summer sunsets

A Week Later…

Not much has happened lately. Well, it is homecoming week, and there are a ton of sports events that I am going to this week. I had my first history test today. Kind of scared to find out how that went…On some better news, I have a job opportunity at the local radio station! I am going Tuesday for an “interview”/ show around. I am super psyched about this! I made some new friends, well I guess we had been aquaintences for a while but we r getting closer I guess. Haha I don’t completely know. They are cool, it is fun to be around people that it is so easy to talk to. I hope to go home for midterm break. I may not if I get this job but I would really truly love to! Alright, yea like I said there really hasn’t been much that has gone on so I am calling it quite’s now and going to either study or go to bed. Haha not exactly which one yet. Goodnight all, or good morning/afternoon whenever you read this. Bye for now!