America Proud

Episode 2

Click the link below to listen to Episode 2 of Simply Living Podcast!

Episode in words

It was Memorial Weekend this last weekend and because I started the Podcast last week I thought it would be appropriate to have an episode this week talking about Memorial Day and what it really means. 

What Memorial Day means to me. 

Memorial Day to me means honoring those who have, will or are risking and sacrificing all to serve our country. Who is spending time away from their families to keep people they don’t know safe. Who stays behind to watch over the family. Who may have support from family and friends or maybe they don’t. Who spends time in the most dangerous of circumstances and they stay and fight. Those who help those from the front lines. Who performs surgery, who make them food, who care for them, who help them adjust from life in the middle of a war to life here in the states. Those who help them who fought and were injured heal and gain confidence. 

It is about honoring those who live here in the states serve us by keeping the bad drivers off the road, those who put out the fires, those who rescue a child’s kitten from a high place, those who stand guard at a vigil, those who stop robbers, those who put killers behind bars those who decide how our country should be run ie. the entire government. To those who I missed that serve us every day, thank you. 

To our Hero’s who have fallen. We honor them. We thank them. They are the ones we don’t forget. They are the ones we honor most. Why is that? Because they made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives so we can be free and safe. 

That is what Memorial Day means to me. Thanking those who have and who do serve us and honoring our Hero’s who have fallen for us. 

What the dictionary says Memorial Day means:

A day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.

In fact:           If you are one who HAS served, thank you. I can not imagine the life you have had. You are role models for all of us. For those who will follow in your footsteps and serve, and also for those who are serving. I know thank you is nowhere near enough.  But there really isn’t anything close enough so I say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. May God bless you.              If you are one who IS serving, thank you. Thank you for your risks, thank you for your great bravery and love for all of us. I can not imagine the life you are living. I can not imagine the pain and the hurt you see. Whether you are in the office, out of the country, on the water, in the water or up in the air; THANK YOU. Again, thank you is nowhere near enough. There isn’t a word or a phrase that is right. Thank you and may God bless you.              If you are PLANNING or WANTING to serve; thank you. You are an incredible person. Your love for your country and its people is moving. We do support you. We do love you. We do thank you. Thank you and may God bless you.

From the tips of our toes to the ends of our hair, we thank you all for your love, your bravery, and your Sacrifices. Thank you and may God bless you all.

Till next time, see the blessings in every day.