Life Can Kick And Bless All At Once

Life Can Kick And Bless All At Once

To start off, the weather, super weird and totally midwest! Thursday it was snowing, raining, sleeting, hailing, there were thunder and lightning, classes at school were canceled. It was all a very exciting day! Quiet at the office and such an interesting day to watch the weather 🙂


Ok backing up to Sunday. I TURNED 21! To be honest I was kind of dreading it…I am not a party girl or a very social person when it comes to drinking. I find those moments very awkward. I loved the excuse that I was legally not able to drink…now I can’t use it anymore and that makes me sad.

Monday was amazing! I went shopping with my mom and aunt and we had an absolute best time!!!! I got so many super cute clothes for super cheap (sale/clearance rack are my goto places in every store).
Of course, after shopping, we went back to my parent’s place and played games. What a blast! I really didn’t want it to end. I wanted to stay there with them and just play games but I knew I had to get back to LC before dark so I could see what I was doing and so I could go to bed at a decent hour to get up for work in the morning.

Now to work…

This work week was hard. Things just went fluttery and threw my days off. The weather day was actually the best day!
It was just little things that happened like sending the wrong file to someone, forgetting to attach a file to an email, completely missing the most obvious things and some other stuff.

I really don’t know why things went wacky with this week. They just did.
I am also absolutely exhausted this week. In the beginning, I was super overwhelmed with I don’t know what and by the end I was just exhausted. I could justify the beginning of the week being overwhelmed with everything going on at work (it is Lent season so lot’s of stuff going on) and with the business and my personal life. I was also trying to catch up with my friends and found out we were totally out of synch. Seriously, I hadn’t talked to them in so long it felt like I didn’t know much of anything….hmmm well

I know that will happen again but it breaks my heart that we all get so into our own lives and we all get busy and forget to talk to each other. Then we call each other months or sometimes years later and sure, it feels like we never lost touch because we are family yet at the same time we easily lose track of each other and focus on our own lives.
It’s so sad but it is life. Sadness but reality. Ok enough of the sadness!

Though the week was hard I know it was good. God showed me patience and love. He showed me through the people around me. I appreciated all of you guys who helped me out this week and gave me peace of mind!

Work is Done! Weekend Time!

This weekend will be good. I have determined this! My biggest project this weekend is vacuuming downstairs.
The most challenging project this weekend is replacing the bulb pointing at the Biz sign. This is challenging because it is located on an overhanging on the outside of the sign. This means I have to use a ladder and try to be as careful as possible (I promise to be super smart and safe about the whole thing).

I know I also have not been on here in a super long time! It is part of my new routine that is having a hard time becoming concrete 🙂
It will all get together eventually! Thank you for being so patient with me 🙂

Summer is coming I promise!

You are all absolutely fantastic and I love you all!

God Bless You All!