Starting off 2022

January 3

Happy New Year! I pray God has blessed the start of your new year 🙂
He is blessing me in the way of reminding me I am not in control. On New Year’s day, I woke up sick. Again. I have been sick off and on for a month.

As most of you know I am trying to sell my house in Lake City and move back home to Wisconsin. Well on Saturday I took a nap and forgot to turn my phone back on from the night before. I missed multiple texts and phone calls from my realtor. Someone wanted to look at my house. It turned out to be a blessing. The day before someone was walking through the house and a mirror fell off a wall and smashed. I also found out that those same folks found multiple dead mice in the basement. So I am starting my new year doing things I really don’t like doing. Removing dead things from my house and letting people down.

Thank the Lord Almighty, we humans are not in control. I am ending my night going out for supper at the local Burger King because I didn’t plan…I don’t really have meals in my house at the moment. While out, my car window almost didn’t go back up. That took a bit of praying and cheering. Also, a lot of hope because it is so very cold out!

The fireplace is going and yes, the meal was good. Not the best I have ever had but enough nutrients to cover me overnight.

Tomorrow is going to be a bit of a day. I have some errands to do and mice removal to take care of. I also need to set the traps in case more decide to invade. It’s funny, I can handle these little guys when they are outside no problem but inside? Nope, not my thing. Don’t want to have that job.

January 15

Yes, it has been a while. Here is the catch-up. I did not remove the mice. Instead, I finally got ahold of an exterminator company to come out. I made so many phone calls it was ridiculous. Nonetheless, someone came out, removed the dead mice, reset the traps, temporarily plugged holes they could enter through, and charged me for their service. You would think I would be done spending money on this house and just do the work myself. Like I said earlier, if they are in the house I am a total girly girl if someone else can do it. Even if it means opening the pocketbook.

Starting the week in between Christmas and New Year I have had so many showings at the house! It has been so wonderful 🙂

I am in Green Bay Wisconsin this weekend with my best friend. She wanted to get out of town on her first weekend off in a while and I was more than willing to go on an adventure with her. She is going to show me all of her favorite spots when she comes here.

We got in last night and stayed up watching a tv show that aired when we were in middle school. I had never seen it before, she saw it back then but we have been working on watching this series for the past year. We only watch it when we are together overnight SO we don’t watch it very often. It is a silly show but enjoyable when watching it with a friend.

On Thursday (today is Saturday) there was a showing at my house. The realtor showing the house gave feedback afterward. He had said his clients intended to put in an offer on Friday (yesterday) for the house. HOW EXCITING!! So my realtor and I chatted Thursday and I said I would keep my phone and computer by me all day until she called. Well, it was late at night and I had heard nothing so I figured they changed their mind or something.

WELL, around 10:30 p.m. last night, while my friend and I were watching this show on my computer a notification popped up about an email from my realtor. Let’s put it this way. I didn’t fall asleep till 3 a.m. and I woke up almost every hour until 6:30 a.m. when I gave up, got up, and took a lovely hot shower. Yes, I will be exhausted and require caffeine to function today however, I am pretty sure right now I am running on adrenaline. Now last night there were two reasons why I could not fall asleep even though I took melatonin gummies. 1) I was way too excited about my house possibly going under contract. 2) My legs, hips, and ankles were so achy. That hadn’t happened in a while, I am pretty sure I know why but who knows. Sometimes my body decides it wants to complain.

So it is now 7:41 a.m. (yes I just checked the clock) I am sitting in a dark hotel room trying not to wake my bestie as I sit here waiting for my realtor to call so we can go over the offer made last night. Now, this is the second offer I have received since putting my house on the market. The first offer given was fairly soon, maybe a month, after the house went on the market. That offer, however, was a lowball that I could not accept with good conscience. I had put too much time, money, and soul into this house. Well, that got dramatic…

I am really wanting a cup of coffee to drink. I don’t want to turn on a light so I don’t wake the other in the room. This is not unusual. I have always awakened before the friend at every sleepover I have gone to. If I don’t you know I was exhausted or just extremely comfortable haha
Well, I am not sure if I will come back with news today but I will let you all know what happens next with this offer 🙂

God’s Extra Reminder

My family has lost a few distant family members over the past month. These years of loss do not happen often (thankfully. I don’t think this empathetic heart could handle multiple years in a row) but when they do they tend to drag out and leave a mark. I mentioned at the beginning of the post that God is reminding me I am not in control. Instances like taking folks Home on His time, not ours.

I will be moving back to Wisconsin when my Lake City house sells. At the start of Winter, I was really stressing about how everything would work out. For some reason no matter how hard I tried I kept stressing. I couldn’t let it go. Over time I think I have been able to let it go a little. I know I can only do so much and stressing or worrying about things will not help anything. I am a planner and when things are dependent on other people I don’t do so well. Never have. I know when it comes down to it everything will be good. Whether there are bumps in the road, mountains to climb, or an open flat valley. It will be God’s plan and wonderful. It will be exactly what is best for me. That mindset is not easy.

January 24

Alright, it has been a week and two days since I have worked on this and it has been a full week! Saturday, January 15, I made a counteroffer to their offer, and on Sunday they accepted it!! It was contingent on the inspector’s report and the only thing I heard was a burnt lightbulb. The closing is in March 2022 and I will officially be back in Wisconsin! I am so excited 🙂 I am extremely stressed trying to pack, store and not take over every inch of my parent’s house…let’s just say it looks like they are expecting multiple groups for Bible Study or book clubs….each room has extra furniture in it.

My room at my parents is packed with stacks and walls lined with bags. I am still traveling back and forth a bit so I never really unpack completely.

My parents have a moveable building on their lot that will eventually turn into a workshop. However, until then, it is my storage unit. I am making us of every inch. The plan was to add electricity and insulation however, God had a different idea. We did not get to any of that and will not be able to until I move my house out.

The First Big Haul

We did our first big haul on Saturday using my car, my parents’ pickup, and their SUV/trailer. I had some incredible help from 3 of my cousins, my aunt, and my parents. They have all been so amazing and helpful throughout the past 3 years. I am so grateful and appreciative of them. It was windy and cold Saturday yet they all helped so much with packing and shipping. My youngest brother helped me yesterday, Sunday, to empty the vehicles and bring stuff to the front door where my folks took it the rest of the way so we didn’t muddy up the floor with our snowy boots.

There were a few curfuffles and some damaged furniture. Nothing too major but we learned plastic storage bags do not like the cold. We had to repack some bedding and blankets. a chair leg got scraped up a little bit but I think a sharpy can fix that. Two pieces of furniture had some tearing but one isn’t too concerning because it is underneath and the other I think I can reach out to my parents’ amazing neighbor to help me fix it. Also, packing tape on plastic mattress protectors does not do well in the cold. I will need to do some retaping on a mattress this week.

The biggest curfuffle was made by me. The trailer had things that went into the house and the shop on the other side of the property. So after we emptied the pickup we backed it over to the trailer by the house. That way we could put things that went to the shop on the truck and things in the house went to the house. Then we drove the truck over to the shop to put those things in the cold storage. We put a nightstand on the truck and I was going to hop up to place it in the back of the bed close to the cab. Packing from back to front makes more sense. Well, I didn’t think about my snowboots having 0 treads and being snow-covered and stepping on cold smooth plastic. I went down. I scraped my leg a little, gave myself some nasty bruising, and destroyed a pair of pants. They tore along the whole inseam of one leg and got caught on a piece of metal so my leg was hanging from the truck by my jeans. I am totally fine but can not believe I did that. I have some good bruising and loss of my going to town/everyday jeans but otherwise good.

This coming weekend I have some friends coming to do what I think will be the last big haul. It all depends on if I can sell some furniture or not before then.

To the next adventure!