summer sunsets

What a Week

Monday my aunt, grandma, and mom came over. We made gingerbread houses and had an absolute blast! We played games and went for a walk that night through the park to look at the lights 🙂 The next morning we had brunch with shaped pancakes 🙂 I LOVED having them here. It was so much fun! 

Wednesday morning I got a call from my mom. 

I had this best friend. She was the absolute best. She was always there for me, she listened so well. We had been together since I was 2 years old. Her name was Little Boo. The Schwans man brought her and her sister, Mitsy (who died one year and two months ago). They were so sweet and amazing and loving.
Mitsy got her name because she was so tiny! Seriously, she was always super tiny. She also had little mittens on her paws 🙂  
Little Boo got her name because she was so scared…of everything. Although she was very scared of my dad 🙂 Until she got older I think she just gave up running 🙂 
Wednesday morning my mom called me and said she had good and bad news. I knew what she was going to say so I braced. The good news was that Little Boo was no longer hurting. The bad news was that Little Boo had passed away. I was just thinking about her before the phone rang. I was thinking about how much I missed her and that her time was coming and that I should get home soon…never wait for it may be too late.

This was my goodbye to her late last night

It is really hard to talk about her and not cry. Writing this I am broken. I know it will get better. It always does, it will just take time. 
As you can see in the goodbye she had a lot of different names. But she was every one of them. 

This morning I got a message from my brother (he saw my goodbye). He said, “Hey, hope you’re doing ok.” To you that might not mean much. That might not be enough. To me, however, it made me cry happy tears and thankful tears. Just the little message like that shows how strong love is. He knows how much Booboo means to me. He knew I was hurting. The little acknowledgment was wonderful. That he was thinking of me and checked in was just fabulous. 

I was having a hard time saying goodbye and accepting things many years ago. I wrote this to take it out of my mind and put it in the world. The phrase has been on my mind a lot lately. 
Goodbye, Little Boo and Mitsy. We miss you both so much. Mitsy in her flower pots and Little Boo running away from dad walking down the hall. 

A week that started out great had a horrible downfall in the middle is ending with some sugar-filled joy. Yesterday I baked three types of cookies and banana cake. 

Bad picture sorry about that. The lighting right now is not good 🙂 
I made cut out cookies, Andes mint cookies, and chocolate crinkle cookies 🙂
All so yummy!

That was this week. Very eventful and full…and the week isn’t over yet! 
Oh, yea! You all know me, I LOVE to rearrange. I don’t know how often I rearranged my bedroom growing up. Well, when I need a change of pace or something just isn’t working the same anymore I rearrange. To find out what I rearranged you will have to come and visit 🙂 
See you soon! 

God’s blessings to all of you. Also, a blessed Christmas season. Jesus Christ is Born! 

Come to see the beautiful Christmas decorations and stay a night or two at Simple Blessings. Breakfast is homemade each morning, the beds are super comfy and warm, the treats are always delicious and the hostess is smiling brightly just for you. 
Also, check out our new website. It has changed a little over the last few weeks 🙂