
Spring Break

My Spring Break isn’t like many college spring breaks. My spring break was going home to see my family and some friends. I went home and was so excited to do chores that usually during the summer I would not want to do because they are always there to be done. However, I missed home, I missed being able to go outside in my work jeans and my duck taped rain boots and work, to do random projects. Sure it was a bit chilly some days but it still felt good to be home and working on the property.

Here is a little story to tell you all that I am pretty sure no one thought would happen this spring break, also I am pretty sure most people would not be as…happy? to have these experiences. But I was so happy to be reminded that there may be dull moments at home, but there are those some times when you are so glad to be alive and living in an area with ridiculously horrible internet. 🙂

Anywho, the second day I was home, I was going to go into town with my mom, we had a little time left so I helped her out with bringing the chickens food and water. Well, she was messing with stuff inside the coop and I was standing outside looking in. I was watching the chickens and noticed one on the ground, it looked a little odd…I asked my mom, “mom, is that chicken dead?” She then commented “Yea, they are all alive sitting up here on their perching bars.” I continued saying, “No, the one laying flat on the ground.” She said “Oh, no that one looks very much dead.” So! To clarify, we went to do a easy normal chore and discovered having to do a bigger chore…my mom promptly disposed of the chicken (later coming back into the yard by mystery) and we were then off on our day.

A few days later my mom was checking the chickens again, I was very tired for some reason and went to take a nap. I heard my mom discussing with Sam about a chicken that may need to go because it didn’t look right. She then went on saying that she hoped AJ or my dad could take care of it. I fell asleep shortly after this conversation. Later that day I ventured downstairs after my nap and talked with my parents. They told me that AJ had target practiced and was successful. So to some up once again, we had a sick chicken that needed to be put out of its misery and taken out of the flock before the rest of the flock was infected.

So, within maybe a 3 day, span, of being home 2 chickens died. What an eventful first 3 days!

The next week, I got my drivers’ license renewed, and I had a girls day with my aunt, mom plus grandma H. I also had some lazy relaxing days which were very nice. 🙂

I went to Culver’s twice with one of my best friends. The first time for a meal and to talk and catch up, the second for custard because she had a test that day in which she was worried about (she did fine by the way).

Of course, being home for a period of time and my room being the way it has been for months, I had to rearrange it. My family also discussed redoing the kitchen…as far as I can tell, redoing the entire kitchen is not going to happen, just new appliances, which will be very exciting 🙂

Oh! We did have a family adventure at one point over this break where we had to park in a parking garage, well the story behind this is, after we were done with our walking around we had to get back to our car. We could find the garage alright but we couldn’t find our car…we went to 2 different floors before we realized which floor our car was on. Up and down and up and down the stairs we went (sorry mama). We did eventually find our car after a while. 🙂

Overall I had a great spring break with my family and friends.

I did discover a few things’ this break. One, it is daylight savings time, grrrrr. Two, I have two breaks left in the school year! Three, Sam’s confirmation is the weekend of finals week…that will be interesting. Four, My room is very cold, which makes sense as to why I don’t sleep well in a warm environment.

SOOO!!! Before I call it quits, classes were canceled for Monday after spring break due to the weather. I am not kidding, I have had 2 days of classes canceled due to weather. What is even more funny (if possible) is the days surrounded spring break. I may not have been able to go home early, but I did get to stay a day late. 🙂

God bless you all and see you when I see you!