sleeping kitty

What a Day!

Today the temperature got all the way up to 79!!! It was absolutely beautiful out! I started out the day by not knowing exactly what to do because one roommate was out of town, the other had softball, and other people were busy. I went to lunch and decided to make a video with my roommates sister. We made a script, grabbed some guys, and filmed a video. I must say, it is kind of funny, but really rough around the edges. 🙂

After this, I hung out with a friend and we wanted to go to church tonight…one problem with that… we thought church started at started at 6:00. So, we went back to her room and watched some old chapels from a few months ago. She and I went to the store so when it rained tomorrow we wouldn’t have to leave the dorm necessarily…I just looked at the forecast and now they say there isn’t much chance of rain, that makes me sad. I wasn’t thunderstorms during the day! Any ways, after that trip we got back to the dorm, had a ton of energy and decided to through the frisbee around with polka music! Well…the internet wouldn’t work outside so we ended up using music off my computer…I don’t have polka apparently, so the ‘party’ became a polka/frisbee party without polka. haha

We started this around 7 I believe. We gained more people and by around 8:30 or 9 we decided  to take it from right outside of centennial to the ultimate field (big open grassy area with lots of space and not many trees). We got a few more people to show up, by this time we had around 12 people I think, including myself. The temperature never went below 65. I got back to the dorm around 12:15 I believe. I had so much fun, the exercise and fresh air was well needed and appreciated. I feel absolutely great now! Even after all that running (someone commented how this was the most they have ever seen me run at one time period before) I am not that tired right now.

One thing you may not know about me is, on nice days, I don’t like to wear shoes if I don’t have to. So, from 7 and on I did not wear any shoes. As you can imagine when I got back inside, I needed to give my feet a little scrub…they were quite black. It makes me SO happy!!!!!

I had such a great day today, mostly because I had MAJOR spring/summer fever with the weather so I was in a fantastic mood, but also because I got to spend so much time with so many great friends!

I just checked the forecast for tomorrow, high of 68, a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow night. It is going to be another warm day, but cloudy so not as nice, but that is totally ok! I have to do homework and study tomorrow so if it isn’t that nice outside I won’t be urged to do anything else.

I have a question for you all, if your phone restarts on its own at random times is it time to start think about an update or a new phone all together? My phone has been getting worse, today it restarted itself 5 times. It made me upset, I was just about to film something and my phone crashed..restarted? I honestly don’t even know anymore. Another time I was talking to my mom, the other times I wasn’t even on it at that moment, it just decided to do something funky that I didn’t appreciate. Oh well, we will figure it out eventually.

Oh!!!!! Today has been super weird! I painted my finger and toenails today! I feel so girly with my fingernails all painted for Easter…well I will be happy if they last till Wednesday looking decent. 🙂

Alrighty, I will let you all get back to your lives. I hope you all have had a wonderful beautiful day! Jesus loves you!