Give Them Credit!

I am writing this blog update based on something my mom said, “Your father and I have to deal with three of them!”

You either know exactly what I am talking about or you have absolutely no idea. For those of you who have no idea, one second. For those of you who know, way to go!

I am talking about teenagers. There are three of them in this house hold right now.  I knew I was a crabby hormonal teenager, it just never hit me how bad I was until my youngest brother became a teenager. It seems like it was just one day that he became a crabby hormonal teenager. I can not hold one sentence with him without being yelled at or snapped at or blamed for something. I don’t know how my parents do it with three teenagers in the house.

I formally apologize for my hormonal driven anger moments and attitude problems. I know I am not a pretty sight or an easy conversation holder. I am truly sorry.

Parents are miracles. They can do anything and everything. I have the best parents (yes, you two) who have given me my space when I needed to collect myself, who have pushed me to follow my dreams. Who raised me with Jesus in my heart, home, and school. Who have dealt with my teenager-self and not lost all respect and patience.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you to all the parents with teenagers. Thank you for keeping your cool and raising us to be bright, talented, loving adults. It was you that made us this way. You did good. 🙂