
Episode 6

Click the link below to listen to Episode 6!

Amanda or as I call her Panda is a dear friend of mine that I have known for 13 years! She and I have been buddies since Kindergarten! How crazy is that!!! Anywho, she and I spend this episode talking about dating and living the single life with a hint of writing books 🙂

So…Panda and I did make a script however, we did not follow it completely. When you are with a friend you may have an idea of what you want to talk about but you never follow it exactly 🙂 We took a few side trails 🙂
So the script below is the gist but not exactly what was all said.

The Script

Ok, so the guest we have this week is here to comment on these thoughts 🙂 

Ladies and gentlemen, drum roll, please…..Panda! Welcome my dear 🙂 

Thanks, KJ. I am excited to be here 😊

This is my dear friend Amanda all-though I never call her Amanda. Her name to me is Panda like mine is KJ…unless I am in trouble, then the full name comes out 🙂 

Lucky for you that doesn’t happen too often 😉

Thank you so much for coming on and talking with me! I am really excited, mostly because you are here and you gave me candy but that is not what we are focusing on today so…I guess we move on?

super hard question for you to start us off. Are you single? 

Yes I am

I am single as well 🙂 

Next super hard question for you…Are you social? Are you going on dates or are you just living life happy and single? 

I have been on a couple of dates here and there, but I didn’t really see it going anywhere with them so still living the single life at the moment which is fine by me. God will send me the right one when the time is right 😂

I didn’t know you’ve been on dates…ok details??? 

Well, I am not going to name names with the chance that they somehow end up hearing this, but the most recent one was actually towards the end of January. We met online and he asked me out on a date. We went to Applebee’s and had a nice time. He was easy to talk to, we talked a bit after I went back to college, but life got busy and I can’t speak for him, but I really didn’t see it going anywhere which there is nothing wrong with that. He was a nice guy, but I wasn’t really feeling it relationship wise.

I am living life happy and single with a hint of dodging from family setups 🙂 I am not big on the whole dating scene.

Are you doing what you want to be doing? ——living happy and single———living a dating life

I am happily single, I have college and family and friends plenty to keep me busy, I honestly don’t think I am ready to be in a relationship at the moment just cause I am at a very unstable and confusing time in my life. I will worry about the whole dating life when I finally get out of school and am comfortable with where I am at 

Makes complete sense! I am also not in the dating mood…that isn’t the right word. I mean I have thought about living the dating life but to be completely honest, it isn’t the right match for me, especially at this time in my life. Maybe down the road I will ‘date’ but right now, I have so much grown I need to do yet. For example, dating right now, just the thought of it makes me super uncomfortable. I have so many other things going on that make me feel uncomfortable that I still need to adjust to, I really don’t want to add another one on that I can control. I am really good at making up excuses to get out of things 🙂 Seriously, I have given so many excuses and sometimes I am caught in the middle of an excuse where I was not completely honest so….I have to either get better at making excuses or stop…I am choosing the first option 🙂 

Ok, next question; living the single life, what is your favorite part?

That’s a hard question. I mean whether I am single or not I will always be myself. I am my own person regardless of who I end up with. The only difference between my life as a single person now and when I am in a relationship in the future is the fact that I will then be living life with the company of my significant other. I will still be free to make my own decisions, I will still be myself and continue to do the things that make me happy, I will just be doing them with someone when that time comes.

Ok, that was extremely mature and smart of you to say…for me, I would have to say not being tied down. Having the freedom to do as I please when I please. Although that isn’t 100% true because of the type of business I run, I feel I have to be in the house at certain times. I don’t really have complete freedom because my heart or my head says you should be in this place or doing this because of blah blah blah. Now as I start to think about it more I feel like I am in a relationship. It may not be with a human but it is similar none the less. This is a bunch of nonsense but it will be cleaned up later and it is not true. This is a really hard question…

What is your least favorite part about living the single life?

The loneliness is definitely the worst part of being single. I am fine most of the time, but every once in a while, like when I see a cute couple out in public holding hands or whatever, my heart hurts just a little 😂

Dido. Like seriously, dido. The loneliness is the one that breaks me down. Seeing other couples interact and be all cute and what not and have each other to lean on and ask a question, that breaks me down. I actually talk to myself and stuff animals when I need to have a meeting of some sort. I have a friend at work who is so super amazing. She is so supportive and fun. We were talking about figuring stuff out and being single and we got on the topic of talking to ourselves. She said, “when you talk to yourself you are just having a meeting.” I was so happy when she said that. It is so true! So now that is my excuse. I am just having a never-ending meeting with myself 🙂 

Until next time

See the blessings in every day 🙂