
Episode 9

Click the link below to listen to Episode 9 of Simply Living Podcast!


As always, if you don’t want to listen go ahead and read! The podcast does have more to it but the script gives the gist 🙂 Enjoy!


Advice. Good advice. Bad advice. Advice is always one of those. 

Bad Advice

Getting the bad out of the way right away. I was told that using dictation to write anything on my computer is one of the best ways to go. Ok. So let’s give it a whirl here.

This is a test of the dictation through my computer. 

Okay so the actual work real well, before that it did not. I was in my kitchen working on stuff and wanted to start working on the script while I got stuff done. So I recorded some things and it kept saying potatoes. Potatoes this crazy, potatoes this, potatoes that. I didn’t even have potatoes on my mind yet, it was saying that I was talking potatoes. I was really confused so I thought well maybe it is just really noisy. 

So it didn’t do to bad…this time. Haha

I am going to have to say, that advice was bad for me. I talk weird and machines have a really hard time understanding me.

Sometimes you just have to dress up to feel good. This advice does not always work for me…ok it usually doesn’t. Clothes don’t always fit me very well and weird things happen. I often feel my best when I look my worst. For instance, wearing a dress keeps you from doing criss-cross apple sauce when sitting on the ground. Instead, you have to sit to the side causing your hips and whole body really to be at a bad angle and if you are anything like me half of your body falls asleep and you can’t get up. Now if I was in jeans or shorts with a comfy T-shirt or a big sweatshirt I could sit on the ground criss-cross apple sauce and not have to worry about anything. Also the wind, there is nothing to hold down! 

I will admit that sometimes putting on a full face of makeup is fun. I actually did that this afternoon just because. I am not looking forward to taking it off because it takes absolutely FOREVER but, it feels good right now 🙂

Good Advice

Some really good advice (that I am still working on) I was actually given a month ago. I was talking to someone about how behind on bookkeeping and other things I was and how I just can’t seem to focus down to get everything done. Her advice, you just have to do it. Yes, that is pretty much Nike’s slogan but it hit harder. For me, I have to literally just do it or it will never get done. It doesn’t matter how much someone nags me to do something if I don’t tell myself or make myself to do it. That project will never get done by me. For instance, I want to put a shower in my current bedroom to give it a full bath. I had to call a plumber to get a quote. It didn’t matter how many times my mom reminded me to call or asked if I had called, I had to make myself do it. 

I have a neighbor who tells me almost every time we talk, the people surrounding you on the block want to help. All you have to do is ask. Man, I struggle with that. 

Another piece of good advice that I think we have all heard it “dream big.” 

This is one of the best pieces of advice I think I could have ever been given because of who I am. I have always had a big imagination. I have always been a big dreamer and it has only gotten more so as I grew older. 

To not be afraid to dream big is one of the biggest comforts I have. I know, most of my dreams will not come true but why take away the fun of dreaming? Dreams put smiles on your face, hope in your heart and they give you a place to go when you are feeling down. Dreams aren’t always just dreams either. Dreams can be a reality. I have physical proof of that. To me, as of right now, I can say my dream is successful. I can say that I am happy, that I am living my dreams and that God truly blessed me WAY beyond anything I could have ever thought. 

Best Advice ever Given

Smile. People honestly notice when you are smiley and happy all the time. If you are wondering if this is really me? Do I really smile all the time? Yes and no. Hahaha, There are moments in life where a smile is hard. Where the devil works deep and strong and takes the smile off your face. Those moments are pretty rare lately. I really do smile most of the time. I get a lot of comments from people saying they love my smile. They thank me for smiling all the time. They thank me for being happy. That is the best advice I have ever given. Smile.

Another one is “be positive.” That is one that I have seen in so many places but recently I have seen scientific studies about being positive and how great it is on our lives. It really drives me nuts when people don’t see the positive in things. When all they see is the negativity and the sadness. I don’t know how people can go through life seeing sadness all the time everywhere they look. God made such an amazing world and life for us. Yes, it isn’t easy, but it is ours. We decide how we want to see life. We decided how we want to live our lives. Positivity has shown to lengthen your years. It’s cheesy I know, but in the words of 6th grade KJ, “Smile every day no matter what comes your way.”