Episode 9

Click the link below to listen to Episode 9 of Simply Living Podcast!


As always, if you don’t want to listen go ahead and read! The podcast does have more to it but the script gives the gist 🙂 Enjoy!


Advice. Good advice. Bad advice. Advice is always one of those. 

Bad Advice

Getting the bad out of the way right away. I was told that using dictation to write anything on my computer is one of the best ways to go. Ok. So let’s give it a whirl here.

This is a test of the dictation through my computer. 

Okay so the actual work real well, before that it did not. I was in my kitchen working on stuff and wanted to start working on the script while I got stuff done. So I recorded some things and it kept saying potatoes. Potatoes this crazy, potatoes this, potatoes that. I didn’t even have potatoes on my mind yet, it was saying that I was talking potatoes. I was really confused so I thought well maybe it is just really noisy. 

So it didn’t do to bad…this time. Haha

I am going to have to say, that advice was bad for me. I talk weird and machines have a really hard time understanding me.

Sometimes you just have to dress up to feel good. This advice does not always work for me…ok it usually doesn’t. Clothes don’t always fit me very well and weird things happen. I often feel my best when I look my worst. For instance, wearing a dress keeps you from doing criss-cross apple sauce when sitting on the ground. Instead, you have to sit to the side causing your hips and whole body really to be at a bad angle and if you are anything like me half of your body falls asleep and you can’t get up. Now if I was in jeans or shorts with a comfy T-shirt or a big sweatshirt I could sit on the ground criss-cross apple sauce and not have to worry about anything. Also the wind, there is nothing to hold down! 

I will admit that sometimes putting on a full face of makeup is fun. I actually did that this afternoon just because. I am not looking forward to taking it off because it takes absolutely FOREVER but, it feels good right now 🙂

Good Advice

Some really good advice (that I am still working on) I was actually given a month ago. I was talking to someone about how behind on bookkeeping and other things I was and how I just can’t seem to focus down to get everything done. Her advice, you just have to do it. Yes, that is pretty much Nike’s slogan but it hit harder. For me, I have to literally just do it or it will never get done. It doesn’t matter how much someone nags me to do something if I don’t tell myself or make myself to do it. That project will never get done by me. For instance, I want to put a shower in my current bedroom to give it a full bath. I had to call a plumber to get a quote. It didn’t matter how many times my mom reminded me to call or asked if I had called, I had to make myself do it. 

I have a neighbor who tells me almost every time we talk, the people surrounding you on the block want to help. All you have to do is ask. Man, I struggle with that. 

Another piece of good advice that I think we have all heard it “dream big.” 

This is one of the best pieces of advice I think I could have ever been given because of who I am. I have always had a big imagination. I have always been a big dreamer and it has only gotten more so as I grew older. 

To not be afraid to dream big is one of the biggest comforts I have. I know, most of my dreams will not come true but why take away the fun of dreaming? Dreams put smiles on your face, hope in your heart and they give you a place to go when you are feeling down. Dreams aren’t always just dreams either. Dreams can be a reality. I have physical proof of that. To me, as of right now, I can say my dream is successful. I can say that I am happy, that I am living my dreams and that God truly blessed me WAY beyond anything I could have ever thought. 

Best Advice ever Given

Smile. People honestly notice when you are smiley and happy all the time. If you are wondering if this is really me? Do I really smile all the time? Yes and no. Hahaha, There are moments in life where a smile is hard. Where the devil works deep and strong and takes the smile off your face. Those moments are pretty rare lately. I really do smile most of the time. I get a lot of comments from people saying they love my smile. They thank me for smiling all the time. They thank me for being happy. That is the best advice I have ever given. Smile.

Another one is “be positive.” That is one that I have seen in so many places but recently I have seen scientific studies about being positive and how great it is on our lives. It really drives me nuts when people don’t see the positive in things. When all they see is the negativity and the sadness. I don’t know how people can go through life seeing sadness all the time everywhere they look. God made such an amazing world and life for us. Yes, it isn’t easy, but it is ours. We decide how we want to see life. We decided how we want to live our lives. Positivity has shown to lengthen your years. It’s cheesy I know, but in the words of 6th grade KJ, “Smile every day no matter what comes your way.”

Episode 8

Sky before the Storm

Click the link below to listen to Simply Living Podcast episode 8!


As always the script is a bit different here on the blog from the Podcast. They talk about the same stuff but have different words some times. 🙂


Secrets to making a home…by me…Krissa 🙂 

Now, I haven’t even been in this house for a year but it has started to feel like home 🙂 

One of the things I did was not changing what I loved and living the way I lived. Growing up our bedrooms showed our personalities greatly! Mine, for instance, was filled with dolls and dollhouses and bright colors. When I was really young I even had a canopy bed! Spoiled? Yes, yes I am. 🙂 Now my room has the tv I refuse to part with, my butterfly chair, which is one of the best chairs for college-aged children (if I do say so myself), my guitar, which I am still looking for a better way to have that out. Right now it is kind of in the way and I don’t use it much, my bed and a few nighttime needs. Plus a poster from college. That is homey to me because it brings back some great memories. I will put a picture up on the blog. Let’s see if I can describe it, so I took a cardboard box and cut it into a fat arrow. I took other pieces of cardboard from that box and cut letters out. The letter’s spelled “French Friday.” The thing we decided to do was have a movie night but, we didn’t want it to be just any kind of movie night. So my two roommates and I decided we were going to have a French movie night which would entail making French food or food with French in the name and watching a movie…in french 🙂 

The food was so much fun and absolutely delicious! We had a packed room of neighbors and friends to join in on the fun…but the movie we had decided to watch did not have a French option! So we enjoyed our French food with a movie in English. It was not the night we had planned but it was a great night with great food and friends. 🙂 

In 2017 I had the BEST Christmas. Why may you ask? Because a 19-year-old girl asked her mommy for a Teddy Bear for Christmas and that is what she got 🙂 That Teddy Bear is named Teddy. Original I know but if you see him (he is on some earlier photos on our Instagram) he looks like a Teddy! He has a Jean shirt with a plaid jacket, brown soft fuzzy hair, and the cutest little face! Ok, so I sound like I am talking about a real animal BUT he makes me feel like I am at home because he was a special gift from my Mama. 

Another secret to making a place feel like home is to make sure you have a corner with pillows and blankets that you can curl up in. This is the best place during storms or when you don’t feel good and you just want to lie down and feel comforted. My safe place is in my room. I moved my bed into the corner so I could sit up in my bed and not have a window right behind me. I also moved my bed so I would have a corner to curl up in. Corners have always been my safe place. I remember cleaning my room (which was always code for rearranging) when I was younger and I moved my bed in the corner and my dresser running the long way to make myself a little hole. In college, I had the lower bunk with the futon on one side and our changing room/closet (we were three girls in a 4 person room) on the other. It was dark and hidden so I always called it the cave, my safe place. Back to now, my corner is on my bed, I stack up my pillows bring over my tie blanket (the only one I have that one of my best friends made me for a birthday) and I feel safe and a little bit better. It also helps if I am texting my mom 🙂 

My favorite secret for making a home is always be willing to make your favorite dessert. Even if that means you need to run to the store. If you want your favorite dessert from growing up there is a good chance you are feeling a bit homesick. Taking that childhood memory and expanding on it in this new place tends to help with feeling like you are home.

I mentioned earlier about having something that reminds you of someone from your childhood but what about something that reminds you of where you grew up? My something is a rooster. This rooster is a handsome devil. He is also a helpful little guy because he is holding a chalkboard! At the moment he is saying “Drink up!” He is located on the built-in in the Dining room where I often have drinks 🙂 

As you can see, the secrets to making a place feel like home are not always big things, but the little touches 🙂 Each secret is super easy and attainable just know what you love and what makes you happy.

Till next time, see the blessings in every day!

Episode 7

Click the link below to listen to episode 7! Growing up and dreaming BIG!



Growing up…it’s not easy. You could even say it is the one thing we will stick to and never give up doing. What I find interesting is no matter what you do with your life, that is the one thing that is always consistent. We grow in faith, in height, we can comprehend and understand more things, maybe we change the types of books we read: from fantasy to historical. We all grow up, nothing will stop that, sure it takes some a lot longer to grow up than others but we all grow up in some way eventually.

Growing up…

For me, my big “growing up” happened over the past 3 years…
I decided I was going to start my own business at age 19. At age 20 I opened a bed and breakfast. Within that short time I went to school for my entrepreneurship technical certificate (ETC), bought a car, went on a family vacation in the middle of everything (which was absolutely fantastic! It really helped me breath and take a step back), set up an LLC, moved to a new city, bought a house, furnished the house, designed a sign to hang on the house, and opened the doors to Simple Blessings Bed and Breakfast. I want to point out that from getting the ETC to opening the doors of the B&B, it was only 4 months. 

No one is joking when they say “last summer was a whirlwind of crazy.” Plus my parents also moved one of my brothers to his first year at college…2 states over. 2018 was a BIG year for our family, and most of it happened that summer/fall 🙂

Dreaming BIG!

I have always been a dreamer, but over the last 3 years I have made some of my dreams come true 🙂 Of course I have more dreams but those will have to wait their turn 🙂 That and dreams change, they grow with you, sometimes bigger, sometimes more realistic, sometimes even a little crazier! 

Listen to the Episode the hear about some of my dreams

Till next time; see the blessings in every day 🙂

Episode 6

Click the link below to listen to Episode 6!

Amanda or as I call her Panda is a dear friend of mine that I have known for 13 years! She and I have been buddies since Kindergarten! How crazy is that!!! Anywho, she and I spend this episode talking about dating and living the single life with a hint of writing books 🙂

So…Panda and I did make a script however, we did not follow it completely. When you are with a friend you may have an idea of what you want to talk about but you never follow it exactly 🙂 We took a few side trails 🙂
So the script below is the gist but not exactly what was all said.

The Script

Ok, so the guest we have this week is here to comment on these thoughts 🙂 

Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll, please…..Panda! Welcome my dear 🙂 

Thanks, KJ. I am excited to be here 😊

This is my dear friend Amanda all-though I never call her Amanda. Her name to me is Panda like mine is KJ…unless I am in trouble, then the full name comes out 🙂 

Lucky for you that doesn’t happen too often 😉

Thank you so much for coming on and talking with me! I am really excited, mostly because you are here and you gave me candy but that is not what we are focusing on today so…I guess we move on?

super hard question for you to start us off. Are you single? 

Yes I am

I am single as well 🙂 

Next super hard question for you…Are you social? Are you going on dates or are you just living life happy and single? 

I have been on a couple of dates here and there, but I didn’t really see it going anywhere with them so still living the single life at the moment which is fine by me. God will send me the right one when the time is right 😂

I didn’t know you’ve been on dates…ok details??? 

Well, I am not going to name names with the chance that they somehow end up hearing this, but the most recent one was actually towards the end of January. We met online and he asked me out on a date. We went to Applebee’s and had a nice time. He was easy to talk to, we talked a bit after I went back to college, but life got busy and I can’t speak for him, but I really didn’t see it going anywhere which there is nothing wrong with that. He was a nice guy, but I wasn’t really feeling it relationship wise.

I am living life happy and single with a hint of dodging from family setups 🙂 I am not big on the whole dating scene.

Are you doing what you want to be doing? ——living happy and single———living a dating life

I am happily single, I have college and family and friends plenty to keep me busy, I honestly don’t think I am ready to be in a relationship at the moment just cause I am at a very unstable and confusing time in my life. I will worry about the whole dating life when I finally get out of school and am comfortable with where I am at 

Makes complete sense! I am also not in the dating mood…that isn’t the right word. I mean I have thought about living the dating life but to be completely honest, it isn’t the right match for me, especially at this time in my life. Maybe down the road I will ‘date’ but right now, I have so much grown I need to do yet. For example, dating right now, just the thought of it makes me super uncomfortable. I have so many other things going on that make me feel uncomfortable that I still need to adjust to, I really don’t want to add another one on that I can control. I am really good at making up excuses to get out of things 🙂 Seriously, I have given so many excuses and sometimes I am caught in the middle of an excuse where I was not completely honest so….I have to either get better at making excuses or stop…I am choosing the first option 🙂 

Ok, next question; living the single life, what is your favorite part?

That’s a hard question. I mean whether I am single or not I will always be myself. I am my own person regardless of who I end up with. The only difference between my life as a single person now and when I am in a relationship in the future is the fact that I will then be living life with the company of my significant other. I will still be free to make my own decisions, I will still be myself and continue to do the things that make me happy, I will just be doing them with someone when that time comes.

Ok, that was extremely mature and smart of you to say…for me, I would have to say not being tied down. Having the freedom to do as I please when I please. Although that isn’t 100% true because of the type of business I run, I feel I have to be in the house at certain times. I don’t really have complete freedom because my heart or my head says you should be in this place or doing this because of blah blah blah. Now as I start to think about it more I feel like I am in a relationship. It may not be with a human but it is similar none the less. This is a bunch of nonsense but it will be cleaned up later and it is not true. This is a really hard question…

What is your least favorite part about living the single life?

The loneliness is definitely the worst part of being single. I am fine most of the time, but every once in a while, like when I see a cute couple out in public holding hands or whatever, my heart hurts just a little 😂

Dido. Like seriously, dido. The loneliness is the one that breaks me down. Seeing other couples interact and be all cute and what not and have each other to lean on and ask a question, that breaks me down. I actually talk to myself and stuff animals when I need to have a meeting of some sort. I have a friend at work who is so super amazing. She is so supportive and fun. We were talking about figuring stuff out and being single and we got on the topic of talking to ourselves. She said, “when you talk to yourself you are just having a meeting.” I was so happy when she said that. It is so true! So now that is my excuse. I am just having a never-ending meeting with myself 🙂 

Until next time

See the blessings in every day 🙂

Episode 5

Click the link below to take a listen!


Read all about it!

I started a business in September 2018. I started a new job in January 2019. It was a CRAZY few months. Well, all summer leading up to September was crazy. But those too. I just started a business and I was adjusting to a new place, I was adjusting to living on my own, I was adjusting to taking care of a house then you add a new job on top of that?! 

Oy.     Whoah.      You pick your exhausted overwhelmed phrase. 

Starting a Business was fun. It was challenging please do not get me wrong! It was not easy, but it was fun. Really you never stop working on your business. Building and growing.

With that said, I spent a lot of time figuring out ways to market without breaking the bank. Those of you who are in business may be thinking, you have to spend money to gain money. Yes, but if you spend all of your money on marketing what is left to pay the bills? 

Budget. You know that is one of my least favorite things. Making a budget. I can follow it, no problem! But MAKING it?! Oy vey, no thank you! 

So I was balancing marketing my business, keeping up with the housework and making sure the pipes weren’t going to explode (it got super cold this winter and I had frozen pipes) not to mention learning the ropes and everything involved with home ownership. I was also working a new job. In winter it really wasn’t bad. The new job was the most stressful part of everything. The B&B was in a slow season so I didn’t have many guests but, the Church was in a busy season.

I just realized I didn’t talk about my job at all. So my second job, I work at a church as the secretary. I started in January (like I said) and I really do love my job. Sure there are some days or some happenings that make me not like my job so much at that moment but I really do love my job. During the slow season (summer) is the busy season for the B&B and the busy season (winter) is the slow season for the B&B so it all works out, in the end, there are just a few weeks of overlapping that I become overwhelmed with! 

Some of you may be asking, but your B&B is listed as open 24/7. How does that work? Great question! I rarely ever get a phone call in the morning. I only work 8-12 Tuesday to Friday during the winter at the church and during Summer I work Tuesday to Thursday 8-12. Unless unforeseen things come up then the schedule is up in the air and twisting and turning as we sort it out 🙂

When I do get a phone call in the morning while at work, if I have the paperwork needed by me I will answer otherwise I will listen to their voicemail and call them back as soon as I get by the paperwork needed or when I am not in the middle of something at church. I try to make myself stop thinking about the B&B during those work hours at the church, however, sometimes that just isn’t possible but it all works out in the end 🙂 Just a little juggling needs to be done sometimes 🙂

What’s funny is my mom is fill in and part-time secretary at the church I grew up in. Thank you, mama, for teaching me to serve! I grew up with my parents as homebodies but if there was something at church that they could help with they would. Not just at church either, it was the same thing at school. If there was something coming up that they could help with and they had an open weekend they would volunteer. Of course, us, children would often time be volunteered for things as well. Sometimes we minded other times we complained, were zipped up and out the door we went to serve. 🙂 YAY! We usually had a good time and felt accomplished as well as having that satisfaction that you helped somebody, that was a great feeling.

The Job

When I got asked by my pastor if I wanted to be a secretary for the church here I was so excited! Sure I was nervous because that job can be a very busy and stressful full-time job but I told pastor “I can help you all out here sure. But this will be job #2.” Ok, so not all the time do I follow through with that. There have been days and weeks when being a secretary was job #1. No matter what I did I couldn’t get it out of my head. I was thinking about it all the time. I was hoping I wasn’t forgetting anything, sometimes I did sometimes I didn’t and I was worrying for nothing. Now, as the busy season starts I am able to focus on the biz, more.

My coworkers and boss at the church are absolutely fantastic! They understand that the secretary job is #2 and they are very flexible and understanding of the business and what it requires of me. These people are HUGE blessings! 

One co-worker offered to help me out after I was saying coming up with new interesting breakfasts was getting hard. Serving and making the same things all the time was getting old. Yes, I have about 13 cooking books but some of those recipes will take trying before serving to you all 🙂

 Anywho, she lovingly made me a sheet of different breakfast ideas. She even gave me two ramekins to use for some of the options. What an absolute sweetheart! Some of the ideas I hadn’t thought about some of the ideas I have.

New for Breakfast

Instant oatmeal cups…What a neat idea! You use to-go cups (or dishes real dishes) and they pick their ingredients then pour hot water, mix and you are good to go! These might be PERFECT for mid-week stays. Or people who have a busy day planned!

Egg white scramble…It is the perfect non-sweet breakfast! Breakfast to me is often times “sweet.” As in sugary or cinnamony.

Individual egg bakes…genius! Instead of a big batch, you do small individual ones using ramekins. Genius. 

Oh, and another perfect mid-week thought…omelet in a mug, so simple, so wonderful, yet I never thought of it! Ingenious.

And that is the end of what’s new for breakfast…hmmmm that would make an interesting little mini show…

Episode 4

Beach days

Click the link below to listen to Episode 4 of Simply Living Podcast!


This week is all about summer, past and present.

Words To The Sounds

Check out the following to read if you don’t want to listen 🙂

Summer. I see a picture-perfect scene with greenery and trees turning into a beautiful sandy beach merging with clear blue water oop, a small wave just crashed on the shore. ahhh   There’s a palm tree leaning over into the picture. Beautiful not straight palm tree, oh summer.     

Now, what does summer actually look like? Well, it looks like mowing grass, weeding gardens, going to an office, making and pulling apart beds, scrubbing toilets, doing loads upon loads of laundry (seriously, y’all please tell me it ends?), constant vacuuming, dusting here and there, scrubbing mud off the floor, fluffing pillows, making coffee, spending hours upon hours in the kitchen, having the oven on when it is 90 degrees outside.    Summer looks like work.    It just isn’t the picture I think of when I think of summer.

We all have work in the summer but we set time aside to enjoy the summer too. 

What do you do when you enjoy summer? Water skiing, swimming, fishing, gardening, smelling the manure in the air, the sunshine, thunderstorms, flowers or anything else you can think of. For me, I sit out on the porch and read a book while drinking homemade lemonade (only the best…a wink 🙂 ). Throw a frisbee back an forth with my cousins. Maybe talking or maybe just chasing the frisbee as we throw it the wrong direction from our target (we may not be stars but we have fun 🙂 ). 

I absolutely love working outside. Oh my goodness. With the sun high, bright and warm (70 is perfect) my happiness level jumps up 30 levels! I love to mow, take out the weeds in the garden, I love to do maintenance and fix-up projects outside.
On the cool nice days in the summer I love to open the windows and get a lot of work done inside. It is really just amazing! 

Summer Before

I worked on berry farms for 6 years and loved it! Well, last 3 years I loved it. The first three years I loved the people at the farm but the work was very repetitive and hard on the body. The last three years, however, I, along with one of my best friends and my cousin, basically helped with everything but bookkeeping. We worked on a blueberry farm in the rolling hills of Menomonie, WI. This job was from 8-3 Monday to Saturday and on Sundays, we worked 12-4…I think. I think Sundays varied a lot. 

The jobs we did were; weeding, trimming bushes, trimming grass, mowing the grass, picking blueberries, fixing busted pipes, we freaked out over snakes that surprised us, guided people to rows, checked people out when they were done picking, we had an absolute blast! Oh, and taste tested 🙂

When the owner came up to us and said: “this will be the last year.” My friend and I cried. We absolutely LOVED our boss and our job. We had such a blast and made so many memories. She and I grew much closer and became better friends. We live about 4 maybe 5 hours away from each other now but we still talk all the time, thank the Lord for technology!

Guys, I miss my job. I love the jobs I have now but every summer I looked forward to working on the berry farm. When people asked what I was doing I always got so excited! I got to say I was working at a blueberry farm. I got to say I had a great job. I got to say I had the best boss!  Not that I don’t have that anymore but it just isn’t the same. 

My work every summer was fantastic. My summer work was my favorite thing. Yes, I was super tired after each day. Yes, I had days where I did not want to go into work. Yes, I looked forward to those days when it was raining and work was canceled but I loved my job none the less.

Summer Now

My summer work now is just a tad different. I clean bathrooms, I clean bedding and towels, I vacuum a lot, there is a ton of dusting to do and dishes that need to be washed.

 I do love my job. I get to work with my hands, I get to put a smile on people’s faces, it really is very rewarding! It really truly is, it just isn’t the same. 

BUT I planted potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and some other goodies. That makes everything great! Just having dirt to play around in and good plants to work with makes everything 140% better 🙂 

Now I have much going on, sure, but I also have downtime and free time. What do I do during my free time? A little bit of everything I suppose 🙂 I bake goodies, I create some kind of dish in the kitchen, I watch a movie or TV show,  maybe work on some projects or do some yard work. Any and all of the listed above are some of my break time things which is great because some of them actually double over as work things so I can relax and get things done. If you have never relaxed while getting stuff done let me tell you, you are missing out! It is one of the absolute BEST feelings ever! 

I would LOVE to hear what you guys do during the Summer. Do you work more or do you relax more? Do you have a summer job?

Let me know down in the comments on Instagram, Facebook, or on our blog! 

Yard work. Yard work is work. When you are doing it by your self it really isn’t that fun. At all. When you are doing it with friends or family the work isn’t so much work any more…all the time. 

Growing Up in The Country

Growing up there was a lot of yard and projects to work on. I grew up on 6 acres. We had LOTS of fun, yes, but we also had lots of work 🙂

There was always weeding that needed to be done…my mom did most of that 🙂 There was building of different things, mowing, picking up sticks (we had really messy trees), taking care of the animals, fixing gutters, cleaning out the gutters, planting or taking out bushes and trees, maintaining the pool (which won’t happen anymore because our pool died this past winter/spring. sad ;(

There was always stuff to do, the list also grew as the summer went on and we didn’t have a lot of time to work on all the projects, especially when us kids got older because we got jobs. The weekends became family work days. They were fun for sure! 

Some of the building projects we actually did on our own as kiddos, we made forts…a lot 🙂 

Other projects we worked on but our dad was there a lot to oversee and teach. 

Growing up in the country was so much fun. I seriously LOVED it! I went home a week or two ago and I helped my parents and brother with some outside chores. I got to say, I really missed it. They come over hear to the B&B to help me with big projects. It really just isn’t the same to work on house or yard projects alone. What a blessing to have family able and willing to help out! 

Till next time, see the blessings in every day.

Krissa: Simply Living Podcast

Episode 3

Click the link below to visit Simply Living Podcast site!


Ok peeps, so this episode was actually recorded about a month ago. My dear friend Lindsay owns her own Photography business, Truly Living Photography.

On this episode we talk about all things business and our life growing up together 🙂

This episode does not have text along with it. So go check out the audio and have a listen to two great friends talk about growing up together and learn about a great new business!

Episode 2

America Proud

Click the link below to listen to Episode 2 of Simply Living Podcast!


Episode in words

It was Memorial Weekend this last weekend and because I started the Podcast last week I thought it would be appropriate to have an episode this week talking about Memorial Day and what it really means. 

What Memorial Day means to me. 

Memorial Day to me means honoring those who have, will or are risking and sacrificing all to serve our country. Who is spending time away from their families to keep people they don’t know safe. Who stays behind to watch over the family. Who may have support from family and friends or maybe they don’t. Who spends time in the most dangerous of circumstances and they stay and fight. Those who help those from the front lines. Who performs surgery, who make them food, who care for them, who help them adjust from life in the middle of a war to life here in the states. Those who help them who fought and were injured heal and gain confidence. 

It is about honoring those who live here in the states serve us by keeping the bad drivers off the road, those who put out the fires, those who rescue a child’s kitten from a high place, those who stand guard at a vigil, those who stop robbers, those who put killers behind bars those who decide how our country should be run ie. the entire government. To those who I missed that serve us every day, thank you. 

To our Hero’s who have fallen. We honor them. We thank them. They are the ones we don’t forget. They are the ones we honor most. Why is that? Because they made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives so we can be free and safe. 

That is what Memorial Day means to me. Thanking those who have and who do serve us and honoring our Hero’s who have fallen for us. 

What the dictionary says Memorial Day means:

A day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.

In fact:           If you are one who HAS served, thank you. I can not imagine the life you have had. You are role models for all of us. For those who will follow in your footsteps and serve, and also for those who are serving. I know thank you is nowhere near enough.  But there really isn’t anything close enough so I say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May God bless you.              If you are one who IS serving, thank you. Thank you for your risks, thank you for your great bravery and love for all of us. I can not imagine the life you are living. I can not imagine the pain and the hurt you see. Whether you are in the office, out of the country, on the water, in the water or up in the air; THANK YOU. Again, thank you is nowhere near enough. There isn’t a word or a phrase that is right. Thank you and may God bless you.              If you are PLANNING or WANTING to serve; thank you. You are an incredible person. Your love for your country and its people is moving. We do support you. We do love you. We do thank you. Thank you and may God bless you.

From the tips of our toes to the ends of our hair, we thank you all for your love, your bravery, and your Sacrifices. Thank you and may God bless you all.

Till next time, see the blessings in every day.


Life Can Kick And Bless All At Once

Ladies and Gentlemen, Simply Living Podcast is up! check it out on Buzzsprout!


Or listen to it here!


More ways to listen will be coming up! I will keep you updated when more come into play.


If you would rather read than listen keep reading 🙂

Beginning Blurb

Hey guys! Welcome to Simply Living Podcast. I’m Krissa, and I’m the voice you hear the most hear at Simply Living Podcast. Now, this is a place where you can learn about life, business and everything in between.
Stay tuned because the greatness about to happen is right around the corner.

Hey guys! I am so glad you came around the corner! Are you ready for greatness? We are 🙂

The Meat

This episode is our very first episode! Ooh! How very exciting!

Because this is our first episode this is a little bit of a test 🙂 BUT! Do not worry, next week will be a full episode as well as each Thursday after that. That’s right! New episode every week on Thursday! They will go live at different times of the day but always on Thursday! So, keep an eye on Social Media for updates! 

So without further a-due…

Welcome to Simply Living Podcast. I am the sole owner of Simple Blessings LLC which gives you Simple Blessings Bed and Breakfast where this podcast is actually recorded at, the majority of the time. Sometimes we will have some travel episodes where we record maybe on the road or by the lake, a coffee shop or maybe even a dorm room! 

I am seriously super excited about this!

In this podcast we will talk about life, business and everything in between. Exactly what do I mean? Well, I mean we cover managing and marketing a business as well as talking about friends and family. Just this summer we will talk about starting a business, about dating and relationships, growing up, food and working with and growing from the challenges that arise in our lives. 

I can promise you this, you will learn, be encouraged, get support and know that you are not alone in this life. We may be individuals in life and business but we are all children of God, we are family, a good family supports one another and helps each other out. So, that is what we will do. If you really liked an episode or really didn’t, let me know why! I want to learn from you all as well. A family grows together. 

Ending Blurb

I truly hope you guys loved this episode! If you want to read more about my story, or the business visit our blog; simpleblessingsllcmn.com/blog, Check us out on our website simpleblessingsllcmn.com. Follow us on social media @ facebook Simple Blessings LLC and Instagram Simple Blessings LLC. Oh, and don’t forget about Pinterest Simple Blessings LLC. 

Till next time, see the blessings in everyday. 

Keeping Clean

Beach Drive

Clutter is something that can easily be attained. I walked into the kitchen one day and I literally stopped in my tracks. I had accumulated piles. They were on my ironing board (which is used as an extra countertop). They were on my back stairway. It was bad y’all. So right then and there I knew I had to clean it up. But I needed a plan. So that do I correlated a good plan and decided the next day I was going to go through the piles and clean everything up and put things away.

The day has come…

Ok, so that day came. After work that morning I came back, ate, and cleaned up the piles. It was so wonderful! The kitchen looks FANTASTIC!!!!

So, after the piles were all cleaned up what was next? Vacuuming! So that is what I did…the next day. Haha, the next day I vacuumed. I got into the mood and I vacuumed the house. Every floor and every room. It felt really good to clean and have a fresh vacuum job done. The next day? Scrubbing 🙂 Ok so I may be super weird BUT I had a slow week so I could spread everything out. What a wonderful feeling it was to have everything picked up and the house cleaned.

Ok so back to the whole point of this post. Clutter is very easy to accumulate, BUT it is also very easy to get rid of! It took me only a few short hours to take my clutter from disastrous and overwhelming to nothing and everything put away where it was supposed to be. What a great feeling. Seriously y’all it is THE BEST FEELING!

Alright so i just made an entire blog post on cleaning….I have officially become an adult. I don’t know how I feel about this.

For now I bid the all goodbye!