So my day started out great. I woke up before my alarm and got to sleep for an extra 1 and a half hours! I don’t know why but I love waking up and going back to sleep before my alarm goes off 🙂 I got up I took a shower got dressed had time to relax and get ready for the day. It was flurrying outside and looked so pretty with the white snow covering everything 🙂 I was just so happy! I got to work, changed out of my snow boots and put my nice boots on felt so pretty and ready for the day! Well, that was the end of that…we were working on bulletins for the church today (printing them) and the copy machine was being finicky and the paper was jamming and the ink was smearing. It was messy 🙂 Then the folding machine was set wrong so we had to futz with it so it would fold correctly then the paper would jam in that. Oh, what great fun! (not). We had to do some stuff on the computer but we couldn’t find the files to accomplish this task until (at the end of the day of course) someone said: “why don’t you search for them in the search bar?” Wow, yea that was not my brightest moment.
My adventures at the office are going smoothly for the most part. I am learning a lot and getting to know people. I have come to realize who the best people to talk to are. Hint, hint, they are the ones who come into the office and talk 🙂
My walk on Tuesday to work was a little scary because of the frozen rain all over the sidewalks but today was not slippery and absolutely beautiful!!!
Oh! I did not go to church on Sunday so I went on Wednesday and I walked to church (as I always do). This night, however, was one of my favorites! The reason is it was a crisp cold…no, refreshing cold and the sky was clear. What can you see when the sky is clear? That’s right! The stars! Oh my, goodness was it absolutely gorgeous! I just stood on my walk back after church several times and stared into the sky like I did when I was younger when a plane flew over. It just made me OH SO HAPPY!
So a few months ago my lower oven (I have a two oven contraption. The top oven is one rack and the lower is a two) stopped working. Since the new year started I have been trying to get a hold of a repairman, well he is here! My oven is in a few pieces 😉 and he is still taking pieces out and off trying to find the solution. To be honest I really don’t know when I will have my oven back but I do know that there is someone here to fix it 🙂
Also, I needed some good winter pictures. It snowed today so I thought I would go out and capture the snow, even if it was just a dusting. I got a new phone last week and I hadn’t really taken any pictures with it but I am SUPER happy with the camera! The pictures I post today are the ones I took. I am not a professional photographer so they are not always pleasing to the eye.
As you have probably realized I am writing a lot of posts this week. Well, I am trying to keep up on all of my social media posting more often (especially for Simple Blessings LLC). I find it hard to remember or when I do what to say so my photographer/web designer/friends are helping me with this area 🙂 I also have just had a lot to say this week I guess 🙂 Perhaps I will keep this multiple posts a week a thing. Or it will go back to once every few months haha we will see!
God Bless you all and we will talk really soon!
Smile every day no matter what comes your way!
KJ – 6th Grade