fast it had all gone by. I prayed to God like I was talking to my dad. I asked for forgiveness for not talking to him. I asked him for strength. I asked him for guidance. I thanked him for what he had done for me through out those years even though I turned my head.

It scares me now to think that I could be living with out talking to God. Without that someone to go to when I can’t talk to anyone on earth. When I feel like I need someone who understands me better than absolutely anyone.

When I was in middle school I made “prayer books” all the time. These prayer books were 2-5 prayers on paper stapled together and placed in various places around my room or in books.

I started on my computer a few months ago. It was just whatever came to mind. I made prayers for children, for parents, for teachers and pastors, for those who put themselves on the line all the time. I prayed for those out on the lake or on any water. I prayed for those who was sad, who was happy, who was mad, and who was sick. I prayed for those who work all the time and don’t see there families often. I prayed to God for everything.

If you know me you know I LOVE movies. Movies seem to be my go to when I need a break for everything and anything. A few movies that I absolutely adore are God’s not Dead 1 and 2, Do you Believe?, and War Room. These four movies open my eyes and lift my spirit. I cry every time I watch God’s Not Dead 2 because of how realistic it is. When the end credits are playing a list of about 25 different real life cases involving the United States Government and God are listed. It is sad to think that people fight somethings so hard that is so wonderful and amazing. I pray that the Holy Spirit is able to work in the hearts of many through the troubles of these cases.

I pray that I never turn my head from God again. I pray that no one does this to God.

Maybe this is why I love Montana so much. The power and strength of God shown in the mountains, rivers, valleys, and sky are tremendous. Of course you can see his strength and love every where you look but Montana it really highlights it for me. I see hills and flowers and clouds all the time. I don’t see crystal clear water, mountains touching the sky and creeks flowing through a valley off a mountain all the time. There is something powerful about a mountain that speaks God was the artist. The one artist I know by his work. The one artist that created such amazing pieces they are priceless to all on earth. Human beings.

I often think “if only I had been closer to God and studied his word more, maybe this or this or this would have turned out differently. I truly believe that God has a plan for everything and that everything that happens happens for a reason. My faith is stronger, and I am closer to my savior because I went through that troubling time in high school when I crawled back to God asking his forgiveness and love. God is my rock, I stand on him to be stable and strong.

Thank you God.

Lord, I pray that all come to faith. It would be amazing to have all friends and fellow humans in heaven with us. If it is your will Lord help me share your word with all. Help me be a disciple of yours. I pray to you Lord, my father. Amen.