
That Time of The Year

It is officially that time of the year when you have so much to do you want to do everything to get it done but at the same time, you don’t want to do any of it because you are so overwhelmed with everything you don’t want to do anything. Maybe that doesn’t make sense to a lot of you. Oh well, this is coming from my brain and lately, it has been really scattered so I completely understand if this is hard to follow. 🙂

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<p>It has been raining here off and on all day. I look on radar and there is barely anything.  Hearing the rain on the window is soothing, but also distracting.<br> 1. I want to be able to see it out my window without having to get on my roommates, bed or walk outside.<br> 2. Rain makes me want to curl up and watch a movie or something on the couch not sit down and write a paper. </p>

<p>Today I packed 3 totes, 2 of them were full and one had some space in it. I am going home this weekend for my brothers, confirmation and my mom told me to bring a load home. Although I packed 3 large totes it doesn’t really look like I touched anything. It makes me kind of sad because it proves that I have too many things, it also makes me sad because I think of how much God has blessed me in my life. Though I may go through ups and downs God is always there.</p>

<p>I am happy to be going home and starting my summer but I also know this summer is going to be super busy and fly by so fast. I am so excited for the family vacation this summer, I cannot wait to see all of my cousins and aunts and uncles. I am also SUPER PSYCHED to be able to have another annual tea party with my cousins, uncle <g class=and my dad (we have to do this or I will be sad).

I have one more week of classes, than a weekend of confirmation preparation and confirmation it self, then a week of finals. Finals week won’t be too bad because they are on 3 of the 5 days and Wednesday in the middle of everything is open so I can recuperate from the previous days and study for Thursday.

All right more on everything later, I am going to call it quits and leave this update as is. I pray all of you have God blessed week!