Sunset at Summer

Holiday Month

What is Christmas Magic to you? Go ahead, think about it. Send me a message! What is Christmas Magic to you?

At this time of year, you hear a lot of people talking about the Christmas Magic but, what is it? Some people say Christmas Magic is Santa or the Christmas miracles that happen. Sure all of those things are magical and wonderful but they aren’t the true Christmas Magic.
Christmas Magic isn’t waking up to a tree surrounded by gifts. Christmas magic isn’t getting to spend the holidays with family and friends. These things are all possible because of the Christmas Magic but, again, they aren’t THE Christmas Magic.

Christmas Magic is the baby boy in the manger. He is the Christmas magic.

You see, without that baby boy, there would be no Christmas which would mean none of the things listed before would even be a thing of this time of year. The baby boy we know so well as Jesus Christ gave the world something called Christmas Magic. He gave the world himself. He gave the world eternal life.

Ok, so super big side note, I meant to put together this blog about 2 weeks ago…Yea life hit hard and I lost all time! So here goes the rest of the blog starting from where I left off 2 weeks ago 🙂

Christmas weekend I drove home on Saturday and didn’t leave till the following Wednesday. It was so great! I was able to spend lots of time with my family and play lots of games, it was absolutely wonderful!

Christmas eve marked our tradition of going to Grandma H’s for dinner and gifts. However, the children’s Christmas Eve service was not on Christmas eve so the night was a little different but still lots and lots of fun!

Christmas morning we went to church came back mama started lunch and then we did our family Christmas with both grandmas. It was so wonderful! I received so many amazing surprises and some things I had asked for. Such a blessing to be with family! Later that day our cousins came over and we played games all afternoon and into the night. WHAT A BLAST!!!!

So Wednesday came and I went back to LC. I received the news that I got the job! I am starting a new job working as the church secretary next week! I am so excited!

That Saturday I drove to the Cities and stayed overnight at Grandma J’s. We went to our favorite restaurant for dinner and we played games till 10:30. The next morning we went to church met up with the rest of the family there went back to her place and did Christmas with my dad’s side. Such a nice time! I drove back to LC later that day.

Monday I spent my day cleaning and prepping for the family to come over on New Years for games and food. That night my pastor and his wife picked me up and drove me to new years eve church service. It happened to be at one of the surrounding area churches and not at my church. I was very glad they offered to take me because I am pretty sure I would not have been able to find it so nicely… 🙂

Tuesday comes and I wake up with a really sore throat. OH NO! We made lots of food and played a ton of games, it was all so fun!!! After they all left I curled up on the couch and watched a movie. Then I went to bed exhausted!

The next morning I woke up with a super soar throat, a runny nose and I did NOT feel good. I went to the pharmacy and got more medicine (I had used the last of it on Tuesday) then came back home and nestled into the house not leaving except to get the mail. I spent the whole day just relaxing and trying to get better. I have an appointment on Friday and I have work the next week. I HAVE TO GET BETTER!!!!

My Holiday month was absolutely fantastic! I got to spend lots of time with family and I was able to play lots of games which I had missed doing dearly! I mean don’t get me wrong sometimes I do play games but I play against myself…that gets a bit lonesome after a while…

Ok, I am done now. Happy 2019 to all and may God bless this new year for us all. Merry Christmas, happy Epiphany, enjoy the cold weather while it is here, there will be a day in summer when you would love to have some cold weather.

Talk soon! BYE!