nightime drive

It isn’t that bad!

Hello all! I am coming to a close of my 2nd week of college. At this moment I can say I like it better than high school. My classes aren’t going to horribly. I am still adjusting from high school to college. One thing that pointed this out to me like a red thumb was I failed a pop quiz because I did my homework high school style. I mean high school style because in high school when we got a sheet with questions from reading you just skimmed the reading to find the answers. In college, you have to actually read everything. That lesson was given and learned.

On another note tonight after evening chapel I got back to the room and one roommate was in the room already (she live streamed chapel). We started talking, we ended up talking about various things for an hour until our other roommate came in. Our other roommate came in at a bad time. Haha, it’s ok though we all started talking about things till about 9. Making our procrastinating time at about 2 hours. One roommate had homework she needed to do. Oops! It was good to talk though, slowly but surely we are getting to know each other more and more. I am enjoying getting to know these two girls. It is a little overwhelming to have so many people that you meet all at ounce within two weeks. Those new faces are becoming less and less though which I am thankful for. Even if I don’t know them I still recognize their faces which is comforting, everything new is becoming less overwhelming.

I am going home this weekend and my two roommates are going with me! I am so excited I get to see one of my brothers football games! I am so excited to see all of my family and animals again! It’s funny, I come home from college and all my friends are going to college. Haha, that makes me laugh. Goodnight all and have a wonderful night/day!