First day of 2nd Semester Finals week


I had two hard exams today and one…not. Haha
One of my hard exams I am not sure how I did on, the other one I think I did ok. My not so hard exam was for my rhetoric and composition class. For that class, we didn’t have an exam. We just met to go over our final projects which were ads that you could put on a screen or in a magazine. The trick of the ad was it had to represent what your paper is about. We were only together for 27 minutes. Which I was totally fine with because I could then study more for one of my other tests.

When we  finished our history exam and handed them in, we got back one our final papers. I didn’t know what to expect about this paper. But when I got it back the prof talked to me a little saying that he knows I have been trying to improve my writing all year (I have had him all year in two different history classes). He said that this one was my best and greatly showed my improvement. I got a B-!!!!!!!! all of my other papers for that prof have been in the C’s.

So far right now my exam week is going ok. I am a little behind on sleep due to the weekend and Sunday night not getting much sleep but it is 83 degrees out right now (I am writing this update outside) so I am doing good.

Moved inside, few hours later.

As I walked to dinner with a friend we noticed the sky was looking a little dark. When we sat down to eat I checked radar and a little cell had popped up. It looked like we may get a little bit of rain possibly. Well we got a sprinkle, then it rained a little harder for about 7 sec. Now the radar shows it literally going around us. It is raining on all sides but on us. It is bright and sunny out however, so it looks pretty outside with the dark clouds and the bright sun. 🙂

That’s all for now, I need to go study. Talk later!

That Time of The Year


It is officially that time of the year when you have so much to do you want to do everything to get it done but at the same time, you don’t want to do any of it because you are so overwhelmed with everything you don’t want to do anything. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to a lot of you. Oh well, this is coming from my brain and lately, it has been really scattered so I completely understand if this is hard to follow. 🙂

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<p>It has been raining here off and on all day. I look on radar and there is barely anything.  Hearing the rain on the window is soothing, but also distracting.<br> 1. I want to be able to see it out my window without having to get on my roommates, bed or walk outside.<br> 2. Rain makes me want to curl up and watch a movie or something on the couch not sit down and write a paper. </p>

<p>Today I packed 3 totes, 2 of them were full and one had some space in it. I am going home this weekend for my brothers, confirmation and my mom told me to bring a load home. Although I packed 3 large totes it doesn’t really look like I touched anything. It makes me kind of sad because it proves that I have too many things, it also makes me sad because I think of how much God has blessed me in my life. Though I may go through ups and downs God is always there.</p>

<p>I am happy to be going home and starting my summer but I also know this summer is going to be super busy and fly by so fast. I am so excited for the family vacation this summer, I cannot wait to see all of my cousins and aunts and uncles. I am also SUPER PSYCHED to be able to have another annual tea party with my cousins, uncle <g class=and my dad (we have to do this or I will be sad).

I have one more week of classes, than a weekend of confirmation preparation and confirmation it self, then a week of finals. Finals week won’t be too bad because they are on 3 of the 5 days and Wednesday in the middle of everything is open so I can recuperate from the previous days and study for Thursday.

All right more on everything later, I am going to call it quits and leave this update as is. I pray all of you have God blessed week!

Oh My!!!

Beach Drive

I was just informed that my last update did not include some information! I am so sorry my friends! The two colleges are Chippewa Valley Technical College and Bethany (Mankato, Minnesota). Oh goodness so sorry about that all!

Anyways, as long as I have all of your attention, when I got my aunts text she said the name of this blog “life is in the simple things.” I gave the blog this name because I wanted to write about the little things, the things that I don’t normally pay attention to so that maybe I would by more content with the amazing life God has given to me! As I read her text it hit me, I don’t always pay attention to the little things going on in my life. For instance, spring time is upon us! It is rainy almost every other day it seems lately, and the flowers on the trees are blooming! It is so beautiful and such an amazing feeling!

I am talking to a friend tonight in which I haven’t talked to in many months. We are catching each other up on school and life. She mentioned that she wants to start reading her bible and studying God’s word more but she doesn’t know when or even where to start. I thought back to high school years when I wanted to do this as well, but even though I had time I didn’t know where to start. I asked my friend who had done this and she said “Just open your bible and read. It doesn’t matter where you open to, just start yourself off.” I tried this, every once in a while I would open my bible but I never got in the habit of reading it daily or making it a self bible study for myself.
I am taking a class here at college and one daily assignment is to read and log certain chapters of a book in the the Bible. I absolutely love this assignment because I can use it as a way to start my bible study and learn from what God has to say.

Ok, I suppose that is all for now 🙂 Oh wait!! Quick thought of wisdom for the night from my blonde head to your…hairy head…? Haha :)~

“Pay attention to the little things that happen in your daily life. Sometimes those little things can mean the absolute world to you later.”

“Put a smile on your face, studies have been done, even when you smile fake like your mood increases turning that fake smile into a real smile” 🙂

Oh!!!!…sorry this will only take a second I promise!

I am thinking about changing the layout of this blog so if you come back one day and it is totally different, DO NOT FREAK OUT! I probably just switched things up, just look at the name 🙂

Alright, I am done now…or am I? Haha, Goodnight Loves!!!!! (I am done now).


Beach Drive

Hello Hello! It is raining outside right now, as I walk past the open window in the back of the room it smells absolutely wonderful! Hahaha, I just realized how interesting those sentences all sounded together. Haha, I live in the basement, the window is in an emergency cut out, it is covered with a plastic covering. I love this feature! You can have the window open during the spring rain, be warm and comforted all at once!

I have two weeks left of my freshman year of college. Oh my goodness where did the time go?! As many of you know I was trying to figure out what college I wanted to go to next year and what for. Well, out of a list of about 25 choices, I have narrowed it down to two choice in which I applied for. I still am debating.

One thing that I have been thinking a lot about is flipping houses. My parents talked about doing it a few years ago. It kind of dropped off the radar but recently it has come back up with my friends mentioning it to me and my parents bringing it up. I am going to be doing work around the house for my parents this summer and I suppose I will find out if it is something I am truly interested in or if it is just a thought because of the HGTV channel. 🙂

I have discovered, though I printed all of my interested degrees and the schools and put them in a binder with notes, I have yet to exit out of the tabs I have opened on my computer. I want to clean them off mu computer but I guess I am afraid when I do that I am going to wish that I had not exited out of them for some reason or another.


It has started to hit me a little harder lately. I am not going to see my friends I have made here often at all ever. It probably doesn’t help that people often say things like ‘oh your leaving us?! Why?’ The hardest thing is saying goodbye. I know it won’t be forever, that we will all see each other in heaven and I will try to get back here till they graduate. It has always been hard moving on and growing up, but I never thought I would have met so many amazing people while being here for only 1 school year!

Right now I am watching Twin Cities MeTV. I have seen Hogans Heroes and now I am watching carol Burnett show and Friends. My roommate is in the room and I am commenting and talking about these old classics on this channel. I have confused my poor roommate who has not been blessed with the amazingness of these amazing shows. Oh my, Tom Conway is on and it is taking me way longer to type this paragraph than it should. Haha 🙂 This show makes me happy. 🙂

Alright, I am going to let you guys go and let myself go. Although it is now commercials (we all know how long this will take) I should probably wrap this blog update up. I have ranted enough I suppose. Have an amazing spring!!!!

What a Day!

sleeping kitty

Today the temperature got all the way up to 79!!! It was absolutely beautiful out! I started out the day by not knowing exactly what to do because one roommate was out of town, the other had softball, and other people were busy. I went to lunch and decided to make a video with my roommates sister. We made a script, grabbed some guys, and filmed a video. I must say, it is kind of funny, but really rough around the edges. 🙂

After this, I hung out with a friend and we wanted to go to church tonight…one problem with that… we thought church started at started at 6:00. So, we went back to her room and watched some old chapels from a few months ago. She and I went to the store so when it rained tomorrow we wouldn’t have to leave the dorm necessarily…I just looked at the forecast and now they say there isn’t much chance of rain, that makes me sad. I wasn’t thunderstorms during the day! Any ways, after that trip we got back to the dorm, had a ton of energy and decided to through the frisbee around with polka music! Well…the internet wouldn’t work outside so we ended up using music off my computer…I don’t have polka apparently, so the ‘party’ became a polka/frisbee party without polka. haha

We started this around 7 I believe. We gained more people and by around 8:30 or 9 we decided  to take it from right outside of centennial to the ultimate field (big open grassy area with lots of space and not many trees). We got a few more people to show up, by this time we had around 12 people I think, including myself. The temperature never went below 65. I got back to the dorm around 12:15 I believe. I had so much fun, the exercise and fresh air was well needed and appreciated. I feel absolutely great now! Even after all that running (someone commented how this was the most they have ever seen me run at one time period before) I am not that tired right now.

One thing you may not know about me is, on nice days, I don’t like to wear shoes if I don’t have to. So, from 7 and on I did not wear any shoes. As you can imagine when I got back inside, I needed to give my feet a little scrub…they were quite black. It makes me SO happy!!!!!

I had such a great day today, mostly because I had MAJOR spring/summer fever with the weather so I was in a fantastic mood, but also because I got to spend so much time with so many great friends!

I just checked the forecast for tomorrow, high of 68, a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow night. It is going to be another warm day, but cloudy so not as nice, but that is totally ok! I have to do homework and study tomorrow so if it isn’t that nice outside I won’t be urged to do anything else.

I have a question for you all, if your phone restarts on its own at random times is it time to start think about an update or a new phone all together? My phone has been getting worse, today it restarted itself 5 times. It made me upset, I was just about to film something and my phone crashed..restarted? I honestly don’t even know anymore. Another time I was talking to my mom, the other times I wasn’t even on it at that moment, it just decided to do something funky that I didn’t appreciate. Oh well, we will figure it out eventually.

Oh!!!!! Today has been super weird! I painted my finger and toenails today! I feel so girly with my fingernails all painted for Easter…well I will be happy if they last till Wednesday looking decent. 🙂

Alrighty, I will let you all get back to your lives. I hope you all have had a wonderful beautiful day! Jesus loves you!

Update of fun and stress


Not many girls like getting mud on them. I am not usually like these girls. For my Fitness class, we went outside to the park for disc golf. It was a foggy wet morning and there is not a ton of grass on the ground. I had fun mostly because I got mud on my hands and legs and my shoes had quite a bit of mud on them as well. I was a happy girl to be outside and muddy. 🙂

I have gone to more meetings and have had more questions asked, “so, what are you going to do next year if you aren’t going to MLC?” My answer lately is always, I have no idea. I have so many different interests and no idea where I want to go to school or where I would be happy going to school, I have no idea. I have been told by some that I need to figure it out or at least apply to all the colleges I am interested in. I have been told by others to just take a breath, finish out the year and to figure it out in the summer when I don’t have other classes and responsibilities to think about. The one set back to the second option (the one I am kind of currently going with) is there are deadlines for applying to colleges. If you don’t make the deadline you have to wait for the next start of the program which could either be in the second semester or the next year entirely.

Anyways, I went to a baseball game today with a friend. It was a lot of fun…though I had very little idea as to what was happening. I know the gist of the game but 1. I couldn’t see everything going on on the field and 2. I was talking to my friend I went with more than anything. I also got to talk to a friend today I haven’t talked to in a while so that was super nice and fun.

I hope you all are having the best spring! The weather has been so nice lately! I absolutely love spring weather! It could be totally cold or super warm. Spring is full of surprises. 🙂

Spring Break


My Spring Break isn’t like many college spring breaks. My spring break was going home to see my family and some friends. I went home and was so excited to do chores that usually during the summer I would not want to do because they are always there to be done. However, I missed home, I missed being able to go outside in my work jeans and my duck taped rain boots and work, to do random projects. Sure it was a bit chilly some days but it still felt good to be home and working on the property.

Here is a little story to tell you all that I am pretty sure no one thought would happen this spring break, also I am pretty sure most people would not be as…happy? to have these experiences. But I was so happy to be reminded that there may be dull moments at home, but there are those some times when you are so glad to be alive and living in an area with ridiculously horrible internet. 🙂

Anywho, the second day I was home, I was going to go into town with my mom, we had a little time left so I helped her out with bringing the chickens food and water. Well, she was messing with stuff inside the coop and I was standing outside looking in. I was watching the chickens and noticed one on the ground, it looked a little odd…I asked my mom, “mom, is that chicken dead?” She then commented “Yea, they are all alive sitting up here on their perching bars.” I continued saying, “No, the one laying flat on the ground.” She said “Oh, no that one looks very much dead.” So! To clarify, we went to do a easy normal chore and discovered having to do a bigger chore…my mom promptly disposed of the chicken (later coming back into the yard by mystery) and we were then off on our day.

A few days later my mom was checking the chickens again, I was very tired for some reason and went to take a nap. I heard my mom discussing with Sam about a chicken that may need to go because it didn’t look right. She then went on saying that she hoped AJ or my dad could take care of it. I fell asleep shortly after this conversation. Later that day I ventured downstairs after my nap and talked with my parents. They told me that AJ had target practiced and was successful. So to some up once again, we had a sick chicken that needed to be put out of its misery and taken out of the flock before the rest of the flock was infected.

So, within maybe a 3 day, span, of being home 2 chickens died. What an eventful first 3 days!

The next week, I got my drivers’ license renewed, and I had a girls day with my aunt, mom plus grandma H. I also had some lazy relaxing days which were very nice. 🙂

I went to Culver’s twice with one of my best friends. The first time for a meal and to talk and catch up, the second for custard because she had a test that day in which she was worried about (she did fine by the way).

Of course, being home for a period of time and my room being the way it has been for months, I had to rearrange it. My family also discussed redoing the kitchen…as far as I can tell, redoing the entire kitchen is not going to happen, just new appliances, which will be very exciting 🙂

Oh! We did have a family adventure at one point over this break where we had to park in a parking garage, well the story behind this is, after we were done with our walking around we had to get back to our car. We could find the garage alright but we couldn’t find our car…we went to 2 different floors before we realized which floor our car was on. Up and down and up and down the stairs we went (sorry mama). We did eventually find our car after a while. 🙂

Overall I had a great spring break with my family and friends.

I did discover a few things’ this break. One, it is daylight savings time, grrrrr. Two, I have two breaks left in the school year! Three, Sam’s confirmation is the weekend of finals week…that will be interesting. Four, My room is very cold, which makes sense as to why I don’t sleep well in a warm environment.

SOOO!!! Before I call it quits, classes were canceled for Monday after spring break due to the weather. I am not kidding, I have had 2 days of classes canceled due to weather. What is even more funny (if possible) is the days surrounded spring break. I may not have been able to go home early, but I did get to stay a day late. 🙂

God bless you all and see you when I see you!


Painted Brick

I went home this last weekend to see my family and watch my brother at his powerlifting meet. I wanted to go to this one because it was the last one before state. I didn’t know if he would make it to state and if he did if I would be able to go to that meet. So, I went this weekend to see at least one of his meets. I ended up only seeing one of his lifts but that’s ok. I got to work with my mom and some other really nice moms in concessions. AJ made it to state I am so proud of him! Unfortunately I don’t believe I will be able to go to the state meet but that’s ok. That is why I went home this last weekend.

What I didn’t realize is how home sick I was. As I was driving home I was having trouble with the radio going from state to another state or when I was in range for one station a few minutes later it would be gone. I finally gave up and plugged my phone in. After going through the music on my phone for a few cycles I wanted to try the radio again. I figured I was in an area that just might be in range for some of my favorite stations back home. As I turned to my favorite station I was listening to the music and I turned on the highway not totally paying attention to what was being said on the radio because I needed to merge into traffic. After I was safely driving along I noticed what was going on with the radio and my brain. Though the music was off for a second and the commercials were playing I found myself singing along with the commercial jingles. Jingles for stockman farm supplier, O’Reilly auto parts. Then there was an info segment talking about my humor for the day morning snipet, Earl Pits American and Jay Moore in the morning. I didn’t realize how much I missed the little things. I knew I really needed a little bit of home in the summer but I didn’t know it was that much. I honestly teared up a little when I listened to the radio on the way home Friday. I also became very happy when I was able to drive the truck for a while. I put 106.7 on and drove to school. Funny, I didn’t miss driving to high school, just missed driving the truck.

Though is has been hard living away from my family and friends, it is the little things that I didn’t think I would miss so much that are really getting to me. On times when I just need to be home I try to fool my brain and drive out in the country. My heart knows that it isn’t home and I am not driving the truck so…it doesn’t work so well. BUT I get to go explore the area around me which is always fun to do. Just drive for a while and try to make your way back. It is really easy to find your way back however because the roads are fairly direct.

Anyways, that is my rant of the night 🙂 You all have a wonderful week, it is suppose to become very warm here 🙂

2nd Semester

nightime drive

It is so weird constantly thinking about your future and what you want to do. I don’t usually freak out about things so badly where I can’t function normally.

For those of you who don’t know, I am not coming back to Martin Luther College next year. I have decided that I don’t want to be a teacher. I do love to work with kids in a classroom but I think I will use that gift God gave me on Sundays for Sunday school and over the summer at vacation bible school.

For next year, at the moment, I have narrowed all my options down to two. These options being Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota, and Chippewa Valley Technical College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. At BLC I am looking at the Media Arts Major, and at CVTC I am looking at the Digital Marketing Program. Looking at the programs while on the phone talking to my mama she pointed out that the CVTC program sounded exactly what I was describing to her earlier in the conversation, of what I wanted to do.  I am going to visit CVTC over spring break and I am going to visit Bethany sometime during this semester (haven’t decided when the best time to do that is yet).

I was going to post this blog update over 10 days ago. However, I failed to publish the post. I only noticed I never published this update because I was going to make a new update. So, I am very sorry to those who have been waiting and waiting for an update. Totally my bad!

Life is great, isn’t it?!

New Ulm, Minnesota

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA J!!!!!!! I had called her yesterday but I wanted to say it on her birthday 🙂

Second semester of college started a little over a week ago. I don’t know how this semester is going to go but I am leaving it in the hands of God and working at it.

I took a drive through New Ulm tonight. I needed to for the sake of the car my parents are allowing me to borrow from them. I decided to go where I haven’t gone yet in the town. I went out into the countryside part for a while and just drove for awhile with the plan of driving and finding my way back with no written directions. I found my way back no problem. When I was coming back into town I saw a sign that said ’round about’. I was so confused and surprised I had no idea the small town of New Ulm had a round about! And it is located on the very edge of town!

As I continued on my little drive I drove down to the warehouse part down by the river. It was so cool to see one little old factory building. It is so cute and pretty I wish I would have taken a picture! Perhaps one day I will have to drive down there again and take a cute winter picture. 🙂

I kept going and found a row of sheds on one side of the street. My question is if they were shouses or if they were sheds for the houses across the street. I then found where the mini-golf course is here! Sadly it was snow covered and closed, but I know where I want to go in the spring!

Again happy birthday Grandma J! Love you all and goodnight! It’s movie night!