New Ulm, Minnesota

Nothing Special

Hello everyone! Nothing super duper exciting has happened lately therefore no blog update. I however feel off that I haven’t done a blog update in a while.

I work at the local radio station here in town and I am having so much fun with the guys there that are training me and all the experiences I am getting!

Classes have been pretty good, exams are coming up here in about 4 weeks so I am starting to feel the stress.

On a much happier note, Basketball season has begun!!!! I am so happy! The first game I went to was on Tuesday. We lost. The reffing was not liked by many. Ten fouls in the first half and I am pretty sure it was close to 10 on the second half as well. Oh, the 10 in the first half, yea that was even with both teams.

I really don’t know what else to say guys, it has really just been routine lately. Well, I guess I will sign off for now. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Until the next update I bid thee all adieu.