Clouds off a porch


Well, summer has begun for me! I think I have been so busy I don’t really know. It just feels like no school but I am thinking about what to do for school next year and what to do for my life. I have been praying for God to guide me and to point me down the path I am supposed to go. So far, I don’t know. I have been keeping myself busy with various projects trying to keep my mind off what is stressing me out but it isn’t helping because after I finish the project I remember what I really need to do but am avoiding and the feeling in my stomach comes back. I know I would just feel better if I just set a plan and went with it. But what if that isn’t what I want to do for the rest of my life? Who cares, it’s something I am interested in now, I can change my mind.
I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I am interested in flipping houses. I have been thinking about that and I just don’t know if I could live a good life with a penny pincher and risky business as that is. I know it would be a really rocky start and with God, I will be fine but, I don’t know if I want to try something so risky. It is so expensive and time-consuming to have your own business as it is but to have to buy a house, pay for the remodeling AND the staging furnishes to sell it whether it is an open house sale or private is so pricey I don’t know where I would get the money. Then what if I go in debt so bad I couldn’t get out on my own and have to ask people for help. Oy, my debt would go up even higher!

Prayer: Lord you tell us to lay our worries on you. Please Jesus, I need your help and guidance. I ask that you help me find what is right for me. You said the possible job opportunity at Excel was not what was right for me and I appreciate that. It narrowed my choices down and I greatly appreciate that. Jesus I could use some more guidance as to what is best for me now. I thank you heavenly father for all the blessings and gifts you have given me. There are so many, you are so gracious. I pray that all be done in your glory to how you want it done. Amen.


Oh my goodness. I was tired Friday after moving in, and gone Saturday till late, Sunday was a busy day, Monday I was cleaning the storage room and today I was in town with the ladies. I never posted about Friday’s homecoming!
I came home Friday. One of my amazing roommates packed my little car full with all of my blessings that I had acquired at college. Below are some pics;

She fit a mini fridge, 3 large totes, 2 big suitcases, 13 pillows, a laundry basket, and 3 crates. Those are only the big things. The queen packer is her new name! Now I am home and helping mom with various projects around the house before having to start the busy work schedule of the summer.

Alright, Internet is not working very well so I am signing off. Farewell all, talk to you all very soon!