Beach days

The Stress is Real But the Reward is Great

Oy. Ok, so working at a church as the secretary and owning a business is a big challenge. I am learning that making lists is becoming a MUST, not a need or want anymore. I have forgotten about quiet a few things. Luckily they were not all instant time demanding. However, I did get a bit stressed this weekend when I thought I was all caught up until I opened up my computer, saw a bunch of windows open with projects waiting to be worked on.

Yes. I freaked for sure. This afternoon I was working at church putting together the worship folders and realized I had completely forgotten to post on social media on Monday.

Of course, for those of you who know me you know, I talk out loud…to myself. So of course as I was standing there (in high heels mind you. Yes, I am dressing a little better than high school now 🙂 ) I said this in frustration. Now, I did not realize that I was speaking loud enough for someone to hear. I honestly thought I was being quiet. Pastor heard me…of course, he was concerned because I was working at the church. I told him what I was really talking about and he started laughing say oh! Haha, yes, that was all my bad!


Monday my mama and bro came down for the afternoon. It was so nice to spend time with them! I dragged them around first to the DMV (I am turning 21 this year [YIKES!] so my license needs to be updated) then we went back to my place because my amazing mama picked up some food that was on sale at the store by her for me. After that, we went to Walmart and picked up a few things. Including a new monitor for the church office and a cart to help with the organization which will be part of my many jobs this week to work on 🙂