Beach Drive


Hello Hello! It is raining outside right now, as I walk past the open window in the back of the room it smells absolutely wonderful! Hahaha, I just realized how interesting those sentences all sounded together. Haha, I live in the basement, the window is in an emergency cut out, it is covered with a plastic covering. I love this feature! You can have the window open during the spring rain, be warm and comforted all at once!

I have two weeks left of my freshman year of college. Oh my goodness where did the time go?! As many of you know I was trying to figure out what college I wanted to go to next year and what for. Well, out of a list of about 25 choices, I have narrowed it down to two choice in which I applied for. I still am debating.

One thing that I have been thinking a lot about is flipping houses. My parents talked about doing it a few years ago. It kind of dropped off the radar but recently it has come back up with my friends mentioning it to me and my parents bringing it up. I am going to be doing work around the house for my parents this summer and I suppose I will find out if it is something I am truly interested in or if it is just a thought because of the HGTV channel. 🙂

I have discovered, though I printed all of my interested degrees and the schools and put them in a binder with notes, I have yet to exit out of the tabs I have opened on my computer. I want to clean them off mu computer but I guess I am afraid when I do that I am going to wish that I had not exited out of them for some reason or another.


It has started to hit me a little harder lately. I am not going to see my friends I have made here often at all ever. It probably doesn’t help that people often say things like ‘oh your leaving us?! Why?’ The hardest thing is saying goodbye. I know it won’t be forever, that we will all see each other in heaven and I will try to get back here till they graduate. It has always been hard moving on and growing up, but I never thought I would have met so many amazing people while being here for only 1 school year!

Right now I am watching Twin Cities MeTV. I have seen Hogans Heroes and now I am watching carol Burnett show and Friends. My roommate is in the room and I am commenting and talking about these old classics on this channel. I have confused my poor roommate who has not been blessed with the amazingness of these amazing shows. Oh my, Tom Conway is on and it is taking me way longer to type this paragraph than it should. Haha 🙂 This show makes me happy. 🙂

Alright, I am going to let you guys go and let myself go. Although it is now commercials (we all know how long this will take) I should probably wrap this blog update up. I have ranted enough I suppose. Have an amazing spring!!!!