Breakfast time

Spring is Upon Us!

This weekend has been so nice! I got to spend time home with my family and the weather was amazing! The snow is going down and the grass can be seen!

Now, for a lot of you, a nice time with your family might mean going for a hike, going on a mini vacation or maybe a day in town. Us, those are all great but for me spending a nice time with my family means working together on some project. This last weekend we stacked wood (they have a wood-burning furnace) and watched movies. My mom and I play games.
I loved my weekend!

I don’t know about you all but when some weekends end and the work week begins it almost feels like you just woke up from a dream. That the weekend didn’t really happen but the weekend is over and you have to go back to work. You may love your job (like I do) but it is still sad to have to move on from the joy you just had.

Now talking about the weather! I was so warm this past weekend and the warmth is going to continue into this week 🙂 The snow is melting and puddles are forming and drying up 🙂
You can see patches of grass, the snow isn’t so deep and even though things are looking a little browner than the fresh white the excitement and love is growing.

A Week Later…

Fast forward a week and we are here again 🙂 It is cloudy outside so at 8 AM I have lights on…bummer. I really have a mood that goes with the weather. Seriously! It has been like this for years. If it is cloudy and dreary my mood is a little more mellow, quiet and sometimes sad. When the sun is out and the sky is bright blue I am the happiest girl! I am outside working in the yard (during appropriate seasons) or taking pictures or just smiling and thanking God for the love and life he has given me.

I supposed having a mood go with the weather is normal. What is very interesting (I think) is during the winter months I didn’t have this thing. Sure I had days where I was up and days I was down, but it wasn’t so much with the weather or clouds. It was just by how my body was doing (health wise) or if I got a good night sleep. You through spring in my face and it changes…interesting…Ok y’all I promise I am as kind as I can be on these bad days but the smiles are closer to the fake side. They aren’t all the way there but they do lean that direction.

This morning I have some exciting things going on though. I am making French Toast sticks!!! Is your mouth watering? Mine is! I am trying something out today…Let’s just hope they turn out…

Update: They turned out! So yummy!

One Comment

  • Grandma Hintz

    I too am enjoying the nice weather. went for a walk the last 3 days and it was so refreshing. wanted to go again this afternoon but am waiting for the doctors office to call. I called this morning because they ordered refills for me for 3 prescriptions and one came completely wrong. She said the doctor would call me and they would call in a corrected one. Think I will just go out and ride the bike and take the phone out with me.