I woke up early today because I had an early class. I am totally ok with having an early class today because it is my only class of the day. After class I went back to bed for a little while. It felt good to lay down because I don’t feel the best today. I finished my reading for my English class and am going to read more in a sec. It is a very interesting book. The book is The Chosen by Chaim Potok. It isn’t what I would have picked up off the shelf if it was up to me but it is actually a very interesting book. It’s Tuesday, that means it is laundry day. I calculated out my laundry rounds and if I did my calculations right I have 5 hours of laundry. WHAT?! I am one person! BUT I am doing my bedding today as well, I have some blankets that need to go in 1 by 1 because they are quite large. I am already on my second load so that isn’t horrible. I have to go to the Library some time this week to work on an assignment that requires a book that can’t be taken out of the Library. I have a 2 hour window with that assignment that I need to put in to my week, maybe more. All of my other home work is done for the week so far, so I am not to upset and am just going with the flow. On Friday I am in a computer lab for my math class. I don’t understand why we need to be in a computer lab for that but I guess the professor knows what he is doing. Haha. I am going to go eat a little something for lunch, enjoy the rest of your day!
Life With a Mini Fridge
Ok, I know two blog updates in one day is crazy but I had to tell about our discoveries with using a mini fridge. Obviously living as girls and in college we have to have ice cream. Well, we also like other things like fruits and veggies. We have a mini fridge that has a freezer compartment in the fridge compartment. Apparently having ice cream in a fridge with a freezer compartment that doesn’t get very cold is not a good idea. We thought it would be totally fine and that we would have ice cream to snack on when we needed it. One of my roommates and I opened and bit into a magnum bar, the ice cream part was liquid. WHAT?! We drank and dripped our ice cream all over, thank goodness she suggested eating the ice cream outside! My other room mate and I tried again with the ice cream after we had turned the setting on the fridge to be colder. It was still liquid! Tonight I wanted a frozen greek yogurt ice cream treat. I opened the box and took one out, it didn’t feel right i moved it in my hand. IT WAS LIQUID! Oh my goodness, literal liquid! We decided we should probably put it in the freezer in the communal kitchen. We put our names on it, and a warning that it was liquid. Hoping that it would scare any who might take our ice cream treat in to not taking it. 🙂 Any thing else in the fridge works rather well! Just not something that should be frozen I guess. Haha I guess it is good that we have to actually walk down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen to get our ice cream. It makes you think twice before getting it! :)~
My Thoughts Today
There was something that I came across earlier that I thought was so interesting. Do I remember what that was? Haha, no. No I do not. I do remember that today is Monday, whether I want it to be or not, that is the way God wants it to be. So happy Monday everyone! I don’t know what to think of my thoughts right now. I am thinking about so many things, some on how I am feelings, some on homework, some one things I have to do this week or upcoming weeks. I have all these thoughts (and more) racing through my mind, all at once! I don’t know what one think to focus on first. So I go through the same thought focusing decision process I do when I have these situations.
- What is my main priority right now?
- When do I need to know/have this done by?
- Is this really that important?
More questions come up sometimes but for the most part those are them. Everyone gets dragged down and troubled by all the curveballs and decisions God puts in our life. We just have to get back up on our feet and face the next pitch that is thrown to us. Everyone is given a curveball at a different time and different speed. Try to hit it. If you miss, that is completely ok! Learn from the past and try again.
First week of college
I finished my first week of college classes! So it wasn’t horrible. It also wasn’t the best. The math class I have is so strange. You know, it is really weird. The higher you get in math classes the math seems to get weirder. Anyways, I had my first math quiz today. My first college quiz I got a 70%. Not what I would have liked but that sums up math and me. The rest of my classes aren’t to bad. I am having a comprehension problem with my history reading assignments but I am planning on working on my history tomorrow maybe (if it isn’t raining I am going to the park). My other classes are ok. Oh! one class I have is called ‘introduction to fine arts.’ That class is not my favorite…at all.
My sweet mama sent me a package the other day because I had left some clothing items at home. Oops! When I picked up my package I brought it back to the dorm and opened it. Do you guys know what I found in there?! CHOCOLATE! My mama sent me dove chocolate! Sure it was from my stash BUT, I GOT CHOCOLATE! Haha
I am over 200 words right now. I am betting you don’t want to read much more, plus I don’t know what else to right…haha. I might go read some more or do something with my roommates. Ttyl!
My new life
Everyone goes through a time or two in their lives when you change what you do on a regular basis. I am in a stage like that right now. I went from high school where it was in the shape of an ‘H’ with extensions but it was super easy to find everything. Now I go to college. It is a super small campus and the classrooms can only be in so many buildings but I find it kind of confusing yet because of all the different ways to get somewhere. I am still trying to adjust waking up with no family around, no real close friends 5-30 minutes away. I am still trying to make friends. Well life is in the simple things. I am enjoying the simple messages from God telling me to read my bible, to pray, and to enjoy life. I went to a bible study last night. It was kind of fun. That is another thing that I am having trouble adjusting to, being in classrooms and around people with the same faith as me. Being in classrooms and openly talking about God and our savior. It just is so weird to me.
The first day of college classes
First day of classes. That is always the worst right? Haha yea right! I am not super in school, being in college now honestly scares me. It scares me because if I don’t do well in classes that could change my entire career. Well, over all my classes aren’t horrible. I have a few hard classes but I am sure with help I can get through them ok. I am happy with a C range any lower I am not so happy. I am suppose to be doing homework right now. I am just slightly overwhelmed I needed a break. I know college wasn’t going to be easy, I knew it was going to be stressful but I am so overwhelmed with my new life. I don’t think it would be so very bad if I knew some more people and I wasn’t meeting a new person every second of every day. I would love to have a space that I can go to call my own to just be by myself. I also know that if I had that I would never leave that place. I am going to go to Chapel. That is one thing I do love about this college, there is chapel and religion put into every class.
Move-in Day
I have two roommates. One roommate and I got here at the same time. We both checked in and got all of our stuff in the room (the other roommate didn’t show up for a few hours after we got here). My parents and her mom helped us two rearrange the room to fit us a little better. Our parents were super helpful! Now my roommates and I are just all kind of sitting in the room working on various things. Anybody realize how challenging technology can be? Goodness it is so challenging! I am figuring it out slowly but surely! So far my roommates and I have been getting along. I think the biggest challenge so far with college is not knowing anybody and just trying to get through with a head held high and a smile to welcome anyone. Wish me luck y’all!
College Prep
Ok to start this out, I am going to college in 4 days. WHAT?! I can’t believe it either. “I am so excited!”. This is what I have been saying to people for weeks and months. Now that I am getting closer to moving away to college I am getting nervous. My friends are going to be (it feels) anywhere but by me. I have grown up with these people and now we are growing up and going our own ways. I am going to be 3 hours from some and 6 from another. I am not good with goodbyes, I get really emotional. I know we will all see each other again but its the thought of being away from the only friends I have ever had and the people I grew up with. My life is changing for the good, I think. LORD I pray to thee to help me through the troubles I face in the future. LORD I thank thee for always standing by my side. When I fall you are always right beside me. Thank you LORD Jesus.
First blog post
This is my first blog post. I think it is my first blog. I am starting this blog because I want to be able to talk about stuff and get things off my chest. I also want to share experiences and advice that are either good or bad that I have either been given or want to give myself.
A little bit about myself, I just graduated high school and am going into college in a few weeks. I am super-duper excited to be out of high school and moving on to the next chapter in my life!
I didn’t like high school a whole lot, so I am very excited to be going into college and have a new start.