Christmas Break, and 2nd Semester

Snow pics

Wow, I am so sorry! It has been a crazy last month or so. Christmas break was so wonderful I really was not ready for it to be over. I wanted more time with my family and friends.

This Christmas will be memorable forever because I received 3 new mugs! I love each of them so much! I am so happy to have been given mugs because I use them so often and let’s face it, mugs are just plain awesome! Each mug ranges in different sizes so whether I am in the mood for a quick hot drink or if I need a little bit more to last me a while I am set! Another aspect that will make this Christmas memorable is that I was given two pillows, one of them says “You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey”, that one is from my mama 🙂 She knows me oh so well! I love pillows and the sunshine and to make people happy 🙂

Classes started yesterday and oh boy was it a rough day. The classes themselves weren’t too bad. I thought I had reserved the books that I needed for the semester earlier. Apparently, I didn’t or the system had a weird glitch because my reservation was not on record. So I could not do any of my homework last night which made me stress a little bit. I was able to get each book that I needed today however after my class this morning, so I am almost done with my homework due tomorrow and will start on my homework due next week.

Yesterday was also a very clumsy day for me. I was constantly tripping and dropping things. Today has been better with that although I really haven’t done a whole lot. I have a bit of a seasonal cold during the winters and this week it has decided to act up, so I am taking it really easy today and trying to stay clear of people so I don’t spread any bacteria to far.

As I am writing this blog update one of my roommates has her music on but she doesn’t have any ear buds. I didn’t realize she had put music on so I was trying to figure out where the music was coming from on my computer. Oh good gracious I thought I was going crazy! I finally asked her if she had her music on. I feel much better now that I know where the music is coming from 🙂

Ok goodbye all for now! Stay healthy and warm!

I just need to brag for a sec…

thinking cap

I just need to brag for a second about how absolutely amazing the people in my life are! My parents are always encouraging me to be my best in everything I do and say. My aunts and uncles are always there to make my day amazing and fun! My cousins can make me laugh, smile and so happy to be alive! Now my friends, each one is special to me and each one is just amazing in their own way. I have one friend in high school who I don’t see very often but I try to keep in contact with her any how. The story is this…

I went to lunch before my exam, my roommate had to return a book so she went to the bookstore, I waited for her because that is just how I am. While waiting I checked my mailbox and noticed something in it. Thinking it was some advertisement note again I was just opening my mailbox to get it out of there. Taking out the note I realized it was a package card!!!! Oh my I was so excited! I wasn’t expecting to get a package being my last few days on campus before break. I went to the window to get my package and I noticed it was from my sweet friend! It made my day so much better already! Anyways, I didn’t get to open it till after my exam when I got back to my room (my other sweet roommate brought it back to the room with her so I wouldn’t have to bring it into the exam). I opened the package and found a little note inside saying how my friend wanted to do something special for me because it was my first college exam week. I wanted to cry looking inside this package it was so sweet! The contents made me smile and laugh and miss her so much! I am wearing one of the items she sent me as I write this. She calls it the “thinking cap.” It has a little gingerbread girl on it, with little homemade candy wrappers and little bows and squiggly squirley pipe cleaners:) It is the absolute cutest thing! Each item has a little note on it and it is the most adorable thing I have seen in a while and it made my day!

Thank my dearest gorgeous friend for making a bad day absolutely amazing! I love you and can’t wait to see you!!!

It’s done!


Really quick here, I have been working on a music video for the past week almost to the T. I just finished it and I am so happy! I think it turned out pretty good. We will see what the teacher thinks. I am so happy you all have no idea! I have been stressing that it wouldn’t look good or I wouldn’t be able to get it all done. But now I can relax and breath. 🙂

Alright back to studying. Have a great week!

Winter Wonderland and Exams


We had our first snow storm yesterday into early this morning! It is so beautiful and peaceful outside!

I had to take one of my roommates to work at 12. We got to the car around 11:50. There was a little more snow on the car and around the car then we were expecting. The car is small so it didn’t take too awful long to unbury it. When we finally unburied it I got in, started it up and it didn’t move very far. Alright running late and the car won’t move…time to grab the shovel! So I took the shovel out and slightly dug around the back tires to give myself a little bit of a path. I went back in the car went forward then back and out! Oh so fun it was!!!

This week is exam week. I am taking a break to write a little. Exam week shouldn’t be too horrible just stressful that I get good grades and pass all of my classes. We will just have to hope and pray that all goes well. Back to studying! See all soon!!!

Thanksgiving break

thankful pic

Oh my goodness, this post is a week too late! I am so sorry to those I told I would post something Sunday night or Monday sometime. This is the first time I thought about doing it when I was able to! I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! My Thanksgiving break was amazing! It went by way to fast but I had an absolute blast hanging out with my friends and family!

I thank God many times a day for the people he has blessed me with throughout my life. One more week of classes then exam week then it is Christmas break! I have December 15 and I come back to school on January 3. It isn’t 2 weeks and 5 days. It isn’t as long as I would like, but I can live with it! 🙂

Nothing Special

New Ulm, Minnesota

Hello everyone! Nothing super duper exciting has happened lately therefore no blog update. I however feel off that I haven’t done a blog update in a while.

I work at the local radio station here in town and I am having so much fun with the guys there that are training me and all the experiences I am getting!

Classes have been pretty good, exams are coming up here in about 4 weeks so I am starting to feel the stress.

On a much happier note, Basketball season has begun!!!! I am so happy! The first game I went to was on Tuesday. We lost. The reffing was not liked by many. Ten fouls in the first half and I am pretty sure it was close to 10 on the second half as well. Oh, the 10 in the first half, yea that was even with both teams.

I really don’t know what else to say guys, it has really just been routine lately. Well, I guess I will sign off for now. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Until the next update I bid thee all adieu.


Painted Sky

I got home Wednesday night last week and was home till Sunday afternoon. Four days of wonderful family and friend time. I got a new mattress (queen and plushy), I got to go to the football playoff game of my brothers (WE WON!). Oh, I also got to go to the craft show at AJ’s school so yea, the weekend was so fun! If I could have gone back and changed anything I would probably change that I got to play games with my fam. Over all the weekend was super fun and can’t wait for the next time I am home in 28 days! or 4 weeks. Haha, yea…I’m not counting. 🙂

Disc-Jockey and School

sleeping kitty

Ok people, I have a job at a radio station, second, day, of training and I went on the air. Well, it was a recording but I still recorded and put it on the air. WHAT?! I am so excited people. 🙂 I am officially a radio girl :)~

Three days of school this week then it is mid-term. This week I have a midterm in English and a paper on a poem for the same class. I think this is the hardest class right now because I am not confident in what we are supposed to be looking at or doing or what we are supposed to know for this midterm. The paper I am so lost on. Wish me luck y’all.

My BHL (Bible History Literature) class is very interesting. Sometimes I feel a little behind and lost because I haven’t had as many religious classes as others but the class itself is super interesting. We are in the book Daniel now, did you know Daniel was in his 80’s when he was thrown into the lion’s den? Also, that God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions, the lion’s just didn’t eat Daniel, God sent an angel. I learned that one somewhere but it didn’t hit me till the other day when we were talking about it in class.

On another note, it’s mid-term in three days! I m so excited to be going home! I get to go shopping with my mama and pop’s and perhaps my aunt :). OOOOO games! I get to be home for a Saturday and perhaps work outside, I am so excited!

Alright I suppose I should get back to work. To you all soon!



So, I am pretty sure I am getting sick. The first sign was the past few days I have had no energy. Today how ever. I am pretty sure I am driving my roommates nuts. I can’t seem to sit still. I took out the trash (we have been putting it off anyways so it needed to be done), then I fixed the couch. This entails unburying the pillows and untangled the blankets. Then you fluff the pillows and fold the blankets. My heart rate is fairly even but I have so much energy. No, to answer the question in your mind no I did not have any coffee or cappuccino today. I took Mucinex this morning and I have been taking V-D every day…ok mostly everyday. Some days I forget to take it right away in the morning so I don’t take it. But that is totally ok!

On other news, I am going home next week Wednesday and I am so excited!

I can’t sit still. Oh goodness. I have three papers to write (won’t be too bad, one of them isn’t due for a month and I can’t really start it now any ways, so really I only have two…:)), I have a few tests this and next week (because it’s midterm! WHAT?!). I am so excited!

I started my job this past Sunday. It went good. It was a little bring because it is a Sunday and not much happens on the radio on a Sunday morning haha. I go back this Sunday for more training!

Next week I have 3 days of classes…YAY! I am really struggling to keep still. I have an essay test for my next class, that isn’t for an hour and a half though so I should calm down by then. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hmm Ok. I am going to go study and talk to some people. BYE! See some of you next week and others…well when I see ya! BYE!

A Week Later…

summer sunsets

Not much has happened lately. Well, it is homecoming week, and there are a ton of sports events that I am going to this week. I had my first history test today. Kind of scared to find out how that went…On some better news, I have a job opportunity at the local radio station! I am going Tuesday for an “interview”/ show around. I am super psyched about this! I made some new friends, well I guess we had been aquaintences for a while but we r getting closer I guess. Haha I don’t completely know. They are cool, it is fun to be around people that it is so easy to talk to. I hope to go home for midterm break. I may not if I get this job but I would really truly love to! Alright, yea like I said there really hasn’t been much that has gone on so I am calling it quite’s now and going to either study or go to bed. Haha not exactly which one yet. Goodnight all, or good morning/afternoon whenever you read this. Bye for now!