What a Morning

Good gracious today has had so many little things happen. Ok so I woke up and took a shower. Apparently I took a long shower. I wasn’t late for church but I took more than 30. Which is super weird lately. Then in church the bulletin stated certain versus that certain group would sing. They didn’t say we were singing the whole song. As you can imagine that put a lot of stress on my little head. Then there was this other song that they said we were singing only the 5th and 6th verse. I got that! I was like “Yea! I can do this!” Then one of my roommates next to me started singing the wrong verse. She messed me up man! Oh well. Then we got back to the dorm after church and I was like “Ok, what am I going to wear today?” I put on a t-shirt and comfy pants. As us girls went to lunch I saw a ton of packer jerseys. Then everything clicked. IT WAS SUNDAY! SUNDAY IS PACKER DAY! I WASN’T WEARING MY JERSEY! I was so mad with myself. We went to the dorm after lunch and I changed into my packer jersey. 🙂 Then we went shopping for food. My roommates were laughing at me for how upset I was that I forgot it was packer Sunday. I sent a text over to my brother asking him if there was a way for me to watch the game here. Only way was streaming, from ‘game pass’ that is a streaming site that you can watch football games from. The thing is you have to pay to use it. I didn’t get to watch the game today sadly. ;( I am hoping to figure out a way to watch it.

Happy Sunday all and God’s blessings on your week to come!